Story By Marie Williams

Marie Williams

I am a stay at home mom of two amazing, wild, imaginative kiddos. I have never written before but have always had stories in my head. I finally decided to just go for it. So hope you enjoy what my brain makes up lol! I have a group called M.Williams Book Discussion where I post updates about upcoming books.
Finally Theirs
Updated at May 14, 2024, 17:18
** This book is being edited. I will be removing all chapters in order to redo them all.** I stood on the edge of a cliff pondering if I should really jump or not. No, not to my death. I knew what was at the bottom. But it was the thing at the bottom of the cliff I was worried about. I grew up knowing my whole life that I was some one special. I don’t remember a time in my life that I never had my wolf, Asa. The first time I shifted I was only seven. Even then I knew that one day all this power, all these trials were building me up for something important. At seven I found my mates. I knew who they were to me right away. Yes, they, I had two. My twins Tanner and Jack. Our parents did all they could to help us grow up together. School was hard for us; it was hard knowing we were mates but needed to wait till we were 18. They were being sent to a school to train them to be the best warriors and how to control their powers. We came to the decision that it would be best for them to go while I stayed here and finished high school. They were going to be gone for three years and only coming back a few times for visits. It had been so hard, and Asa drove me nuts for those three years. But six months ago, was my 18th birthday. My parents threw me a ball at the castle or should I say rather my home. It was a grand event. There standing at the bottom of the stairs were my boys. My heart swelled knowing that we could finally be together. That day changed the rest of our lives. That night started me on the path to where I was now. Standing on the cliff, waiting. Asa was unusually silent, torn between going back or pushing forward. We had to do this. Lives depended on us. I took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves and then jumped before I could think about it. Dear Goddess, what have I done…. **This story follows Sara. This is the second book to His Runner. If you have not read His Runner you may want to before reading this. It is free on W.a.t.t.p.a.d while I currently edit it for an ebook.
His Surprise Escort
Updated at Nov 11, 2022, 13:31
THIS STORY IS COMPLETE Katie is desperate. After she walks in on her boyfriend cheating on her she falls into a downward spiral. For some reason, she is glad to be rid of him but now she feels like her parents were right, that New York wasn't good for her. Luckily her best friend Anna comes up with just the right plan to make Katie happy again. But when she finally finds something good, trouble comes knocking. Can Katie survive with the man of her dreams or will they be pulled apart by cruel intentions?
His Runner
Updated at Sep 28, 2022, 18:13
*This story is complete and will only be on here till the 17th of Sept We have been on the run for days now. The safety of my children is my priority. I was betrayed in the worst way, and I could not watch him hurt us any longer. I never saw my life going this way but here I am running for my life and my children’s. This was the last bus stop, and I had a choice to make. I hope that I would not make the wrong one. He could find us at any moment and I imagine him dragging me all the way back by my hair. I didn’t know who to trust but sometimes you just have to take a leap. Maybe, with a little luck, I will find the one thing I have been missing and be saved. One could dream, but for now, I’ll keep running.