Story By Thiago Marques

Thiago Marques

In the Name of Earth
Updated at Aug 11, 2021, 09:30
For as long as he can remember, Marvin Grant dreamt of being a successful diplomat like his father, to travel the world solving crisis and helping those in need. On the day his dream is coming true, however, he learns a shocking truth: his father is part of the Earth’s Diplomatic Services, a secret organization tasked with representing humanity before the endless species of the Milky Way. Through delicate negotiations, intricate bureaucracies and intergalactic dealings, the EDS has kept the unwitting people of Earth safe for centuries, all the while guiding technological evolution. While Marvin, the newest EDS recruit, learns the treacherous ways of extraterrestrial politics, a plot forms across the galaxy. The Globians, a ruthless race driven by profit and ambition, set their sights on Earth. Intent on turning the human homeworld into their newest interstellar luxury resort, the only obstacle in their path are the EDS diplomats, who they will stop at nothing to destroy. Furthermore, Marvin will soon learn not that all of Earth’s representatives have humanity’s best interests at heart. Between Globian pressure and the internal struggles for power, it doesn’t take long before the EDS crumbles. Now the hopes of preventing the end of the world rest on the hands of five unlikely individuals: The young diplomat-to-be Marvin Grant, his witty engineer roommate, an ice-cold administrator prone to whistling, a hardened space marine shrouded in secrets and an exiled alien pilot. In order to save Earth, the ragtag band must come together, set out to the stars in search for answers and learn that the most dangerous things in outer space may not be alien at all!
Infinity Legends
Updated at Jul 22, 2021, 14:38
For years on end, Barry Watson was the best Spawn-Master in Fantasy Stars Legends competitive scene. In the digital skin of Kramen Blacksky, the young man captivated the world by time and again leading his team, the Star Rangers, to glorious victories. But the higher you climb, the harder you fall. All it took was one grievous mistake for Barry Watson to see his esports dream dissipate from before his eyes. His teammates had cast him out, friends had drifted away, and the thrill of the fight faded into distant memories. But the flame of passion never cooled in the young man’s heart. Five years later, from the ashes of his failure, Barry once more rises as Kramen Blacksky. Determined to reclaim his place at the top, the young prodigy sets out on a journey through a fantastic virtual universe and the even more complex world of human relationships in order to assemble the best FSL team the world would ever see: The Infinity Riders. He would make sure the Star Rangers regretted ever casting him aside. He would prove his value on his own right. He would prove that Legends last forever!
Spacebound Chronicles
Updated at Jul 16, 2020, 21:30
Scott William's life, once hopeful and imaginative, has been reduced to an insufferable loop of early career routine and lonely boredom. That is, until he discovers Fantasy Stars, the revolutionary MMORPG that has taken over the gaming world, and therein turns into the legendary Logan Spacebound. While venturing to glorious alien worlds and writing the tale of Spacebound, Scott reclaims a sense of passion, purpose and wonder to his days. Fantasy Stars does not only provide experience points and rare loot, but much of what was once lost in the real world: ambition, trust, fellowship... perhaps even love that transcends the virtual frontier. However, as Scott soon learns, not all players seem to be interested in exploration and adventure. In the shadows, the Chimeras, a group formed by some of the most powerful and influential characters in the game, devise a strategy that might forever change Fantasy Stars at unimaginable costs. With Logan Spacebound being one of the select few in a position to effectively hinder or support the Chimeras, Scott must decide in which vision of the galaxy to believe in. Do the Chimeras deserve trust? Furthermore, when any one gamer can assume the faces and voices of a plethora of different characters, who can be fully trusted to stick to a single side of the impending conflict? Even more importantly, when real life loyalties and professional goals clash with the in-game rivalry and universal stakes of Fantasy Stars, to which side would the scale tilt? Is there a way to make the best of both worlds? As both Logan Spacebound and Scott Williams grow in power and importance, the answer to such conundrum grows increasingly harder to find, and its impact over either reality ever more concerning.