
The Bet

Writing Challenge
enimies to lovers

Louise Young, is a kind warm hearted girl who was dumped by her first boyfriend, Liam, for another girl.

Takeshi Steele, is the total playboy and heartthrob of York University.

But, despite all the negativity about him, there is still goodness left in him and that is seeing a girl being treated like a garbage. Tak witnessed all of the crap Liam put Louise through.

She wanted revenge and he’s ready to help her.

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Chapter 1
Louise Martin didn't do relationships. She hadn't done them since junior year of high school, after she got f****d over by not one, but four different people in a row. She got tired of all the messing around high school boys did, so she decided not to date. She hadn't decided, however, that she wouldn't have s*x. After losing her virginity at fifteen, she realized that she really liked s*x. She was a really s****l person, and, while she wasn't shameless, she didn't see anything wrong with it. So she slept around. It wasn't long before people around town (but yet, her parents had been painfully oblivious to the fact) knew that Louise Martin was the one to go to for a good f**k. Even though she had rules, like her own little guidelines, she was an experienced f**k and everybody knew it. By the time she got to college, she figured out that college guys weren't really any better than high school ones. She had decided to go to UC Berkeley, that way she wasn't too far away from her mom. After her dad's death, her mom had almost shut down, and Louise wanted to keep an eye on her. It turned out that the rest of the pack had decided to attend as well, so she felt almost happy about it. Over the last six years, they had not only become her friends; they were her family. None were more family, however, than Stiles and Cora. When Louise and Stiles had really gotten to know one another and Stiles decided that he wasn't in love with her after all, he and Cora had hooked up and they complimented each other pretty damn well. Now Stiles was more like her brother, and she and Cora had gotten just as close. She spent a lot of time around the Hales, since their mother was the alpha, after all, and as much as Louise loved Cora and her older sister, Laura, the one person she could not stand was their brother Tak. Tak was just...he was everything that Louise hated. He was cocky, egotistical, and worse of all, he was hot and he knew it. Yes, Tak was f*****g hot. Every girl wanted him and every guy wanted to be him - or, at least, be friends with him. When you were friends with Tak Hale, you had it made. He was practically a god around campus. And, even though it seemed like every girl on campus was fleeing towards him, Louise was practically running away. As far as Louise Martin was concerned, Tak Hale could just go jump off a cliff. -x- “Oh, f**k, Louise, that’s so good,” Aiden moaned as his c**k hit the back of her throat. Any guy who had ever slept with Louise knew that her favorite part of s*x was giving blowjobs. She liked the control. She loved the way that, even though she was the one on her knees, she controlled their orgasms. She was the one who decided when they could come, or even if they could. She liked edging guys and keeping them on the edge for what seemed like forever, because the orgasms were so much better afterwards. Anybody with a d**k on campus was always flocking to see if they could get sucked off by her. Louise relaxed her throat as his c**k slipped into her throat. Aiden grabbed her hair and started to thrust into her mouth. She had gotten rid of her gag reflex really quickly. When she started having s*x and realized how much she liked sucking c**k, she practiced so she could deep throat with ease. The guys never complained. And she liked giving head so much more when they were rough with her. She loved it when they pulled her hair, when they f****d her mouth, and when it came to s*x, the rougher was the better, as far as she was concerned. As Aiden f****d into her mouth, Louise hummed around him. He stopped thrusting and said, “s**t, I’m gonna come, Louise.” Louise pulled off, grinning to herself. She went back to sucking, fondling his balls with her hand. She knew that it wouldn’t take much, so as soon as she took a long, hard suck, he just fell apart. He came into her mouth, and, since Louise was an experienced cocksucker, she swallowed it all. A little dribbled out of the corner of her mouth, and she wiped it away with her hand, before licking her thumb. “f**k, Louise, you’re so f*****g good at that,” Aiden said, leaning back against the couch as Louise wrapped a hand around him. Most of the people she f****d were werewolves, and for one main reason: she loved their stamina. Werewolves had practically no recovery time at all, which meant they could go all night if she wanted. Yeah, so she liked s*x, but she wasn’t a slut, alright? She had standards. She started stroking his length, trying to get him hard again. And, like she already knew, it took practically no time at all. She grabbed a condom out of her purse, rolling it onto him. She pulled her panties to the side and sunk down on him in one quick motion. Aiden moaned, feeling the tight, wet heat on his c**k, and Louise sat there for a moment, giving herself time to adjust. As she started gliding up and down on him, she buried her head in his neck, leaving kisses and nips on his collarbone. The only thing she hated about werewolves, if she was honest, was the fact that they healed so fast. So maybe it was a turn-on that she could see her marks on people, but with werewolves, she didn’t get that luxury. Aiden grabbed her hips roughly with his hands and started thrusting up into her. His fingers were digging into her hips so hard that she could practically feel the bruises starting to blossom. That just made her even more enthusiastic, and she set a quick pace. She needed to come, and she needed to come now. Reaching down, she rubbed quick circles into her clit, and it wasn’t long before she was screaming her release into Aiden’s neck and shoulder, coming around him. The increased tightness made him swear and explode into the condom. She sat there, with him still inside of her, for a few minutes, trying to get her breathing under control. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. She groaned, leaning her head against his shoulder as she came down from her high. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she regained control of her legs (even though they felt like jelly) and climbed off of him. Aiden disposed of the condom and Louise stood, straightening her clothes and dusting the wrinkles out of them. “s**t, Lyds, that was amazing,” Aiden said, lighting a joint. Louise didn’t understand why, as a werewolf, Aiden couldn’t eat a microwave burrito, but could smoke. He had told her that processed foods tasted like chemicals to him, but what about all the chemicals from the drugs? Louise smiled subtly as the thought came to her. “What’re you doing tonight?” Aiden asked, taking a hit. “Cora’s giving that party tonight. She’d asked if I would be there.” “The only reason she and Stilinski want you there is because everyone knows your party is a failure unless Louise Martin shows up. Seriously, Louise, people follow you around like you’re the f*****g messiah or something.” Louise snorted. “Are you going to be there?” she asked. “Of course. It may be Cora’s party, but everybody knows that Tak’s friends are always there. Everybody knows that Hale parties are legendary.” “People don’t like Cora,” Louise said, sitting down on the couch beside Aiden. He offered her the joint and she took a long drag from it. She didn’t smoke often, and barely ever got high, but she did like the feeling of the drugs in her system. Handing it back to him, she exhaled and then said, “Tak’s popular in a way that nobody else is. You know that. But I like Cora and Stiles.” “You shouldn’t. Stilinski’s in love with you, and has been forever.” Louise rolled her eyes, “Jesus, Aiden, I told you already. That was forever ago. He is one of my best friends now. Besides, you and me? We’re never going to happen. I’m okay with us f*****g, but I don’t do relationships.” “You should. I’d treat you so good.” He was quiet for a moment before adding, “It’s funny, we’ve been f*****g for almost a year and a half and you’ve yet to kiss me on the mouth.” Louise stood up, rolling her eyes once more, “Look, Aiden, the only reason you’re saying that is because you’re a territorial son of a b***h. But when we started f*****g, I told you. I don’t do relationships. I do carnal urges. That’s it. If you want a girlfriend, look elsewhere, ‘cause you’re not going to get it with me. And I don’t kiss on the mouth. You know that. It’s too intimate.” “So’s f*****g,” Aiden answered back, but Louise was just going to ignore that comment. Checking her watch, Louise leaned over and grabbed her purse off of the floor where she had left it. “I gotta go. I promised Stiles and Cora I’d be there early to help them set up.” “How can you be friends with that loser, anyway?” “I know none of you jockheads are never going to get it, but I love Stiles like he’s my brother. He’s a good guy. It’s just that you dickheads can’t see it.” “Funny how you call us dickheads, but whenever you want c**k, you always come to see us.” Louise smiled, “Yeah, because you guys are the best f***s on campus. It takes a self-righteous asshole to give it as good as you guys do.” -x- Louise had always fallen for assholes. It wouldn’t surprise her even a little bit that the reason she liked rough s*x so much was because that was how Jackson was. Even at fifteen, he had had so much more s****l experience than she did. She had thought that they were going to be together forever, but after the rogue alpha showed up in town and bit him, he decided he was too f*****g good for her. He hadn’t even wanted to join the Hale pack, but needed to learn to control himself somehow. It wasn’t long before he and Tak had become friends, but people realized really quickly that Louise was one of the only three people who could actually stand him. She wouldn’t admit to anyone, not even at gunpoint, but Louise thought about Jackson a lot. She thought about what they had, how they had somewhat of an understanding even though he had been a self-righteous asshole and she had been a really petty b***h. After finding out that, whoa, werewolves were real, Louise had toned down her attitude a lot. It wasn’t long after that, that even though Jackson and his friends hated Stiles and his best friend Scott McCall, Louise was really starting to like them. They may not have been popular, but Stiles was a really trustworthy guy, something that Louise hadn’t had much experience with. And Scott? He was the essential good guy. Even as a werewolf, Scott had a strict moral code and never killed enemies, not even if he should’ve. He was definitely the hero of any story. Along with Scott and Jackson changing, not soon after came Isaac Lahey, Vernon Boyd, and Erica Reyes. Then came Allison Argent – a hunter of all things, which was downright complicated for a while. Hunters and werewolves hated each other, but Talia Hale had a truce with the Argents. Allison fell in love with Isaac not much later and they were damn near inseparable. Kira came last, a kitsune, and was always with Scott. It wasn’t long before they were in love, too. Sometimes, on Louise’s bad days, she hated them. Well, Stiles and Cora, Isaac and Allison, and Scott and Kira. They had found their love when they were still in high school, and Louise was attracted to the bad boys. That’s how she and Jackson had ended up together. There were a few other guys she had tried to be with, but they were just as asshole-ish as Jackson was. It wasn’t long until Louise figured that only assholes with the god complex were attracted to her. As she pulled up to the house that Laura, Cora, Tak, and their cousin Malia shared, Louise tried to get her thoughts to take a backseat. They were all coming towards her full force. She cut the engine and sat there for a moment, breathing, trying to calm herself down. Every time she thought about high school and Jackson, she had always gotten irately pissed off. She was giving herself some time to cool off before she walked into that house and Laura and Cora could smell her emotions. That just pissed her off – she wished that she could’ve come with cool superpowers. Accelerated healing, werewolf strength, smelling emotions, or even turning into a wolf was pretty f*****g cool. Instead, she just found dead people. She had voices in her head. She had been mistaken for a mental patient more than once by people eavesdropping on her conversations with the pack. That was just the hardship of being a banshee. When she finally stepped inside the house, Laura was getting the beers out, Cora was messing with the surround sound, and Stiles was muttering something about how nobody ever wanted him to help out. Louise walked right over to him, smiling, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Hey Lyds,” he said, giving her a brief hug. Stiles wasn’t a wolf – he was as human as they could get, as a matter of fact, but being around the pack for as long they had made everybody that much more tactile. Wolves were tactile creatures, very touchy feely, and to the regular human observer, it’d look weird – with as much as Laura, Cora and Tak touched each other, tons of people already thought they had some weird i****t-y threesome going on – but they were used to it. “Louise!” came Laura’s voice from the kitchen. Louise went to see her, “Help me set things up.” “I’m never going to get used to you being at these parties, Laur,” Louise commented. “You’re in law school.” Laura nodded, “Yeah, but I’m still here for my family. That includes you, you know.” A minute passed before she added, “Besides, Hale parties are legendary.” Louise laughed, “Yeah, so I’ve heard.” The Hales considered Louise family. Her father had died when Louise was sixteen. Her family was pretty well off – and by that, it meant that the Martins were dirty f*****g rich. Her father had owned his own technology company and was a certified genius. He traveled a lot for his job, and when Louise was sixteen, and he was in New York, he was killed by a mugger. Both Louise and her mother had taken it really hard. Natalie Martin had to be admitted to the psych ward for a while, just to get her grieving out of her system, and after a while, pack was more family than her mother was. Don’t get her wrong – Louise loved her mother a lot, but she was only sixteen and needed to figure out a way to get on while her mother was committed. The Hales (other than Tak, of course) had become family to Louise at that time. Talia and her husband, William, had taken her in and for the year and a half her mother was in the hospital, and Louise had grown close to them. She and Tak never really bonded, though, because he never spoke to her unless he had to and Louise ignored him most of the time. He was two years older than she was, but she got enough of him during school hours, the cocky bastard. Louise snapped back to reality as she heard music coming from the living room. Cora walked into the kitchen at that point, and looked directly at Louise, “Aiden? Again? He’s such a dick.” There were moments that Louise really hated the fact that they could smell everything on her. It was annoying as all hell, and didn’t work if she were to want to sneak around with someone. That, however, wasn’t Louise’s style; she was never ashamed enough of who she was f*****g to sneak around like that, but it still bugged her that even though she wouldn’t, she couldn’t if she wanted to. “Aiden may be a d**k, but he’s your brother’s friend, and a fantastic f**k, if I do say so myself.” Cora narrowed her eyes and Louise grinned smugly. Cora hated Tak’s friends. Hell, half the time, Cora hated Tak. His friends all had the god complex. The only good one in their circle of friends was Aiden’s twin brother Ethan, and that was only because Ethan was dating Danny. Danny Mahealani had been Jackson’s best friend, so Louise had gotten a lot of exposure to him growing up, and he was one of the most compassionate people Louise had ever known. Ethan may have started off as an asshole, but anybody spending that much time around Danny wouldn’t be an asshole for long. After all, everybody liked Danny. Cora hated hearing about Louise’s s*x life. That made Louise want to overshare with her as much as possible. Cora wasn’t a prude, not by a long shot, but she wasn’t as open sexually as Louise was. She kept her indiscretions very hush hush, and Louise liked to get under her skin. Finally, after a moment of just watching her, Cora said, “Come and help me and Stiles, Lyds,” and walked off without another glance. Laura and Louise looked each other and burst out laughing. Cora was just way too much fun to f**k with.

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