Story By Sorax Kingdom

Sorax Kingdom

He/Him They/Them I am a fantasy, paranormal, and super powers writer. I spend most of my free time writing or playing video games. Writing has always been a major passion of mine, even back in elementary school. My goal is to become a published author and write the stories the I always wanted to read as a kid.
The Phantom Crystal
Updated at Jan 7, 2022, 17:06
Jack Baggins has never had a normal life. His parents are the famous paranormal investigators, Skip and Ken Baggins and his sister, Rae, started a billion-dollar advice company while still in school to get her medical degree. To say the least, Jack has a lot to live up to. But when Jack has an accident with a strange spirit who puts a strange glowing crystal inside his chest on his last day of winter break, he is about to embark on an adventure that even his sister and parents couldn't fathom. Strange people in suits and sunglass start stalking him, the ghosts on campus decide to bother him all the time, and he's pretty sure that one of his professor's is possessed. Will Jack be able to make it through his second semester? Or will he break under the pressure? He really hopes not, he needs that really expensive piece of paper called a diploma to get a job when he graduates in a few years.