Story By Sha Ron

Sha Ron

Im an aspiring writer. Taking my chance and giving it a try.
10 Reasons to Leave, But only one Reason to Stay
Updated at Jun 10, 2020, 09:10
How can a love full of pain and sacrifices still go on? He loved her so much to the point of not knowing himself anymore. He loved her too much. Dedicating the best of him to the woman who doesnt deserve him. Rick was one of the most sought after bachelor in town. But guess what? He is addicted to a woman who only knows nothing but to give him a taste of bitter love. She is none other than Camille. Raised by a selfish family who demads her to work for their own selfish gain by giving her to a group of syndicate selling virgins to foreigners and ordering young girls for pleasure. One incident happened, that lead Rick to find a woman named Camille. It could be the start for both of them to know each other well or at least be friends. But not with Camille, she is stubborn,ill-hearted slut for those who know her. But Rick doesnt care. He loves her more than anything and anyone in this world. "Why do you love me that much Rick? You dont even know who I am and where I came from!" She asked. "How well you know a person doesnt matter. As long as I know that what I feel for you makes me high. You see I have all that you ever need financially. Why not be with me and you will worry no more." Rick answered. "Money is not enough reason Rick!" Shouted and left him.