Story By Clark Allen

Clark Allen

I love reading fantasy novels and writing about it too. I\'m on a journey, I hope you come with me and enjoy it
Legion of the Eye
Updated at Dec 17, 2023, 18:31
Casten is chosen from his small town to serve in the Legion of the Eye as part the of once every 3 year tribute to the continuation of the Sun Empire, he will have to leave his Father, Dati the Town's engineer and his position as engineer's apprentice and travel north with other young boys to undergo training at Sollis's watch ,the Fortress of the Legion. On the continent wide Sun Empire where the powerful, Noble and rich families have mastery over the elements, Fire, Water ,Earth, Air and where even the least talented person has an ability with an element, Casten was born different he is the only known case of person without Element Shaping and he's going to serve with the most battle hardened of all Military formations in the Empire. The Death of the Crown Prince in the Red Eagle Rebellion has strained the fragile peace among the 6 great Families of Sun Empire, the Emperor Justice IV Kuren is old and without another heir, the Emperor's First Minister Sir Menza Larad seems to have uncovered a plot that might lead to civil war, to protect his mild mannered son Kinniar, he sends him to serve under the only person he trusts in world Sir Olev Widd, Commander Watcher of Legion of Eye, while trying to uncover the plot that wull shake the empire it's roots.
The Inner Path
Updated at Dec 17, 2023, 18:19
This story is about a boy who witnesses the death of his entire family from characters in night time scary stories.Everyone else thinks the fire was accident or random act of God but Quastin knows the truth and has vowed revenge and goes the only place in the realm that can teach me the skills and give him the power necessary to kill monsters and spirits from ancient legend.The School at the foot of the Mountain; The Imperial Academy