Story By Luna Vidal

Luna Vidal

"Never underestimate your readers." - Belle Feliz I thought when one says "I am a wide reader", it only pertains to academic genre which I am not. I love to read but I only get lost in romance stories, however the ending is. I found myself downloading a lot of reading apps, being active in the social media groups of my favorite authors and being recognized as a top fan. In my idle moments, I pictured some of the stories being written differently... Until, I started writing my own version, with my own plots and and sets of characters. Who I am today and my style of writing is because of the good writers out there, stirring so much emotions within me.
The Love That Found Me
Updated at Feb 16, 2022, 13:58
It's over. I endured two years of being submissive to my husband. However, no matter how I fight for my marriage with Vincent, it still failed. I was never enough for him and I had nothing more to offer, so I left. Three years after, I came back and found Vincent waiting for my return. Unfortunately, I no longer love my ex-husband.