Story By Ginger (Tonya)

Ginger (Tonya)

Twisted Retribution
Updated at Apr 13, 2022, 04:14
Amanda was a corporal in the U.S. Army when a meteor shower hit the earth and then the infection spread. As she was reunited with her team members and her sergeant, they survive many obstacles along their journey to discover a mysterious broadcast. When the search for the broadcast led to a dead end, the team gets separated and they start to rebuild. Amanda and what was left of her team create a community and take survivors in, but then another group, a more aggressive group of survivors, come and try to take out their camp. Amanda and her team are in a war, not only against the dead that has risen, but against other survivors when an option of a cure comes to light. Can Amanda and her friends save their community, and the new found cure before the other group can stop them?