Story By Anna Gustic

Anna Gustic

I never know what to say on these things. I am me. A woman who loves to sing, write, read, draw, netflix and chill. I\'m a huge fan of goth/alt/rave/ subcultures, the fashion and music that goes with them and any and all fantasy/scifi/supernatural/mystery genres. I\'m here because I have a vivid imagination and there are stories in my head that i want to get out and share with the world. To the intrepid reader; I hope you enjoy my work and that it brings you into the worlds created in my mind. Please comment, vote and share. I welcome PM\'s as well. Thank you for reading and please come back anytime, grab a hot cup of coffee or tea, snuggle up with your favorite blanket and let me tell you a story or two.
The Half Blood Wolf
Updated at Sep 6, 2020, 18:55
Moving out of the city was not her idea. Moving to the middle of nowhere in a foreign country was definitely not her idea, and leaving everything she knows and loves behind is the farthest thing from what she wants; since living with a Father, who hates her without the support of her friends is going to royally suck. Besides the family drama, the forests of her new home are far from empty. There are men in the trees. One in particular who watches intently yet does not approach. He holds the secrets to her past, and to her future. What will Lily do when she comes to learn that some men are born beasts, and some humans are monsters?