Ch.2 Sam

1327 Words
As I sat by Sasha’s bedside just watching her sleep. I thought about the events of two days ago. I remember all too well the feeling I got when I saw her lying there in the grass blood spewing from her chest. I collapsed next to her pulling her to my chest. As I felt as if air refused to fill my lungs to allow me to breath. As if my heart had no purpose to keep beating. I felt as if everything in me was dying right along with Sasha. I remember think  how stupid I was for wasting all that time afraid to tell her how I felt. I thought I had forever with her. Now forever was being ripped away from me. When Alex forced me to let her go and to allow Allison to try and save her. My body didn’t want to but my heart knew to trust my Luna. So reluctantly I layed her back onto the bloody grass. When Allison bit into her neck Alex had to hold me back from interfering. Then once Allison moved away he told me to carry Sasha and follow Allison. Obeying I did what was asked of me. When we finally came to the pond I placed her in the water. I watched as her beautiful raven hair floated around her forming a halo. As I sat there on the bank watching as Allison took her further into the water I could help but admire how angelic she looked floating there. Once the water dragged her under I was held back from jumping in to save her. Allison told me to calm down and that she would be okay. My heart wanted to believe her, but my mind was telling me that she was gone. That there was no saving her now. Before I knew it a black blur sprung from the water. It was her, it was my Sasha, but now she was a wolf. A beautiful midnight black wolf and my mate. She went to Allison first allowing her to pet her. Everything around me disappeared all that was left in the world was her. I couldn’t see nor hear anyone any longer. Sasha made her way over to me. As soon as her black fur brushed against me I pulled her into me. Finally air returned to my lungs and my heart once again started beating. When she once again collapsed in my arms I started to panic. It was Allison’s voice that brought me comfort.  “Relax Sam, she is okay. Her body is just tired. She is okay.” We all agreed that she should be taken to the pack hospital.  So here we were two days have passed and she still hasn’t woken up. We all questioned Allison on how she could have known how to save Sasha. I personally didn’t care. I was just grateful for her bringing Sasha back to me. All Allison would tell people is that her wolf had told her, and that she just knew that Sasha was going to be okay.  I had gone to Sasha’s house to grab her a few things for when she woke up. Walking through the quiet and lonely space I was reminded of all our memories here. Nobody knew but I had kind of moved in here with her.  After she had fallen out of my window I had rushed down to make sure she was alright. Seeing her tear stricken face I knew something more then the fall had been wrong. She told me what she over heard. I wasn’t all that surprised by my parents. For years now they have been trying to get me with some other Beta’s, even Alpha’s, daughters. For her to hear what they said crossed a line. I had told Sasha to go home and that I would take care of it.  Once back in my house I had gone to the kitchen. I found my father and mother sitting at the table drinks in both of their hands.  “I’m not leaving Sasha.” I told them. Both their heads shot to where I stood in the doorway.  “Oh honey, she’s not good for you.” My mother said in her sweet voice. I was too pissed off to care.  “No mom, you think she is not good enough for this family. You know her I have grown up with her. Why is we together such a surprise, and why now do you see her differently?” I started to snap, my anger starting to come out.  “Don’t talk to your mother like that. You will do what is expected of you. That means if we say not to be with someone like her. Then you won’t, is that clear.” My dad bellowed his voice full of alcohol.  “No” “What did you say to me boy?” He was now standing in my face. The chair he was occupying had been knocked backwards. His face was full of anger.  “I said no, if I am old enough to fight by your side. Then I am old enough to choose who I go out with. If you can’t accept that then that is your loss.” “She is no longer welcome in my house is that clear?” My father snapped. “That’s fine because I no longer want to be in this house.” I snapped back. My mother’s gasp was audible.  “Sam what are you saying?” She asked her voice full of sorrow. I took a breath and turned my attention to her. “I’m saying mom that I’m leaving. I no longer feel as if I am your son, but as if I am just another pawn being pushed around a board to fit what you need.” My father opened his mouth to say something. I never gave him the chance. “No this has nothing to do with Sasha, and everything to do with me. You saying what you did about her is just the last straw.” With that I turned and went to grab a few things from my room. I left through my bedroom window not wanting to face my parents any more that night.  After that I have been staying in this house with Sasha. In a way we have made it our own. With her dad always away it was just us two. Looking around I was reminded of all the moaning breakfasts we shared laughing and talking about what we were going to do. I remembered the nights we would lay on the couch watching a movie. She would fall asleep before it was half way through. Telling myself that we would have many more of these moments I quickly gathered a few things and went back to the hospital.  When she woke up I didn’t need to see her face I just knew. My body, my soul, felt more alive than ever before.  I quickly ran to get the doctor. He was in the middle of speaking to a nurse when I grabbed him.  “Sam what is going on?” He questioned as I drug him back down the hallway.  “She’s awake!” I all but shouted. As we entered the room there she was. Sitting up in bed letting the sunlight shine on her beautiful face. I quickly mind linked Alex to let him know that she was awake. He responded saying that Allison and him were on their way. At that moment I vowed to myself I would never let harm come to her. I would die before that happened.
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