Story By Blackriver Moonchild

Blackriver Moonchild

NATIA & The Invisible Island of Sawaiki
Updated at Feb 28, 2022, 22:49
“Akamai?! Is that a cult or something?” Natia has heard of a company named akamai, but clearly, the woman in front of her doesn’t mean that. “A cult?” The woman, who introduced herself as Aroha, throw her head back and laughed loudly. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a while.” Natia looked at the woman in front of her. She couldn’t ignore the fact that they had some similarities in appearance. For example their skin. Could it be... “Or is that what you call the people with this genetic condition?” “Genetic condition?!” Aroha was now studying Natia like she was trying to figure her out. “You mean our species?” “Species?!!” Natia was wondering now, if this woman was crazy. “Well, I call our species Homo sapiens or simply humans. But, that’s in English. It can be something else in other languages” she said with a nervous laugh. Aroha sighed. “So you really don’t know anything about us. I understand you have to pretend like a human when you are living in their world. But, to let your child grow up to her full molting, without any knowledge of her origin; that was really irresponsible of your parents.” ‘Molting?!! Like a snake or insects! This woman is really crazy. It will be better to get out of here as soon as possible.’ Natia thought. “I think we have a misunderstanding.” Natia started with caution. “I just look like you because of a genetic condition I inherited from my mother. But, both my parents are humans. If you could just tell me, how to get to ‘the humans’, I will be out of your hair.” “You mean your father doesn’t look like this?” Aroha waved her hand between them to indicate both of them. She was now looking at Natia skeptically. “Uh...No?” “He is human?” “Of-course he is. Both my parents are.” “But your mother look like this?” “Y.. Yes?” Natia wasn’t sure where this was going. Aroha’s eyes widened. “It can’t be! That’s impossible! Never heard of such a thing.” She was now shaking her head, shocked. “But, of-course! We never really mingled with humans to check, if it was really impossible.” She fixed her gaze back to Natia like she was reassessing her. “That would really explain some things.” She mumbled. “What is impossible?” The question was out of Natia’s mouth before she could check it. ‘Why would you ask that Natee?! It’s not the time to get curious. Just get out here.’ She chided herself. She was now really nervous. “A hybrid! Of akamai and human!” Natia just stared at the woman. She couldn’t believe how ridiculous this was getting. “You don’t believe a thing I said, do you?” Aroha asked her. When Natia didn’t say anything, she chuckled. “Well, I have some proofs to my claims. You might want to brace yourself.” Aroha came to Natia and began to unwrap her bandage. Natia wondered how heavy her medication was. Even after loosing her hand, she wasn’t feeling any pain in that area. Just a slight discomfort. The woman stepped back after fully unwrapping Natia's bandage. Natia gasped looking at the area where her hand had been. She felt her world crumbling down on her. “Akamai’s ability to regenerate lost limbs.” Natia heard the woman say like from another world. She couldn’t take her eyes of from her arm. There, in the place of her lost hand, like a sprout from a cut down tree stump, was a tiny hand growing. *** When she decided to go on a trip to Hawaii, with her father’s family, Natia never knew her reality was going to change soon. Trying to escape from a family coup, she accidentally reaches an Island. Natia always knew she was different. But she never knew how different she can be until she reached that island. An invisible island. A mystery world of creatures unknown to the human kind. What's more shocking was that she was a part of that world.
Cheeru muthachi
Updated at Oct 28, 2021, 07:41
Moving into her ancestral home Janu never thought her life was about become a nightmare. When an accident results in the death of her great grandaunt Cheeru ,the bitter old woman's ghost starts to haunt Janu and pledges to make her life a living hell. And the vengeful ghost of Cheeru muthachi is after her loved ones. What would you do when your loved ones starts to die one by one and nobody believes you when you tell them it is the deeds of a ghost? And how much loss one can endure in one's life before they are completely broken?