Story By B. Fawn

B. Fawn

My name\'s Fawn. Just trying to get through school :3 lose myself in books and create my own worlds. 14-17 Hopeless romantic Delulu Clumsy Pointless writer multiple hobbies
The Dawn Of The Forgotten Destiny
Updated at Oct 30, 2023, 01:00
With all sorts of creatures like wolves, humans, faes, demons and the rulers of them all, dragons. Our story focuses on an unknown creature who is harassed by those she lives with, the peers she is supposed befriend make an effort to see her in distress for she is indescribable and foreign. ---------------- "Here she is your highness" I felt as if I had been slammed against cold tiles, my body didn't, but I felt a pit in my stomach forming. 'why was I kidnapped? who are these people surrounding me' a plethora of questions raced through my brain then suddenly I heard a voice utter the phrase "You alright love?"...
The Queen of His Heart
Updated at Jul 31, 2022, 07:13
I'm a princess, an abused one, a neglected one, an ignored one. Being kept in an attic and using my room for a kitchen is bad enough, but selling me to a dragon king, is much worse.
Angel And Her Reaper
Updated at Jul 31, 2022, 06:40
!!!!!⚠This is not as gory as the book cover looks, I promise⚠!!!!! It had been another day for him, the same old same old, taking the souls of idiots that think they have the right to take others...and he loved it nonetheless. It was his job after all. He was glad that he was placed in charge of killing bad guys while his subordinates clean up his mess, quite a fun job for the young lad...if being a 1,246 year old immortal is considered young. He was casually strolling around in his combat boots, too dark of an outfit, and his, as usual, long and silky black hair which ended at his torso. He had always admired his hair, which was accidentally 'chopped off', as he put it, by his victim of the night and put him in a sour mood. He was strolling around the neighborhood, but suddenly changed his course towards fine light that sparked his interest, curious as to what it could be. The man knew that he was clearly making an excuse to look there because of the sweet smell he had caught. A lot of scents had been caught by him, a lot of them were also as sweet as this little munchkin, but it was sure as heck not as tempting as his frustration to look at one of the owners of this scent