Story By Michaela Wagenaar

Michaela Wagenaar

Euphoric Decay
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 02:11
Fear, the primitive emotion that has guided humankind since the dawn of time. I never truly knew fear, my greatest being the drudgery brought on by my mundane life. My days would consist of work and making tedious decisions. Fear used to be temporary, it used to be gentle. Now all I know is fear, gut-wrenching, mind-bending heartbreaking fear. The comfort I used to knew faded several months ago, I have been running, no, sprinting away from the world I once knew. The year 2020 a mass virus spread consuming our world. At first, it started minor and no one felt this horrid fear. Instead, people continued in their monotonous way. Until it started evolving, growing into the sick spiraling disease I know now. The people affected were filled with boils and lacerations. They came apart by the seems. Their eyes were rolling from their sockets and blood poured out from every crevice. The affected only desired one thing, and that was flesh. No one saw it coming. Neither did I, and this is my story, of how I truly came to know fear.