Story By S. Coll

S. Coll

The Moon Goddess's Blessings
Updated at May 16, 2022, 18:42
Loiza Mirabal is a Gamma and Priestess of the Moon Goddess Selene and member of The Osupa Pack of Karaya Island in the heart of The Caribbean. Over 500 years ago they were in the brink of extinction during the Age of Exploration. Once venerated as gods they became the hunted. After uniting and reinventing themselves they were determined to never allow invaders to hunt them again. With their strong attachment to Avalon their dwindling numbers grew to become the largest pack on the planet. Their devotion garnished them The Blessings and gifts of the Goddess. Their ease to adapt and strong code of life brought forth the envy and fear from The Warewolf Council who coveted their technology that they had achieved and making them exponentially powerful and untouchable. Yet an unexpected inner cataclysm changes their fate and leaving them exposed to being once again the hunted. With the destruction of what they hold dear and tragic lost of leadership, it is up to the young, yet well trained Priestess to rally her people. Kayden Black is the immature playboy Alpha of The Blood Moon Pack who owes a sacred Blood Oath to The Osupa. Yet hidden dark secrets unknown to him by the people he trusts most, create a dangerous rift and potential loss of something he never expected would change his fate and change his perspective on the life he lived, the mate and a Bond more powerful than he ever imagined possible. In the middle of the not so natural disaster, Loiza must find the answers to what happened or risk her people to having history repeating itself. The answers to those questions could expose her mate as the enemy. With the backing of her pack and The Blessings of the Goddess she lets her intuition guide her to raise a New Dynasty. With her hands tied by her own destiny, it's up to Kayden to discover and remember ancient secrets to the source of what makes their Bond so powerful. Destinies collide and war is in the horizon as secrets reveal a conspiracy of g******e.