Chapter Five: You'll not go back.

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Chapter Five Anna After my encounter with my ex, I had left the party. I had no inclination to stay there. Walking out, I could not comprehend how Ethan changed so much. I loved him with all my heart, and gave myself completely believing he was the one. But, since the beginning, Ethan was lying. He lied about his financial status and maybe he lied when he said he loved me. Remembering his harsh words, I could not hold my tears that were falling endlessly walking in the dark alley. The weird looks of the people standing at one side of the road make me cringe, but ignoring their stares I keep on pushing my feet ahead. The love of my life had so much hate filled in his heart for me that his venomous words poisoned my soul. His last words before I left ‘If your husband cannot satisfy…’ made me feel ashamed to ever be associated with him. I did retaliate and said the most hurtful words myself but the damage had already been done. His cold stare scarred me and my condition could not be rectified. I did not bother to inform my dear husband of my exit from the building, as he was lost flirting with a woman of my age. I sneered at my predicament and started towards my only place of solace. My home. It had been a year since I met my parents. My husband had prohibited me from going out of his big prison like house. After crossing the alley, I feel lucky to find a stranded car on the road. I approach and direct it towards my house. Throughout the journey, my mind is in chaos. Even the stars twinkling in the sky cannot cheer my mood. I lick my lips and throw my head at the head-rest to ease my nerves. I need to uplift my spirit, else my parents will get worried. I do not wish to make them upset. They already have a lot of problems in their life. After sometime, the cab driver informs me that we reached the destination. I open my eyes with a sigh. Its time to act in front of my parents of how happy my married life is. I give the fare to the driver which I had kept hidden in my suitcase's pocket, which luckily escaped my husband's gaze. Looking at my small dwelling, tears well in my eyes. I had a beautiful childhood, as my parents loved me and tried to fulfill all my wishes. I cannot comprehend how my life became so tragic. A part of me blames Samuel for incurring the pain, but honestly fate played a devious part in ruining my life. Calming my nerves, I try to knock at the door with shaking hands. After sometime, my mother opens the door and a gasp escapes her mouth, “Anna". I look at my mother smiling and give her a bear-hug. I cannot remember for how long I craved to hold her like this. We continue to cry at the door, when my father comes asking, “Who is on the door, darling?” When his eyes fall on me, I can see guilt but he soon masks it. And a look of warmth fills his eyes. He removes me from my mother's hold and hugs me tight, “My child, I missed you so much.” “I missed you too, Dad.” “How did our life change so much?” I wonder. My mother places her hand on my shoulder while speaking, “Lets get inside, dear.” Being in a familiar setting, I feel lively and energized. This is my place. I am lost in my thoughts , when all of a sudden my father inquires with a tinge of dread, “So, what made you come here?” “What is wrong with you? How can you ask our daughter such a question?” My mother growls at my father. Seeing them fighting, my heart starts to drum inside my chest. I never like it when they fight over me. I give them a fake smile and wave my hands to get their attention, “Mom, please. Do not fight with Dad.” With an exhale of breath, I start again, “Samuel was worried I had not met you for such a long time that he pushed me to come here. No other reason, Dad." I lie smoothly. However, my Dad feels unconvinced. He leaves his chair and starts to stroll in the sitting room. His face has a prominent frown, as if thinking, and he continues to chew his lip. After sometime, my father announces, “You'll not go back to that sh*thead Samuel. I put you in this condition and I'll get you out of it.” I feel scared after hearing my father's words. My father is taking the decision without considering the consequences. I know Samuel will do anything in his power to have me back in his life, even harm my patents, if he has to. With a grin expression, I reply, “No, Dad. I'm happy with Samuel.” “Stop lying, Anna.” My dad shouts for the first time at me. With his fists clenching and unclenching, he explains, “I know darling. I know how miserable your life is because of me. I cannot let you bear the consequences of my crimes.” My mother starts crying with the shake of her head, “Yes, Anna. We knew all along how you suffered. We were helpless earlier, but you stay here and we'll see what that basta*rd can do.” I could not believe my ears. My mother was swearing. My mother who never uttered a bad word in her life. I see her with wide eyes and my lips turn upwards. But soon, a whimper from my father's mouth makes me turn my head. I could not believe what I was witnessing. My father was lying on the ground with a hand on his chest. My mother hurriedly runs to him and presses his chest. I, too, run to my father and rub his hands, “Dad, please breathe.” My mother advises, “Anna, call the ambulance. We need to rush him to the hospital.” I nod my head and press a few buttons on the phone lying on a table. ~~~~------~~~~ After an hour, I am pacing outside the operation room. My mother had not stopped crying from the time the doctor's took him to the operation theatre. I look at my mother from the side of my eye. How could I be so selfish to visit their house and put their life in danger? I nibble on my lower lip and sit near my mother while my mind is running searching for a way to help my parents. Mustering the courage, I place my hand on her thigh and speak cautiously, “I should be going, Mom. I do not want Samuel to harm you.” And I don't know how but tears start free-flowing from my eyes, “I am sorry, Mom for causing all the trouble.” As I stand, my mother stops me by holding my hand and turns me towards her, “You are not going anywhere, Anna. You have already endured enough for being our child. Now, you'll stand for yourself and show your worth. No matter what happens, you'll lead your life with your head held high. Got it?” My mother’s words instill a feeling of hope inside me. I nod and sit alongside her. Finally, after two hours the doctor comes out and informs about my father being out of danger. Both, I and my mother, heaved a sigh of relief and my mother asked, “Can we see him?” The doctor who looks around 26, with brown hair and blue eyes gives us a polite smile while answering, “Yes, but make sure not to mention anything that causes him stress. As, you might be aware, he had a major heart stroke and his condition is still being monitored. If you put him in a similar situation, he probably would not survive another attack.” The color from my face drains. I have to go back to Samuel. I know he would make my parents life miserable if I refuse to go back. Seeing the look on my face, the doctor places his hand on my shoulder and consoles, "Be strong. Nothing will happen to him." I give him a weak smile and he leaves. After the doctor's departure, I grab my mother's arm and plead, “I can't risk dad's life, Mom. I'll have to go back to Samuel.” My mother gives me a hard stare and speaks slowly but powerfully, “No, you are not going back to that monster. Your father always blamed himself for making your life hell and if you go back to your husband, he’ll definitely have another attack. Believe me, Anna, you should stay here. We'll fight this together, baby, like old times.” “Like old times.” I repeat after her. In the past, whenever we had trouble at home, we would sit together and search for an appropriate solution. Due to our faith and love for each other, we would always come out of the problem with little effort. Now, I need similar faith and love of my parents to end my marriage with Samuel and lead a normal life. I shake my head in affirmation and we decide to go inside my father's room. Seeing my father's fragile body, tears well in my eyes and I hear a small whimper from my mother's mouth. I place a hand on my mother's shoulder to give her assurance that I am here with her. She gives a faint smile to me and walks towards my father's bed. Sitting on a stool, she holds his hand in hers and gently massages it. Slowly, my father opens his eyes and sees her worried face. He pats her hand and then turns his attention to me. I wave at my father, mouthing, “Love you, Dad.” He gives a sweet smile and gestures for me to come closer. I oblige and sit next to him on the opposite side of my mother. He raises his index finger and moves it telling me he wishes to say something. I go near his mouth, when he speaks, “I am glad you are here. We'll fight Samuel together.” I look at my father lovingly. He had been my support system and now he is willing to sacrifice his life to save me. I kiss his forehead and nod with a smile. We are still talking, when a nurse approaches me and asks me to come out for some formalities. My mother hands me the card, in case money needs to be paid. I go out and see a crowd outside the room. Instantly, my face pales. There are two policemen waiting outside to question me. I know who sent them here. My husband Samuel.
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