Story By Chara Serene

Chara Serene

The Apple From Eve
Updated at Jul 3, 2022, 05:55
"Please don't....." She heard a long slash and blood splashed on her. She panicked. "Father? Father? Who's there? Dad?...." She called trying to find him with her hands. "Go on Brothers, it's more delicious when it's warm" she heard a feminine voice. She was about to talk when she felt cold fingers wrap round her neck tightly. She gasped for breath. "And you, blindie, I believe my king will know what to do with you...." She shivered as the cold breath hut her ears. "Get her in line...." Then she was shoved roughly to the ground. Before she could recover from the pain, she heard dangling of chains. The shackles were placed round her neck and they barely have her enough space to breathe. "Where are you taking me....let me go.....father....father..." She was pulled roughly on the ground even as she struggled to get on her feet. She hit her father's body and tumbled. His perfume hit her and tears streamed down her cheeks. "Pa? Father?....." They heartlessly pulled her along. She was forced into a line of humans, who were wailing and begging for their lives. "Move, you pathetic beings!..." She heard and order accompanied by the sound of whips. Her blood ran cold. She moved quickly with the line hoping to avoid the whips and that was how she ended up in a place, known only by the living dead as THE GARDEN OF EDEN.