Story By S. Liongate

S. Liongate

I have always been an avid and passionate reader. The library was my favourite place in the world followed closely by my favorite spot to sit and read - the windowsill in my bedroom with the window wide open in the summer. In the library there were entire book cases that I had finished, the childrens, the teens, the young adults which left me looking for more. I would wander the library looking for anything to catch my fancy, another world for me to devour. Terry Brooks, James Herbert, Stephen King, Terry Pratchet, James Patterson, Annie Murray, V.C. Andrews to name a few. I was particularly inspired by George RR Martin's Fevre Dream which I read well before GOT was a thing. Don't get me wrong, I love physical books but virtual books have been amazing for me. The ability to have thousands of books available in an instant has fed my habit since I got my kindle in 2012. No more limits on how many books i can have, if i finish an out standing read at a stupid time of night i can just download the next one straight away. Some of my favorite reads on Kindle have been Sarah J Maas - particularly the Throne of Glass series, Sarah Fine, James Maxwell - the Evermen Saga, Charlie N. Holmberg - The Paper Magician. My love of reading has fueled my love of writing and after many years of writing bits here and there I've decided to take the plunge and write something of my own.
Claiming The Remnant
Updated at May 30, 2024, 02:29
Ongoing, weekly updates - Tuesday and Thursday In a world where magic had become finite the hunt for more power is on. Taiya, a thief with good intentions, comes across a fabled piece of magic - a Remnant.  Captured by King Leorè of Lystra she bravely faces torture in the name of peace. True to her intentions she keeps the location to herself. The cost?  All she is. Lost in herself, the magic is calling but so is love… In this epic adventure of tangled love discover a world holding its breath, a world the Fae left behind. Magic changed the world but now love must save it.   
Convenience Nights: A Collection of Short Stories - Sample
Updated at Nov 2, 2023, 10:07
Living forever can be pretty boring, been there, done that, ect. *rolls eyes* but occasionally life throws you something new. A bored and down on his luck Vampire ends up in the right place (or wrong place depending on your perspective) at the right (again perspective...) time. Suddenly being given a convenience store this Vamp shares his tales of being a small business owner. A collection of short stories, in no particular order, or anything else for that matter! 2nd place winner of the Dreame's True Gems Competition on the Hidden Gems of Dreams F to the letter B page (Unofficial comp for small authors, ran by the amazing StephanieLight and Emm E. Goshald)
This will be deleted soon - The Wrong Hope *Complete and Free*
Updated at Nov 2, 2023, 04:07
Dark, twisted, brutal The story of one man's greed and a young girls hope. ‼FREE AND COMPLETE‼ A Fledgling Vampire finds herself ensnared by a Hunter. Fearful of her own existence, haunted by her past and desperate for redemption she will do anything to try and erase the wrongs she has committed. Can she find forgiveness or will she be destroyed trying? *contains explicit scenes and adult themes including violence, crude language, drug use and sex - including sexual violence *
Updated at Sep 7, 2023, 15:31
This book is on pause. Cover change, title change, revised and new chapters coming soon. Regular updates will resume later in the year.. Kasmaria never felt like she belonged. An orphan in her pack, sickly and wolf-less the pack shun and torment her. At the tender age of 16 life spirals further and further out of control but destiny is in her blood and it won't be ignored.
My books are moving
Updated at Jul 31, 2023, 03:27
Hello my lovely readers. This might come as a shock to you but I'm not staying here. As it is for many authors, Dreame was just a step on my journey. I'm off to other places and taking my books with me. Claiming the Remnant will be free to completion and stay here until then but everything else will be going in Oct. Now I know that will upset some of you but you've had Convenience Nights, The Wrong Hope and Claiming the Remnant for free.
Shattered Hope * Book 2, free, on going *
Updated at Feb 10, 2023, 01:29
Updates will be weekly on Fridays. . . . Sally-Anne went through hell. After escaping the Hunter who held her captive she finds herself in Roman's home. Sally-Anne is hurt and broken, her mind fractured - in her attempt to survive Guy's torture she had to leave pieces of herself behind. Follow Sally-Anne as she tries to pick them all up, but all isn't what it seems.
101 Ways to Get Stuffed
Updated at Jul 8, 2022, 02:00
Dear Diary, Today I broke up with Carlos. I know. I know! I was shocked too. Four years and we had just slumped into this comfortable existence and I hadn’t even noticed. I guess everyone gets like that sometimes; just going through the motions, letting time slip by. I hadn’t even noticed that I was just settling, that I was bored and playing safe. Guess you wanna know how it happened, huh? It’s not a long story but a story nonetheless. I could just say someone at work made me hold a mirror up to my life and I was shocked to see myself in that way but that wouldn’t really do it justice because the mirror is up now and I just can’t stop looking. So Diary… hold on to your pages - this is the story of how I, Nell Lausanda Glassine, had my life changed by a pornstar! Sex, Smut, self-discovery, steam, porn, dirty, fetish, anal, threesome, bxb, gxg, gxb, graphic.