Story By K.M.Dixon


Hi I’m Kelly. I’ve always had a passion for reading stories, getting out of your own head into a world of fantasy,romance even a little intensity just to get to the happy ever after it makes it all worth the read. I’m a single mum of 5 beautiful children who keep me on my toes. I like to go and explore the outdoors when I have the chance it’s always good to find what’s hidden even a good view on the top of a hill. I love to bake, I would seriously do it everyday if I could my children will attest to that they love eating all my baked goodies. I don’t have an overly exciting life I like to try and keep it simple, that’s not to say I haven’t been through my fair share of rough times, reading novels helpless romances intense love stories or even wander into the world of fantasy maybe even a tad bit of paranormal all of them have helped me to take mind away from the troubles I have faced, when the tears have been falling or I just don’t want to face another day I open a book I laugh I smile, I sometimes get to the edge of my seat but at the end for those however many pages I have been in someone’s else’s world and haven’t worried about what’s going on in mine. I’ve always wanted to write my own novels I suppose I’ve always been to afraid I won’t be able to succeed or people would not want to read them or worse they would be boring so for many years I’ve put it off and just kept reading until recently when I’ve felt that urge that I really want to do this succeed or fail I have tried I have put my stories out there for you guys to read on the hope they are good enough I’m not getting any younger at 33 working jobs that aren’t fulfilling I mean who wants to be stand behind a till forever when all you can dream of is doing something different and this is my different this is what I want to do so all I can hope is that I’m good enough and that my novels/stories come alive enough for people to want to read them and see what I’m capable of.
Inevitably Mine (Surrender Book 1)
Updated at Dec 29, 2020, 08:20
What happens when fiction becomes your reality? Well you do what I did and run like hell and hope the large shadow that came out of know doesn’t catch you! I’m no one special I work a dead end job, live in a less than average area of town, I’m not gorgeous I’m plain I’m no one but for some reason, the large shadow that happens to be a drop dead gorgeous guy built like a giant has his sights set on me, but why? Her smell is mesmerising, I’m not one to chase my food but from the moment i stepped into that rundown diner the only thing i could think about was her! She smells of lavender and fresh soap as I take a step closer I can hear her blood pumping, the need to take her is overwhelming instead I choose to sit and drink this burnt tasteless thing they call coffee biding my time until closing. The question is will she be my next meal or will I make her mine. I’m coming little one, are you ready for me?