Story By Fatima Mohammad awwal

Fatima Mohammad awwal

Updated at Apr 24, 2024, 09:57
This is a story about how the female genders in the northern part of Nigeria find themselves in a mostly dramatic and strict households, there lives are mostly dictated by the family members which are not biological parent. some of this young northern girls are full of there own dreams,ambitions and talents, which are mostly taken away from them by the part there parent or families chose for them. There freedoms of expression is being clipped and forced to live in the world and future that is chosen for them by others. This young individual are forced into early marriage which mostly don't end up well or some ran from home to get freedom outside the walls of there homes but end up in a life of tragedy or criminalistic behavior that gives the society not so good examplary life style to be emulated by the young ones. "Born a northern daughter" is a book that will inspire and motivate women to respectful win there freedom and pursue there dreams. this book will be touching the heart of every Nigerian living in the northern part to accept gender equality and respect to the women in politics, education,and business.