Story By Christina Marshall

Christina Marshall

Frist time writer so if you see miss spelled words let me know. I\'m also a mom of 2 so I can\'t update everyday
Family: will I ever get one
Updated at Jan 8, 2021, 13:09
As I was going to open it I could feel eyes on me. I lifted my head slowly trying to get a look at the person who left me this gift but I didn’t see anything or anyone. I reached out to the gift to take the top off of the box I saw the first thing on the top was a note. The note was not long but it wasn’t short either it was somewhere in between Hello there you don’t know me but I know you. I was the one that was following you on your way home don’t be scared I was just making sure that you got safely I’m sorry if I scared you. Anyways I’m giving you this gift because I was told to give it to you on or around your 20th birthday. Granted that is just a few weeks away I figured today was a good day, or should I say night to give it to you. Again I’m sorry if I scared you. Just remember that this was given to me by someone close to you before they passed I never looked at it so I can’t tell you what it is. Have a good birthday an a lot of this will make a lot more sense on your birthday, Take care from a friend