Story By Anita Seabright

Anita Seabright

Hired Blades
Updated at Jun 8, 2021, 00:49
The agents of the Fort have no name, they have call signs. Wildcat earned hers by being hot-headed and wild. When an assignment takes her to Easy Port, she eagerly awaits it to be over so she can meet her friends for a night out. After a few drinks they convince her to sign up for an easy gig, just for old times’ sake. The job soon turns out to be riskier than advertised, and the attacks on their lives make little sense. Amidst chaos and confusion, Wildcat tries to figure out the reasons behind everyone’s actions, including her own. There is extensive soul-searching. Mostly about love, loss and letting go. A little about abandonment. About standing alone, believing you’re good enough, knowing you can count on yourself in good times and in bad. And sometimes, if you’re really lucky, you can count on others too. And they can count on you, if they don’t force you to kill them first.
Monsters of Lake Gravendon
Updated at Apr 13, 2020, 18:00
Chaos doesn’t follow her around. It doesn’t have to. She finds it on her own. She steals from the wrong man, lands the new liege lord in jail then goes off on a quest to slay a monster, all in three weeks time. She’s rash and too curious for her own good. it’s a miracle the little thief, with her overdeveloped sense of right and wrong and her urge to save other people’s lives instead of her own, survived for 15 years – give-or-take a few, because no one counted in the orphanage. Is it really a miracle? Do the gods guard her steps? Or does she have a secret?