Story By Izce Rhain280927

Izce Rhain280927

A newbie writer who started to explore her writing skill. Enjoys dealing with other readers and writers. Open to constructive feedback and willing to improve in this craft. If you happen to come across to my story and like it, please feel free to follow me and hit the like button for me to know that you are enjoying it. I will try to be responsive as much as I can and update my story as often as possible.
The 8th Tetrad: Breaking Bond
Updated at Jun 4, 2023, 10:27
In the fairy kingdom, Hera is the only royal heir who cannot will her gifted power. She tried her best to study how to use it, just like her siblings, however, she ends up a failure. She decides not to dwell on it anymore, even without her power she can still be reliable. She is smart, outgoing, and brave. Her keen eye for details makes her a perfect army tactician, being prepared for an unexpected attack from your enemies is always a priority to secure the safety of her kind. While having her usual round of checks, she meets an unconscious wounded guy in the middle of the forest who wakes up not having a recollection of his identity. This guy begins to pull her into a world that is strange to her, but without her knowing, bumping into Drayce/Aureum is not a mere accident, but instead, it is planned to trigger a prophecy...Can she still trust him after all these? How will she fight for her blossoming feelings when Drayce's father's real intention is to eliminate her kinds and rule them all? And what will happen if she finds out that in order to survive, one must die?