Story By Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte

Les Hauts de Hurle-Vent
Updated at Apr 14, 2023, 01:39
Publié pour la première fois en 1847 sous le pseudonyme d’Ellis Bell, "Les Hauts de Hurle-Vent" est le plus connu roman d'Emily Brontë.RÉSUMÉ Adopté par la famille Earnshaw, Heathcliff est élevé dans le domaine Hauts de Hurle-Vent, des terres situées au sommet d’une colline et balayées par les vents du nord. . À la mort de son père, il est réduit au rôle de domestique. Seule la jeune Cathy Earnshaw lui permet de supporter les mauvais traitements et les insultes. Devenus inséparables, ils éprouvent bientôt l’un pour l’autre une passion dévorante. Mais leurs différences sociales condamnent leur relation. Malgré son amour, Cathy ne peut imaginer une union avec un homme sans rang ni éducation. Heathcliff en gardera à jamais une blessure profonde. De celles qui inspirent un sentiment de vengeance.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
WUTHERING HEIGHTS is Emily Brontë’s only novel. Written between October 1845 and June 1846, Wuthering Heights was published in 1847 under the pseudonym “Ellis Bell”; Brontë died the following year, aged 30. Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontë’s Agnes Grey were accepted by publisher Thomas Newby before the success of their sister Charlotte"s novel, Jane Eyre. After Emily’s death, Charlotte edited the manuscript of Wuthering Heights, and arranged for the edited version to be published as a posthumous second edition in 1850. Although Wuthering Heights is now widely regarded as a classic of English literature, contemporary reviews for the novel were deeply polarised; it was considered controversial because its depiction of mental and physical cruelty was unusually stark, and it challenged strict Victorian ideals of the day, including religious hypocrisy, morality, social classes and gender inequality. The English poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti referred to it as “A fiend of a book – an incredible monster [...] The action is laid in hell, – only it seems places and people have English names there.” In the second half of the 19th century, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre was considered the best of the Brontë sisters’ works, but following later re-evaluation, critics began to argue that Wuthering Heights was superior. The book has inspired adaptations, including film, radio and television dramatisations, a musical by Bernard J. Taylor, a ballet, operas (by Bernard Herrmann, Carlisle Floyd, and Frédéric Chaslin), a role-playing game, and a 1978 song by Kate Bush.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 09:24
One of the best novel ever written about Love and Passion... Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte, one of the Bronte sisters, is one of the representative works of English literature in the 19th century. The novel describes the gypsy abandoned child Heathcliff was adopted by the old master of the villa, because of humiliation and love failed, go out to get rich. On his return, he takes revenge on the landowner Linton and his children, who married his girlfriend Catherine. The whole story is full of a strong spirit of fighting against oppression and fighting for happiness, and is always shrouded in a strange and tense romantic atmosphere. The book has been adapted into several films.
Les Hauts de HurleVent
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights), est l’unique roman d’Emily Brontë, publié en 1847. Il est cité par William Somerset Maugham en 1954, dans son essai Ten Novels and Their Authors (Dix romans et leurs auteurs) parmi les dix plus grands romans. Récit à la fois insolite et atroce, Les Hauts de Hurlevent s’impose comme un roman aux personnages cruels — cruauté rejoignant parfois même les personnages les plus gentils — et où la mort est obsédante. Loin d’être un récit moralisateur, Emily Brontë achève néanmoins le roman dans une atmosphère sereine, suggérant le triomphe de la paix et du Bien sur la vengeance et le Mal. Présentation | Mr Earnshaw a deux enfants, un fils, Hindley, et une fille, Catherine. Un jour, il revient d’un voyage avec un enfant abandonné âgé de six ans, Heathcliff, un jeune bohémien, sans doute. Hindley entre rapidement en conflit avec Heathcliff et, à la mort de leur père, devient le maître de la maison. Heathcliff est traité plus durement que jamais. Mais Catherine et Heathcliff s’aiment tendrement et leurs sentiments enfantins deviennent plus profonds encore à l’adolescence. Ils s’échappent fréquemment dans la lande pour rêver à des jours meilleurs, chacun d’entre eux étant doté d’un caractère puissant…| |Source Wikipédia|
Les Hauts de Hurle-vent
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Les Hauts de Hurle-vent sont des terres situées au sommet d'une colline et balayées par les vents du nord. La famille Earnshaw y vivait, heureuse, jusqu'à ce qu'en 1771, M. Earnshaw adopte un jeune bohémien de 6 ans, Heathcliff. Ce dernier va attirer le malheur sur cette famille. Dès le début, Hindley, le fils de Earnshaw éprouve une profonde haine pour cet intrus. À la mort de son vieux bienfaiteur , Heathcliff doit subir la rancoeur de Hindley, devenu maître du domaine. Humilié par sa condition subalterne, Heathcliff, qui pourtant aime passionnément Catherine, la soeur de Hindley, jure de se venger. Sa fureur est décuplée lorsque Catherine, au tempérament aussi passionné que le sien, épouse le riche Edgar Linton...
Les Hauts de Hurle-vent
Updated at Apr 10, 2020, 08:16
Les Hauts de Hurle-vent sont des terres situées au sommet d'une colline et balayées par les vents du nord. La famille Earnshaw y vivait, heureuse, jusqu'à ce qu'en 1771, M. Earnshaw adopte un jeune bohémien de 6 ans, Heathcliff. Ce dernier va attirer le malheur sur cette famille. Dès le début, Hindley, le fils de Earnshaw éprouve une profonde haine pour cet intrus. À la mort de son vieux bienfaiteur , Heathcliff doit subir la rancoeur de Hindley, devenu maître du domaine. Humilié par sa condition subalterne, Heathcliff, qui pourtant aime passionnément Catherine, la soeur de Hindley, jure de se venger. Sa fureur est décuplée lorsque Catherine, au tempérament aussi passionné que le sien, épouse le riche Edgar Linton...
Cime tempestose
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
EDIZIONE REVISIONATA 10/02/2020. Questo classico della letteratura inglese, racconta la storia di un amore distruttivo, quello di Heathcliff per la sorellastra Catherine, che si svolge su un’alta e ventosa collina dello Yorkshire, in una tenuta chiamata appunto “Cime tempestose”. A narrare la vicenda è il signor Lockwood, che quarant’anni più tardi si ritrova a passare la notte nella tenuta e che, incuriosito dalla presenza di strani personaggi, chiede spiegazioni all’anziana governante. Il racconto della donna comincia dal giorno in cui il proprietario di “Cime tempestose”, porta a casa un orfano: Heathcliff. Il ragazzo si lega profondamente a Catherine, figlia del signor Earnshaw, ma le differenze sociali finiscono con il separarli, anche se la loro amicizia si è ormai trasformata in amore. Catherine sposa il ricco e gentile Edgar Linton, pur amando disperatamente Heathcliff, e quando questi viene a conoscenza del matrimonio, furibondo, giura vendetta. Solo poco prima della prematura scomparsa di Catherine i due riusciranno a dichiararsi il loro amore infinito, che va oltre la morte, tanto che gli abitanti, ancora molti anni dopo, sostengono di vedere due fantasmi camminare nella brughiera mano nella mano.
Cime tempestose. I Grandi Classici del Romanzo Gotico
Updated at Mar 30, 2020, 19:46
Quando il signor Earnshaw, di ritorno da un viaggio, porta a Wuthering Heights un trovatello, lo zingaro Heathcliff, la discordia si abbatte sulla sua casa. Il figlio maggiore, Hindley, si rifiuta di accettare come fratello adottivo il bimbo delle origini misteriose ed evocatore di sfortuna, costringendo Heathcliff a vivere in un inferno. La figlia femmina, Catherine, si affeziona però rapidamente a lui, e tra i due nasce un amore travolgente ed esclusivo. Tuttavia, disprezzando Heathcliff, Cathy sceglierà in seguito di sposare un giovane appartenente al proprio ceto sociale. Ossessionato da una profonda sensazione di ingiustizia e dal bisogno di rivalsa, Heathcliff diventerà un uomo senza scrupoli. Egli giura vendetta contro coloro che hanno ostacolato il suo amore: Hindley, il fratello nemico, e Edgar, il marito di Catherine, riuscendo ad appropriarsi della fortuna di famiglia e a ridurne gli eredi in schiavitù. IL GOTICO IN "CIME TEMPESTOSE" Diversi elementi ci autorizzano a considerare Cime tempestose romanzo gotico per eccellenza pur nell"aspro realismo dei suoi tratti essenziali: in primis, la presenza del fantasma di Catherine bambina, che ritorna a Wuthering Heights, ossessionando il suo uomo fino a trascinarlo sull’orlo della follia; poi l’arrivo del misterioso trovatello Heathcliff, con la sua presenza foriera di sventure; gotica è la stessa Wuthering Heights, con la sua natura selvaggia e stregata e le sue mura violentemente sferzate dal vento, che evocano i castelli in rovina dei romanzi gotici; e ancora, la perversione necrofila di Heathcliff nel voler vedere il cadavere della sua Cathy e nel condividere con lei la sepoltura; e non da ultima, l’ombra dell’incesto che incombe sui due protagonisti, fino a far nascere nei critici e nei lettori più smaliziati il sospetto che Heathcliff possa essere figlio naturale dello stesso Earnshow padre. Perverso, brutale, cupo e immorale: così Cime Tempestose fu definito alla sua prima pubblicazione nel 1847. Considerato ancora oggi il più famoso romanzo inglese del XIX secolo, capolavoro assoluto della letteratura di tutti i tempi, fu scritto da una giovane donna che trascorse con le sorelle la sua breve vita (morirà a 29 anni) nella solitudine delle brughiere dello Yorkshire, e che non conobbe mai nella realtà quelle passioni violente e quell’odio distruttivo così magistralmente descritti nelle sue pagine e in grado di incidere un segno indelebile nell’animo del lettore.
Wuthering Heights (Premium Ebook)
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
**** PREMIUM EBOOK WITH BEAUTIFUL LAYOUT **** « In Wuthering Heights the reader is shocked, disgusted, almost sickened by details of cruelty, inhumanity, and the most diabolical hate and vengeance, and anon come passages of powerful testimony to the supreme power of love—even over demons in the human form. The women in the book are of a strange fiendish-angelic nature, tantalising, and terrible, and the men are indescribable out of the book itself. Yet, towards the close of the story occurs the following pretty, soft picture, which comes like the rainbow after a storm…. We strongly recommend all our readers who love novelty to get this story, for we can promise them that they never have read anything like it before. It is very puzzling and very interesting, and if we had space we would willingly devote a little more time to the analysis of this remarkable story, but we must leave it to our readers to decide what sort of book it is. » Douglas Jerrold’s Weekly Newspaper, 15 January 1848. This Ebook has been optimized for Digital Reading.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
The story revolves around the tempestuous romance between Heathcliff, an orphan who is taken home to Wuthering Heights on impulse, and Catherine Earnshaw, a strong-willed girl whose mother died delivering her and who becomes Heathcliff's close companion.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
Emily Brontë’s only novel, Wuthering Heights remains one of literature’s most disturbing explorations into the dark side of romantic passion. Heathcliff and Cathy believe they’re destined to love each other forever, but when cruelty and snobbery separate them, their untamed emotions literally consume them.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:46
"Wuthering Heights" is Emily Brontë"s only novel. Written between October 1845 and June 1846 was published in 1847 under the pseudonym "Ellis Bell". In 1801, Lockwood, a wealthy young man from the South of England, who is seeking peace and recuperation, rents Thrushcross Grange in Yorkshire. He visits his landlord, Heathcliff, who lives in a remote moorland farmhouse, Wuthering Heights. There Lockwood finds an odd assemblage: Heathcliff, who seems to be a gentleman, but his manners are uncouth; the reserved mistress of the house, who is in her mid-teens; and a young man, who seems to be a member of the family, yet dresses and speaks as if he is a servant. Snowed in, Lockwood is grudgingly allowed to stay and is shown to a bedchamber, where he notices books and graffiti left by a former inhabitant named Catherine. He falls asleep and has a nightmare, in which he sees the ghostly Catherine trying to enter through the window. He cries out in fear, rousing Heathcliff, who rushes into the room. Lockwood is convinced that what he saw was real. Heathcliff, believing Lockwood to be right, examines the window and opens it, hoping to allow Catherine"s spirit to enter. When nothing happens, Heathcliff shows Lockwood to his own bedroom and returns to keep watch at the window. At sunrise, Heathcliff escorts Lockwood back to Thrushcross Grange. After his visit to the Heights, Lockwood becomes ill and is confined to his bed for some length of time. The Grange housekeeper, Ellen (Nelly) Dean, who is looking after him, tells him the story of the family at the Heights during his convalescence... Emily Jane Brontë (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) was an English novelist and poet.  
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
1801.—I have just returned from a visit to my landlord—the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropist’s heaven: and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows, as I rode up, and when his fingers sheltered themselves, with a jealous resolution, still further in his waistcoat, as I announced my name. ‘Mr. Heathcliff?’ I said. A nod was the answer. ‘Mr. Lockwood, your new tenant, sir. I do myself the honour of calling as soon as possible after my arrival, to express the hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange: I heard yesterday you had had some thoughts—’ ‘Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir,’ he interrupted, wincing. ‘I should not allow any one to inconvenience me, if I could hinder it—walk in!’ The ‘walk in’ was uttered with closed teeth, and expressed the sentiment, ‘Go to the Deuce:’ even the gate over which he leant manifested no sympathising movement to the words; and I think that circumstance determined me to accept the invitation: I felt interested in a man who seemed more exaggeratedly reserved than myself.
Wuthering Heights
Updated at Mar 19, 2020, 05:31
The story revolves around the tempestuous romance between Heathcliff, an orphan who is taken home to Wuthering Heights on impulse, and Catherine Earnshaw, a strong-willed girl whose mother died delivering her and who becomes Heathcliff"s close companion.
Les Hauts de Hurlevent
Updated at Mar 17, 2020, 02:03
Extrait : "1801. – Je viens de rentrer après une visite à mon propriétaire, l'unique voisin dont j'aie à m'inquiéter. En vérité, ce pays-ci est merveilleux ! Je ne crois pas que j'eusse pu trouver, dans toute l'Angleterre, un endroit plus complètement à l'écart de l'agitation mondaine."