Story By MALIKA Louan


I am just 14 years old but I got the vision to write books and make it in life
What A Mess! I say.
Updated at Apr 24, 2024, 20:54
"Head's bent".. "I am an old hag".. I say."Hear my cry"!. I stood up with anger and went to the kitchen looking for food.Dad and mom were not at home actually so I was lonely. Angelina came over with her pet. It was a puppy! Damn she was like"Hullo,how is you doing"? in a fella. accent. Me being so hungry.. I ignored her and continued to look for food. Actually,Angelica and I are best friends. We grew up together and our wish was to visit Disneyland. But the problem was that,there was no money. Finally,I got some food..I then invited Angelina to join me eat the food. "Hear my cry oh "! "I am an old hag". I kept on hearing this over and over again. "Am I repeating a day"?"What's wrong with me"? "Hey! who are you?".. I say. I was so scared because I always hear a voice of an old lady. It's summer!... finally my wish would come to past. Daddy said when it's summer,we will visit Disneyland!. and it's summer. Angelina seemed to be kind of busy so she didn't have time to join the family. So then,I went to Disneyland with my family and trust was boring. One evening,I heard noise in the kitchen. Me being so scared..I strutted to the kit slowly and quietly..holy crap ..Guess what???! There I saw Angelina in black holding her puppy and a yellow sag trying to steal some stuffs. She said "Hear my cry, head's bent"..I say.... Hold on.. what? So she was the one.... I then screamed"ANGELINA!". My voice made dad and mom wake up . They also rushed to the kitchen... looking weird.. Angelina got so scared and the entered the wall. "Holy crap,holy crap"whaaat? . This scene felt uneasy for me...." my best friend is a witch? "I asked daddy. "Go back inside Nellie,and have some sleep, you'll be fine" Dad said... "Nellie..,have you eaten?" "Nellie ... Nellie.... Nellie......." "Wake up hunnie,you gotta go to school,it's 7 past 6". I opened my eyes .. feeling uneasy.. and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror .. looking disgusting"Huhhhhhh ..."Few seconds Angelina came over.. smiling and everything.. She kissed me on the cheeks even though I was looking disgusting. I was so confused.. because I saw her in my kitchen yesterday evening looking weird now she's here acting like nothing is wrong.. " How on earth did my parents allow her in? Weren't they there when she entered the wall"? I asked myself. I then told her to hold on.. and I rushed to my parents room. I was about to talk and dad said"Yesterday you came in here crying.. saying that you had a dream about your best friend.. so then we had to call a pastor to pray for you.. Hope you okay Nellie?" Huh?.."hold on,OMG it was all a dream? that's why I hate afternoon siesta.."What a mess!..I say "I said to myself.Looking and feeling uneasy,I just thanked God that it was all a dream so then I took my bath, ate breakfast and I rushed to Angelina and I hugged her so tight and shed some tears.. I didn't make her so though. So then we took our backpacks and left for school. Creepy right? "What a mess!" I say