Story By Lunathephantomwriter


Writer under the Moonlight* LUNA BLISS*
Mandy's Madness
Updated at May 26, 2021, 06:49
One night, under a full moon, a series of murders started occurring in the once peaceful town of Mori. Men and women, adults and children, cowered in fear of the moonlight murders. A year was filled with bloody killings, tortured corpse, and painful mournings until one day it suddenly stopped. The town once again found peace. Until one night, under another full moon, a corpse was found lying eerily with a creepy smile. As the moon on those nights illuminated the dark, it also unveiled the gruesome murders. What will happen to the town that once feared the moonlight when the thing they dreaded in the past comes haunting the town once again? Can they unravel the mystery or will the moonlight bring them one way tickets to their own demise? MANDY'S MADNESS Never let the voices of the monsters lull you.