Chapter 7: The Interview

1753 Words
Chapter Seven Standing outside the huge mirror building, I am unable to trust my luck. My friend actually managed to get me an interview at EW Enterprises, which is the tallest building in Auckland. Shaking from inside, I tread towards my new life. After entering, an unintended gasp escapes my mouth on seeing the interior. Polished white floors with not an ounce of dirt, the chandelier hanging in the middle, comfortable sofas placed meticulously to ease the waiting lot, and a large glass table, all speak volumes about luxury. Walking carefully, I go straight to the receptionist, who is eyeing me suspiciously behind the glass table. I moisten my lips and ask, "Which way are the interviews?" She studies me for a couple of seconds and scrunching her nose, she counters, "Do you even have an appointment?" The sarcasm does not go unnoticed by me. I take a deep breath to not lash out on her. I am already having a sh*tty life and she is just being extra annoying. Nibbling my lower lip, I show her the mail on my mother's phone. After reading the interview message, she directs me to the right side where I can see the lifts. As I am about to leave, she blurts out, "Press the 50th floor." I turn and simply nod. With a sigh, I whisper to myself, "This fu*kin building has 50 floors." I am about to press the button to open the lift door, but someone walks past me and presses it before me. The lift door opens and the person clad in navy blue suit enters the lift. I follow him, as there is plenty of space for two people. But as I step foot inside, the handsome guy turns and gives me a curious look. For a moment, I feel nervous due to his gaze, but then I get irritated. Twisting my mouth, I spat out, "Will you press the lift button or should I do it?" The disbelief on his face might have scared me but I fold my arms and raise one of the brows. He just shakes his head and with a smile presses '50'. He then turns to me, asking, "Which number?" "Same" The grin on his face widens and he murmurs, "You are here for the interview?" I keep my mouth shut. Although the guy seems innocuous, I feel extra edgy being in the building. When I do not answer, he raises both his eyebrows, "I am Luke, by the way, the HR Manager of EW Enterprize." As the words fall from his mouth, my heart sinks to the bottom. For a second, I lose my ability to speak and then stammer nonsensically, "I...uh….I…hmmm…..I am sorry….uh….I didn't realize…." And I forget how to complete the sentence. Waving his hands, he smiles sheepishly, "No problem, I'll see you in the interview room." Then, with a ding sound the lift door opens and I see Luke exit from the lift. My heart hammers so loud that I forget to get out of the lift and when the door is about to get closed, I snap out of my bubble and move my foot forward. Luckily, the door opens again and I see an even grander office than what I saw at the entrance in front of me. I clear my throat and walk to the reception desk. The beautiful petite girl lifts her hazel eyes and I instantly like her. With a genuine smile, she asks, "Good Morning, how can I help you?" Her exuberant personality calms my nerves and I answer confidently, "Um...I am here for an interview for the position of Personal Secretary." "Oh!! Well, you are on time, (she shuffles through the diary pages and finally after confirming she adds) Ms. Anna." "That's me." "Well I am Sandra. You can have a seat. And, I'll call you when it's your turn." I nod and walk to the nearby sofa, where around ten other applicants are already waiting. After sitting, I check the overall interior of this place. I have to agree, the owner spent a fortune to make it look pristine. To pass my time, I grab a magazine from the stand and start shuffling through the pages. As I am turning page after page, my eyes fix on page 117. The sculpted face of my ex, all the more handsome, looking back at me. His dark hair, not one out of place, tempting enough to run my fingers and feel its texture. Just looking at him in the magazine makes me feel things that I never once felt for anyone else, including my husband. I am deeply lost in my past, when a soothing voice breaks my trance and I nervously shift and shut the magazine. "Ms. Anna, you are next." "Oh my….I am next", my mind shouts to lift my heels in my hands and run from this lavish building. I feel extremely out of place. But taking a few deep breaths, I follow the receptionist. On the way to the interview room, which is at the end of the corridor, I see a tinted glass door. For a moment, I instinctively walk and run my fingers on the golden designation plate CEO EW Enterprise However, before I open the door, the receptionist informs me, "It's this way, Ms. Anna." And, my hand slips from the door handle, "I am sorry. I don't know what came over me." "Well, you are saved from my boss's wrath. If you had opened the door, I don't know what he would have done." She tells in her low voice and chuckles softly. "Thanks", I smile back. "No problem. And, all the best for the interview." With those encouraging words she returns to her desk and I knock on the door. "Come in" an authoritative voice answers. Entering the large space, the same handsome face comes into my view, whom I saw in the lift. I smile genuinely, while wishing him, "Good morning." "We meet again, huh." he smiles back and says, "Please have a seat." After getting comfortably seated, I hand him my resume. "So, you are a fresher?" He asks while reading through my CV. "Ummm…..yes. Actually (I hesitate whether to inform him about my marriage and then I start) due to some personal issues I could not work and even finish my education." "So, you wanted to study?" His question makes me nibble hard on my lip. Running my tongue on my upper lip, I answer, "I did." He stays quiet for a while, as if thinking. Inwardly I continue to pray to God to help me get this job, as I need it for my father's bail papers. There is dead silence in the huge office, when the ring of his phone disturbs the peace. He quickly picks the call nervously and answers, "I am on it, E. You don't worry." I cannot hear the other person, but Luke finally ends the call after saying, "Everything will work out as planned." Luke looks at me for a second with a confused expression and then, after his mind processes what happened he apologizes for the interruption, "Sorry, that was an important call." "I understand." And I wait for his next question. Surprisingly, instead of asking me anything, he starts explaining the job responsibilities, "You will have to sign a contract to start working here. Your job responsibilities would be to stay with the CEO wherever he goes. Along with it, you would have to note down the key points during the meetings, fetch him coffee, get his breakfast and lunch and sometimes accompany him to the parties. I hope you don't have any problem with that??" It takes time for his words to sink in my tiny brain. After processing his words, I breathlessly ask, "Does that mean I get the job?" He nods in confirmation with a smile and I take a sigh of relief, "Thanks" I can't believe my luck. I will work at EW ENTERPRISES, the biggest company in Auckland. "But you will have to sign a contract." He again reiterates. "No problem." It is mandatory for all the big company employees to sign a contract, so why should I worry. Luke makes a call and Sandra, the receptionist, brings a file inside. Luke hands it to me and states, "Read it carefully. If you are not comfortable with any clause, you have the choice to leave." "Why would I leave? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, why would I let it pass??" I think and start reading the clauses. But, as I am reading, the first clause grabs my attention. "The employee Ms. Anna Jones is bound to work for the organisation for a period of six months. If, due to any reason, the employee decides to resign or quit the job before the mentioned period, she is liable to pay the company One Million Dollars within 24hours. If she is unable to make the payment, legal action can be taken against her." I gasp reading the first clause. As I lift my eyes to ask Luke, his raised brow stops me. I cannot risk losing this job. I quickly read the other clauses, which are exactly what Luke had stated earlier, to attend meetings, grab coffee, lunch and dinner for the CEO and other mundane duties. After reading the contract, I quickly take the pen out of my bag, sign the document and hand it back to Luke. He goes through every paper, meticulously checking for any error. And, when he is satisfied, he gives it back to Sandra and tells her to give it to the CEO. He then turns his attention towards me, "Congratulations, you are an official employee of EW Enterprises now. Your work will start from tomorrow onwards. The office opens at 9, so you'll have to reach the office an hour early and it finishes at 5, but your work hours will be flexible, as you might have to attend parties and meetings with the CEO. So be ready to be on your toes. Dress formally. And straight go to the CEOs office when you reach." I nod excitedly. "I'll probably see you some other day. Best of luck for your new job." I smile genuinely and after shaking hands with the HR Manager, I exit the office building. Tomorrow my life will change for good.
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