Story By BlackPup


Hi, there. Thank you to visit my page. I\'m an amateur writer, only write on weekend, few times on weekdays, when I get a chance to sneakily write in between my main job. Lol. I\'m from Indonesia, so English is not my native language, but I prefer to write in English. Well maybe, someday I will write a novel in Bahasa. I hope you enjoy reading my novel(s). If you haven\'t read any, please do ^_^ And please, kindly follow me. I will follow you back. Thank you. Have fun in Dreame :*
Chasing My Dream Lover
Updated at Mar 25, 2021, 10:00
It is 2000, where social media hasn't born yet, we go for internet by dial-up modem or internet cafe, and Korean hasn't ruled the entertainment world. It is where a simple Taiwanese day dreamer girl, Xiao Ping, falls completely in love with a Japanese super star, Hasegawa Takeshi. Thus she decides to chase her love. One event after another, coincident by coincident happens during her effort. Eventually, will she ever wake up from her dream or keep on chasing her dream lover until it comes true ?