
Queen Marjorie And Her Poor Lover


“Benjamin!? Benjamin!?”

I held my gown in my arms and ran as fast as I could down the empty streets of Aldrich. I reached my destination and banged the door of Benjamin's house.

“Benjamin!? Benjamin are you in there!?”

There was no answer. I felt sick, as if I was about to pass out or vomit. I thought to myself if anything had happened to Benjamin, I would burn down the entire city.

I heard the sound of a thousand feet stomping the ground. The guards! Gregory was on his horse, approaching me and I knew it was over. I forced a smile and bowed. He dismounted his stallion and walked towards me, clearly upset. Suddenly I felt his hand slap me right across the face causing, me to fall the the dusty ground. I wasn't surprised. This was bound to happen. That was it. It was all over. For all I knew, Benjamin could be dead. And I would be soon enough.

Affair between a queen and an intriguing stranger she meets at a party after sneaking away from her duties. She was like a spark that never dimmed. He was mysterious and reserved. Unravel a story of love, hate, pain and sacrifice.

(This story is based in a fictional world)

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Chapter 1: All hail Queen Marjorie
“All rise for her royal highness Queen Marjorie Larissa Azria of Aldrich! ” The young queen walked into the ballroom, smilling and waving at her people. They stared at her in awe of her beauty. She had long auburn hair and dark eyes that complimented her fair skin. Her pink lips and the little dots on her face only made her the more appealing. The queen was now 20 years of age, a slim woman of petite structure. Every eligible man had wanted to marry her but her royal highness was already spoken for. The Azria bloodline was known for many things and one of those were their ravishing looks. Marjorie lifted her emerald green gown slightly off the ground with both her hands as she walked down the red carpet. The princess made her way onto the platform, where her parents stood along with her brother and his wife. She curtsied before them and turned to her guests. “It is a pleasure to have you all here for my birthday celebration. I know and most of you have traveled far to come to Agarwal. I hope you have recovered from your travels over last night's rest because today we will celebrate. Please enjoy your stay in Agarwal and what we have prepared for you.” The crowd politely applauded the princess as she and her family walked off the platform. “Rorie my darling. I need you to always know; You are our pride,” the queen said to her daughter. Marjorie smiled at her, “Thank you mother.” She looked into her father's eyes and saw nothing but love and affection. “Rorie. You have an important person here to see you, ” her father said taking her arm in his. “And just who might be so important father?” she asked hoping it was not who she thought. Her question was answered when her eyes met those of her husband, King Gregory Seville. She smiled at him as he bowed to her. Gregory was the son of her father's late friend Lord Seville. Marjorie had married him and when she moved to his kingdom, Aldrich, she would rule by his side as queen. Her looked down at her, lust in his eyes. Oh God why couldn't they be alone? He wanted so badly to feel her soft skin against his own and bury himself inside of her. Only, she wouldn't let him. She never did. Not even if he tried countless times. Not in her own home. In some ways it was worth it. Once he took her back to Aldrich, she would belong to him and no one else would touch his bewitching queen. “Your highness. Happiest of birthdays,” Gregory said kissing the back of her palm. He also bowed before her, which surprised Marjorie. Even though Gregory was Marjorie's King, it would put him in King Azria's good books to bow before his daughter. Agarwal had unbelievable power all over the four Kingdoms including Hetchington, Aldrich and Erstonia. “Thank you. I'm pleased to see you, ” she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. But God! She absolutely despised this man! He claimed to love her yet he never wrote, never visited and when he did, he only spoke about taking her to bed. The bastard. And now he was back to steal her away from her family. Marjorie's POV: “May I have your Marjorie to myself for a while Your Majesty?” Gregory asked my father. “Of course! You needn't ask for permission to spend time with your wife.” “Father..., ” I grumbled. “Come along my beautiful queen, ” Gregory smiled. He took my hand and led me out the ballroom discreetly. We walked down the dark corridors of the castle, with his arm around my waist. “You look absolutely gorgeous tonight. ” I cringed at his voice but kept my smile, “Thank you.” Suddenly he stopped and pinned me onto the wall, startling me. His eyes darkened with desire and lust. He pressed his groin hard against mine, making slow rotations. “I've missed you. All of you, ” he says cupping my breast. Not this again. “For goodness sake get off me you!” I said shoving him away. He laughed as he leaned against the opposite wall, “You used to beg me to touch you Rorie. What changed? ” “I was a child. I've grown, that's what. ” “That you have, ” he said, his gaze trailing up and down my body. “Oh Gregory you are so–” “Handsome?” “Perverted!” He raised a brow and I immediately apologized, “Forgive me Your Majesty.” He was still my king after all. Unfortunately for me. He frowned, “Marjorie. You know I love you. I'm just having a little bit of fun. ” “You don't love me. You never did and you never will.” “You're wrong. I love you. Very much.” With that he left and went back to the ballroom. Back then I may have not known, but the man wasn't lying. He really did love me. Gregory and met when I was just about ten years old. He was a year older than me and my father decided I would marry him when I turned eighteen. And I did. I became the queen of Aldrich even though I still lived in Agarwal. My mother had begged my father for me to stay home for two more years, as she said I was still a child. Gregory had now come to take me to Aldrich on my 20th birthday. I followed behind him back to the ballroom, but he was already talking to someone else. When my mother saw me, she immediately called me over. “Rorie darling! Come and meet my old friend, Lady Reynods.” I made my way up to them and the tall woman with my mother bowed before me. “Your highness. It's my absolute honor to meet you.” I smiled at the fair haired woman. The night went on like this. Me being introduced to many people. It got rather tiring having to walk around pretending to care about EVERYONE. By the end of the night, I was completely exhausted. My feet ached so badly and I was eager to get into bed to finally sleep. I dragged myself to my room with my most trusted maidservant behind me. “Oh my goodness! Did you see prince Henry? I swear he smiled at me! He obviously wants me! ” she chirped happily. “Oh does he now?” I said smiling at her. Annette was 17 years old and a maddening girl. Beautiful and always meant more than a maidservant to me. I loved her to death. She had grown up in the castle with me. Her mother used to be my governess when I was younger. “Of course he does!” she continued, “I'm humorous, intelligent and gorgeous! But don't you act all innocent. I saw you with King Gregory.” I blushed as I took off my dress in front of my huge mirror. I decided not to talk about the incident. Carefully, I undid my corset. I took a deep breath and traced along the red marrings on my skin. I frowned. “These damned corsets will be the end of me!” I complained. “Your highness,” she said scolding me for my language. “Sorry,” I sulked, “But really Annette. What anguishing, unnecessary garbage!” She walked behind me and started rubbing something onto my marks. “Yes it is necessary. A small–” “Don't give me that nonsense again,” I scoffed. “I've heard it too many times. ” Annette just chuckled, “They are kind of painful aren't they?” I laughed with her. After changing into my nightgown, I got into my bed and stared at the ceiling, decorated by paintings. I actually did them myself and I put them up for whenever I felt like sad. To give me hope. After blew out my lamp, I drifted into a deep sleep. Benjamin's POV: “Benjamin McKinney! A message for you! It's from your father!” I hurriedly put on my trousers, trying to ignore the stiffness from dirt. I ran outside, my heart beating wildly. “What is it?” I asked the messenger boy. He looked at his bare feet then back at me, “Your father is in terrible condition. He asks for you back in Hetchington.” “Of course. I'll be there soon.” I tossed him a coin and went back inside. As fast as I could, I dressed myself and left my cabin. “Rosa. We have to go. Father isn't doing well,” I said to my horse, smoothing out her main. I mounted her and rode off. In about half of an hour, I reached Hetchington. Memories of my childhood flooded as I walked into my father's house. I made my way to his bedroom which was full of people there to see him. Everyone immediately made way for me to go to him. He lay on the bed, pale and almost unrecognizable. The unknown illness was eating him alive. I forced a smile and crouched down next to the bed. He smiled and took my hand with great effort. “My son...” he said caressing my cheek. “I'm here.” “I'm afraid there isn't much time for me... ” his eyes watered. “I know you don't want to hear it but let me say it. I am terribly sorry for not being a better father Benjamin... ” Involuntarily, tears sprung into my eyes as I recalled all the nights I had spent outside in the cold while he had ‘an important guest’ in his quarters. “Do not...talk about that... ” I mumbled. He slowly shook her head, “You have to know that I'm sorry...I am Benjamin...I was so terrible. And it is probably the most absurd excuse but...I did it for us. For you... ” I held back my tears and changed the subject, “When you go to heaven, because you are and were always a wonderful father, tell Marietta that...I miss her terribly.” He burst into tears and held my hand close to him, “Leigh-Anne Hamilton.” I knew instantly who she was. The woman who had given birth to me and fled with another man. He never told me her name. He knew I would hunt the b***h down and kill her. My father saw the hatred in my eyes and sighed softly. “She's your mother dear. Don't you ever think or say anything bad against her. I want you to find her. And you'll tell her who you are. I'm sure she'll know. She has your fair hair and ocean eyes. And you'll... you'll tell her that I loved her. Until my last breath. Will you do that? For me?” I ignore him and looked away. “Please. Benjamin.” The desperation in his eyes was hard to miss. I sighed from exasperation, “You are one wicked old man.” He smiled gratefully and kissed my hand, “You'll find her in Aldrich. She's lives in the heart of Aldrich with her husband and children. Don't hurt her in anyway Ben. Please. I just wanted you to... not hate me for going without telling you...” I left the house, holding back my tears. He's gone. The only person I have ever or will ever love is gone. Just like that, he doesn't exist anymore. My father never told me much about my mother. He said he would when the time was right. According to the little information my father told me, they were in love and got married. She got pregnant and gave birth to me. But during the night, she fled with a another man. And he stills defended her. But since it was his dying wish, I decided I would pack my bags and go to Aldrich.

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