Story By Richard Miracle

Richard Miracle

Updated at Apr 18, 2024, 17:53
My name is Nora,I use to live in an apartment complex across the street from a park. The park has a large woods and a walking path in it. Shorty after moving in and in an effort to get more exercise, I started going for walk in the park before going to work. I will get up really early like 5am and take a walk before the sun comes out. I will then get back home, shower and get ready for work. I have barely seen anybody else while walking and I liked it. One day I got up really early and because of this I had more time before work, I decided to walk a little bit extra and then go further the path of the woods where I would usually stop and turn around. it was peaceful and quiet as usual and then I heard something. it was like someone was talking quietly in a distance in like a half whisper. I kept on walking and it started to get louder. I stopped to see where it was coming from, as I listen closely, I heard again that somebody in the woods was whispering and I realized that they were whispering my name Nora. I was confused and looked all around, the sun hasn't risen yet and it was dark that I couldn't see much at all. Then they stopped whispering and started repeating my name in a normal voice. I didn't recognize the voice at all and I was so creeped out that I turned back and ran all the way back to my apartment. I looked behind every single time to make sure that I wasn't followed. Thankfully I never saw anyone. After that incident I decided to stop exercise on that quiet and lonely path in the woods. Since then I started walking on the public space instead.