Story By justzalfa


Books are like babies, you nurse them till they grow...then you make movies out of them but that\'s just by the way. I am just a simple girl who draws inspiration from the world. I hope you enjoy my books.
Once Upon An Us
Updated at Jun 17, 2021, 12:09
After becoming an orphan at an early age, Oliver Miller has moved from family to family until he finally decided to live on the streets at 16. He's always had to fend for himself, doing whatever it took to survive. He's never listened to or cared about anyone but himself until he meets Xael. Xael Hodge D'Aubert is the only child of an influential business man. Although surrounded by generational wealth, she's always felt unhappy. She struggles with adhd and after losing her biological mother as a father in her mid-teens, her situation just fell through the cracks. Her mother acted more as a guardian forced to care than anything. Her life has always followed routine until she meets Oliver. He brings some sort of excitement into her life but there's something about him she just can't put her finger on. Something just not human...
The Pretend Heiress (BOOK ONE)
Updated at Aug 16, 2019, 17:00
"You messed with the wrong man, Nikki. What's worse, you made him fall in love with you." He whispered. "Look at me when I'm speaking to you." As if by command, her head shot up. He grabbed my chin gently. "You belong with me. I don't care how, I don't care when, but my dad is going to accept this relationship. Even if it means turning you into something you're not."