Chapter Six: Kiara's Help

1386 Words
Anna The sight of the policemen makes me cringe. If they are here looking for the lost wife of a millionaire, I can relax. But, in case, Samuel told them about my father's crime, then I have a lot to worry about. Moving forward, I confront them, "Hi Officers, how can I help you?" They turn their attention to me and I can see sympathy in their eyes. They look at each other, and I can notice worry on their faces as if deciding whether to disclose the information or not. I smile softly and wait for them to continue. After a couple of minutes pass, one of the two decides to speak, "Madam, we got solid information about an accident that took place last year. Unfortunately, your father is named by the onlooker as the main culprit who committed this crime. The doctors have advised us not to disclose the information to your father, as it might affect his health, but for the regular procedure, we'll have to keep a watch outside to not let him escape. I hope you understand and if possible explain it to all your family members to not create a scene about our posting outside the room." The words of the policeman bring tears to my eyes. I wonder, "That bast*rd could not keep the information to himself. My absence from the house must have agitated him and in frustration, he disclosed the truth to the police authorities." As, I am wondering, one of the policemen, who seems caucasian, folds his arms in front of his chest and eyes me curiously. That's when I realize I forgot to nod or give them my answer. With a sigh, I reply, "I am thankful officers for your cooperation. But, I guess you are mistaken. My father is a very responsible person, he would never risk any person's life." I try to lie smoothly, but feel the officers can look through my fabricated words. They maintain silence for a while then the taller officer answers, "I am sure he is, Mam. But, unfortunately, for the regular procedure, we'll have to follow the protocol. Hope you understand and cooperate." I give them a weak smile, "Sure, I'll let my mother know about the accident." And, turn towards my father's room. As I am about to turn the knob, the same tall officer stops me, "Mam, if you wish to keep your father out of the prison even when he gets discharged from the hospital, then bail him out." His words bring a sweet smile to my face. I guess God sends nice people into your life especially when your life is so messed up. I lower my eyes and a question pops up in my mind, "How much is it going to cost?" They look at each other bewildered. Maybe my expensive dress must have given them the wrong idea about my financial condition. With some hesitation, the tall guy replies, "Not sure, Mam. But, the crime is huge, so, most probably, $20000." Hearing the amount, a whimper escapes my mouth. I quickly mask my worried expression and mouth a 'Thank You.' Inside the hospital room, my mother is worried sick after noticing my perplexed expression. From the time I returned after meeting the police officers I had not spoken a word to my parents. My mind was perpetually looking for ways to make lots of money in a matter of days. Suddenly, an idea pops up in my mind. I remember my friend Kiara, who always had an answer to every problem. I ask my mother, "Mom, do you have Kiara's number on your phone?" My mom scratches the side of her head and then answers, "I guess I have darling. Here check it." and hands me the Android phone. After scrolling through her contacts, I finally find Kiara's number and a smile appears on my face. She has been the solution to all my problems. I dial the number and on the third ring I hear Kiara's voice, "Hello, Aunty is that you?" Hearing her delightful voice, my heart starts beating very fast. It's been so long since we met. With a sigh, I start, "Hey ki...., how are you?" "Ann is that you? Oh my God! it's been so long. Where the hell were you? Why didn't you call earlier? Silly woman, I missed you so much." And she keeps on blabbering for I don't remember how long. I chuckle at her exuberance, "You are the same, Ki. Well, it's a long story." Then I see my mother listening to the conversation attentively, but I do not want her to be worried for no reason. Therefore, I wave at her and mouth, "Mom, I am going out to talk." She thinks I do not want to disturb my father, so she nods with a smile and waves back. After exiting the hospital room, I ask my friend, "Where are you staying, Kiara?" "I am working for an MNC in Auckland, so I live near the city. What about you, Anna? What do you do?" Kiara was always ambitious. I admired her desire to grow during my college years. She always helped me find new jobs, and today I need a similar favour, "Kiara my father is in a hospital, as he had an attack. Apart from this, he is in legal trouble and to help him I want to work. I know you always had contacts who could find me a job, so if possible kindly help me again. Please find me a job." Kiara remains silent for a while as if thinking. Then, she asks me to wait and I can hear her dialling a number on some other phone, "Hey Robbie, I need a favour. I sent you a message. Kindly ask if EW Enterprise is still looking for the position of Personal Assistant." Then the other person speaks something and Kiara hangs up. She picks her phone and answers me, "Do you have PA Experience?" I gulp hard. Honestly, I could not complete my qualification as I got married to Samuel and the bast*rd never allowed me to work. I nibble on my lower lip and tell her, "I am a fresher, Kiara. You know I got married and Samuel made me stay at home." "That shi*head, Samuel," She becomes quiet and after some time continues, "I am sending you my email address. Make a resume and email me the doc. I'll send the resume to the CEO of EW Enterprises, as he is my boss and put in my reference. I am sure you'll get the job." "Thanks, Kiara. You are the best." "Don't be so formal, Ann. Just mail me your resume and I'll see what I can do. And take are of your father." With those words, she hangs up the phone and I get back to my father's room. My mom passes me a weird look from time to time, but I keep my gaze focused on the mobile screen typing my resume in word. After some time, when the resume is ready, I email the doc to Kiara. An instant reply confirms she received the mail. I keep my fingers crossed and relax on the couch. I don't know when I doze off to sleep, that a constant ringing of the phone wakes me up. ~~~---~~~ The next morning, I am still in the hospital, when my mother's phone starts ringing. She picks up the call and hands me the phone. When I answer, the voice on the other side delivers the much-anticipated message, "Hello Ms Anna, I am Susan Weighfield from EW Enterprises. We received your email and would like to inform you that you have been shortlisted for the position of Personal Assistant. For the job interview, your presence is required at the company premises at 11 am sharp. You need to bring your resume, documents and two passport size pictures. In case, you have any questions, please ask." I am extremely excited. As always, Kiara proved to be a great friend. I quickly control my beating heart and speak confidently, "No, thanks. I'll reach for the interview before 11." A new chapter is about to begin in my life. I hope this time my bad luck will not follow me.
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