Story By Ade-Alao Oluwaferanmi Ayodele

Ade-Alao Oluwaferanmi Ayodele

Halfwizard (Book 2 of the Troy Sanders Trilogy)
Updated at Jun 21, 2020, 00:04
Troy's not-at-all interesting life took a different turn last summer when it was revealed that he came from a long line of wizards. His last experience in the magic school was filled with a lot of magic, friendship, craziness, but also other experiences that he would give anything to forget. Another summer has arrived and Troy returns to Firewalt only to find an unpleasant surprise waiting for him; he has a half-brother. A rivalry ensued between them with Troy having the most to lose. After a very powerful enemy from the past threatens to destroy the very existence of the world of magic, the two of them has to team up in order to stop him. Will they succeed or will the halfwizard turn out to be their ultimate downfall? Book 2 in the 'Troy Sanders' trilogy.
Wizard (Troy Sanders Trilogy Book 1)
Updated at Jun 10, 2020, 15:29
Seventeen-year old Troy Sanders' life couldn't be worse; his science project was a total failure, his french assignment long overdue, he got kicked off the school football team after so many years of trying to make the first squad, high school queen Bella Evans hated his guts and, as if all those weren't enough, big time bully Roy Henderson was out hunting for him. Everything seemed to be looking up when he came into the knowledge that he actually descended from a long line of wizards and he was next in line to master the powerful art; but as he was soon to learn, there was more to that than meets the eye. Now, summer has arrived and Troy gets to go to the prestigious Firewalt's school of magic. But the biggest question to be answered remains, does he have what it takes to walk in his father's footsteps, make the right friends, and become the wizard everyone expects him to be? Book 1 in the Troy Sanders Trilogy