Story By Abibia


Someone doing something it likes.
Magical Boys Lost on Earth
Updated at Aug 1, 2021, 05:20
Prince Arthur is just a child, but he seems to be the only one capable of stopping a cruel dictator from taking over his lands. Alamex maybe only five years old, but this little genius is so obsessed with his peace that he'll do anything to achieve his goals.
Maria Stark Jr. Mcu fan-fic
Updated at Jul 17, 2021, 10:23
The millionaire Tony Stark builds Maria jr Stark as a legacy to help people around the world. A robot that uses the jewel of the infinite of space to build portals, teleport and be in multiple places at the same time. But she cannot hurt any living being! Unfortunately, she is considered dangerous, and the government orders she to be deactivated.
writingcamp Rottten fields
Updated at Jul 5, 2021, 08:31
Natural disasters happening every day, entire cities disappearing, a new d**g circulating and yet the government does nothing. Was it really just coercion? A high school student will discover that there is so much more behind it all than what will be his last field trip before the apocalypse of the power drug.
Percy Jackson After the End
Updated at May 16, 2021, 02:52
After the prophecy has been fulfilled. Heroes are divided into different paths. But unfortunately solving a problem only attracts more problems. How does the story continue after the end? Will Percy manage to escape his destiny as a god? Who else is going to have to sacrifice for that?