Story By Kim Rasiel

Kim Rasiel

An aspiring writer that\'s all for now
Kill Me
Updated at Dec 18, 2021, 09:59
I Don't know what to do but I can't kill myself even if I tried to. The reason why I want to kill myself is because....i feel like I'm stuck in a loop.3f3f3wf23f3f3f3f3fefwefawvfrgvrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgrgg
Four of a Kind
Updated at Sep 13, 2020, 10:47
Reeves Nato is just a driven, spoiled boy who gets mixed into a underground society filled with high tech technological advancements that would catapult mankind's evolution by a century or two. but he doesn't seek justice. He just wants to be well-known and respected in this newfound society and he is willing to do whatever it takes to attain power, money and influence. Even if it meant manipulating his closest three friends