Story By K. T. Gloster

K. T. Gloster

Writers see the world differently. Every voice we hear, every face we see, every hand we touch could become story fabric. - Buffy Andrews A professional writer is a amateur who didn\'t quit. - Richard Bach Love is Love = Fuck Genders __Facts About ME__ 1) I love writing with a passion. 2) I love music with a passion. 3) I love reading with a passion. 4) I\'ll write anything from gay to straight books to fantasy. 5) Quote: Everything around me is a resource to my creative writing. - Me I update daily!
Twisted Obsession
Updated at Feb 22, 2019, 17:27
They started of as strangers and journeyed down the road of friendship. If only Samuel knew that the friendship he sought out would be twisted into something he never thought. But don't worry Robin isn't crazy....he just doesn't want to lose Samuel. After all he loved him.