
A Life Ashore

lucky dog
male lead
realistic earth

Christopher was just your ordinary office boy… Until he was not. An accident on the sea washed him ashore on a bizarre island, putting his survival skills to the test.

Living the life of a survivor would have been hard for him, but luckily, he had a few beauties to help him out in this seemingly odd chapter in his life. All seemed well at first, until Christopher found out that the island was not as simple as it looked…

Action! Suspense! Betrayal! A group of unfortunate men and women washed ashore on an island! Will they band together and survive? Or will they betray one another and drive themselves to their personal doom? All this and more in A Life Ashore!


Update 3 chapter per day.


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Chapter 1 - Shipwreck
The cold waves lapped at my ankles as I stood there, dumbfounded, gazing at the beach and jungle bathed in sunlight, tears streaming down my face. Having experienced a tsunami and a shipwreck, I somehow managed to survive. "I'm alive!" I shouted with exhilaration, running wildly on the beach. I didn't even spare a glance at the woman lying on the sand since I was overwhelmed with joy. However, my excitement quickly gave way to a sense of loss. I still didn't know which deserted island I was on, and the future seemed uncertain! I also had no idea how many people survived this cruise disaster. While contemplating this, I stepped over several sea rocks and approached that woman. Before getting close, I heard her emit several painful moans. I hadn't paid attention earlier, but now, upon closer inspection, I couldn't help but feel surprised. Wasn't it Queenie Xavier, the president of our company? The thought of her infuriated me. Queenie was my boss, the icy beauty who never spared me a second glance and the one who insisted on the ill-fated cruise for the company outing. If not for her impulsive decision, I wouldn't have encountered this shipwreck. Despite my disdain, I knew I had to help her. I quickly reached out to assist her, intending to check if she was okay. However, at that very moment, her tightly shut eyes suddenly opened. Queenie resembled a startled deer, her captivating eyes staring at me in bewilderment. I found myself frozen, contemplating what to say to ease the awkwardness when her petite feet forcefully kicked my stomach. Despite her slender frame, the kick was surprisingly strong. The pain caused me to inhale sharply, and before I could process what was going on, I heard an indignant shout. "Christopher, how dare you, and now you're officially dismissed, you vile p*****t!" Queenie looked at me with disdain and disgust, treating me as if I were a pile of garbage. "Those colleagues of mine, like Harold, warned me about you, saying you're a despicable and lecherous person. I didn't believe them; I thought you might be poor but still a decent person. Little did I know they were right – you're indeed not someone pleasant. Taking advantage of me while I was unconscious!" "If I hadn't woken up just now, who knows what shameless things you would have done to me!" With her arms crossed, Queenie squatted on the ground, on the verge of tears. Witnessing this scene, my frustration reached its peak. I had saved her with good intentions, yet she repaid me with a kick to the stomach and the threat of dismissal. Without uttering a word, I turned around and walked away. By this time, the sun had almost set, and the temperature on the beach began to drop. The sea breeze added to the chill, making me feel both cold and hungry. Fortunately, I found solace in the fact that I usually enjoyed smoking, and my lighter was still in my pocket. The only regret was the absence of cigarettes. Although the craving was strong, simply being alive seemed like a luxury on this deserted island. I knew I shouldn't think about it. Soon, I found a large rock on the beach, about three meters high. Leaning against it, I gathered some branches to create a bonfire. The leaping flames appeared before my eyes, bringing a warm feeling to my heart. Sitting by the fire, I took off my damp clothes, toasting them gradually. Watching the moisture on the clothes turn into mist, I felt the warmth of the flames, a sense of comfort spreading through my body, and my mind became more active. Unable to resist thinking about what Queenie had said earlier, anger surged within me. Harold Locke was indeed starting a rumor about me behind my back! My feud with Harold Locke traced back to my ex-girlfriend Lillian Chester. Lillian, my former girlfriend and colleague, joined the company at the same time as me. We both worked in the advertising department, albeit in different teams. Over the past three years, despite my excellent performance and frequent overtime, I haven't received any promotion opportunities. On the contrary, Lillian, who seemed relaxed and carefree at work, was promoted to director! I couldn't fathom the reason and felt somewhat aggrieved. She advised me to resign, claiming that there was a trick to succeeding in this job, and that perhaps I wasn't suited for it. She suggested I leave and find another job, reassuring me that we could still have a loving relationship despite being in different companies. I almost believed her, but to my surprise, a few days later, I stumbled upon Lillian and the company's vice president, Harold Locke, being intimate in a secluded corner of the parking lot! Harold, in his thirties and introduced to the company by Queenie's uncle, held significant power and trust within the company. So, Lillian, was this the trick to your success at work? Were you afraid I'd ruin your affair? I broke up with her on the spot. Originally, I planned to finish my job within this month, collect my bonus, and then resign. However, because I caught them in the corner, they joined forces to bully and marginalize me at every opportunity during these past few days. Recalling the annoying incidents, I felt truly unlucky. Joining the company trip, I ended up encountering a maritime disaster! Speaking of which, that arrogant, contemptuous, and despicable couple was also on the ship. Now, they were probably fish food – served them right! Lost in my thoughts, I noticed the sea breeze growing colder, and the sky drizzling with rain. Luckily, I had anticipated the gloomy weather, so I had set up the bonfire beneath a large sea rock. Though it was raining lightly now, the slanted rock shielded me and the bonfire from getting wet. However, Queenie didn't seem to have such good luck. I heard her scream and then she rushed towards me. Running too fast, she even stumbled on the beach. By the time she reached me, she was limping in a difficult position. "Christopher, what kind of man are you? Can't you see I stumbled? Why didn't you come to help me?" Queenie shouted angrily at me. I cursed from the bottom of my heart, who would dare to help you? Later, you might accuse me of assaulting you again. Despite these thoughts, seeing Queenie's teary and pitiful look in the rain, I couldn't help but soften. Queenie usually dominated at work. Now she appeared so vulnerable, genuinely evoking sympathy. Sighing, I stood up and walked towards her in the rain.

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