Story By David Neil Lee

David Neil Lee

The Midnight Games
Updated at Feb 2, 2023, 17:11
In the gritty steel town of Hamilton, Nate Silva has grown up with the familiar racket of football games from nearby Ivor Wynne Stadium. But now strange noises and music are coming from the stadium late at night, and the air throbs with the chanting of excited crowds. When Nate sneaks into one of these midnight games, he comes face to face with the fanatical followers of the Resurrection Church of the Ancient Gods, who are using mind control and human sacrifice in an attempt to summon the Great Old Ones who ruled the planet aeons ago. Nate tries to navigate this dangerous new world, but soon he’s pursued by members of the Resurrection Church and is targeted by the murderous Hounds of Tindalos. With the help of the Lovecraft Underground, an outspoken librarian and a being from across the boundaries Nate struggles to keep the old gods away from his city, whatever the cost.