
Book title: Alien mama, Book generic:horror fiction, Author: Uche okpala


Alien mama is fiction story about vampirism with mama as she is fondly called devoure and causes mayhem loss of lives to everything far and around her,to close families loved ones people were not at peace in the community with her devouring trait all solutions were tried to her redemption but all was in vein her trait vampirism still grew stronger recking havoc and unhappiness were ever she was . starting her own family all was well but her vampire still prevailed causing unhappiness and mayhem even to her family until her untimely death .But her daughter had a more worse trait than her

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Ebooks:Alien mama
Book: Alien mama Gen: horror fiction Author: uche okpala 22)After the death of Lisa, people working at the psychiatric hospital were Lisa had being admitted as a patient before her untimely death, came to give their condolences to Lisa's family.They apologized for not being at the burial and decided to meet with Lisa's family at their family home.On their way they saw people who gave them directions to the place for the place was very difficult to trace but not withstanding they still got there safely.As they got there they were meet by the helper, so they had to wait for some hours before Lisa's husband came to their presence and welcomed them.They were offered foods and drinks to eat to keep entertained .They told Lisa's husband that they were from the psychiatric hospital were Lisa was last admitted before her death and so he remembered immediately and so Lisa's husband told them how Lisa had died and they were so sympathetic he began to cry as he talked remembering his loss and how alone he was now telling them after Lisa's death her son moved out of the house angryly and that his daughter is already married starting her own family so they were sad and happy for him .The visitors told him recollecting vividly how Lisa then at the psychiatric home will sit by the window sometimes talking to herself mummering some words to herself , sometimes singing too her husband just listened mostly they said she would talk to herself sometimes commune with people at the ward sometimes when they are playing a game any game at all she would watch them and then be mummering then the patients at the ward will be waving telling her come to join in the game and play with them. But she nodded no she won't then sometimes when it happens like that they will all start laughing and then Lisa would get amused and then get tired and go but sometimes she will watch them play games for long and then they working at the psychiatric hospital Will be around to make sure everybody is on the safe side . Sometimes they would see her screaming to herself ,sometimes quite.They told him that when they had suspected that she was very sick was when she would accept to eat life meat when given but they didn't think it serious but one of the patients at the ward narrated about being attacked by her seeing her mutate partially, not fully and he escaped immediately.Telling some of the patients in the ward the next day not everyone believed her they thought it to be her own mental condition was worse, so the psychiatric hospital waved it aside did not take it serious.But now after her husband had narrated how she died they now totally believed that patients story and were happy that she was not a dead victim. 23)Her husband telling them that why didn't they report this case to the family whenever they were at the psychiatric hospital but they told him they didn't think it was serious and did not believe the attack since no body was dead, injured and that there might be other cases of attack that they never have heard of .So they were on their way, said their byes and headed off to the road. Lisa's husband was also happy that they came and also had their narration of Lisa that he didn't really now had existed if not said from their own aspect he thought to himself saying he never knew that his late wife's condition was worse than the family had expected it to be and hoped there were not many casualties.He later that day called his children narrating to them that the nurses from the psychiatric hospital had come to the house asking of their late mother and the stories they had narrated paying their condolences to the family.Jade told his father on the phone that he too was happy that they came,but also told his father that he was angry because if they had narrated all these stories earlier maybe they would have gotten solution to their mother's problem even though it was a difficult case but they would have still tried and maybe it wouldn't have gotten worse.After some days Lara came to the house to visit her dad she dicussed with him and how much she missed her mother, even though she lived some of her life at the psychiatric home and how the family would have done everything possible to save her mother saying that they didn't do their best and that the psychiatric hospital failed in fulfilling their part telling on every details on their mother's wellbeing if she was better or worse .Her father told her that Lisa tried to attack some other people, not only the pastor that she had killed at the psychiatric hospital .They concluded that they tried their best but it was not good enough. 23)Lisa was happy that she had moved out of her parents home and also was about getting married but still on her mind was her mother and how it hurt her on her mother's death. And her mother that wasn't present not only on her graduation, but also at her wedding so as she slept Lara had a dream she thought it to be real as she was in deep sleep she saw her mother,her mother was close to her in bed as she saw her Lisa was looking straight at her it didn't occur to her that it was a dream,her mother told her to get up from bed and prepare for her wedding she then went downstairs and saw the whole family her father,her late mother,her brother, her fiance,and all other people preparing to start up the wedding her mother came to her and was merry then they headed to the church, her mother was still there she was still asleep telling herself to wake up,so as it went on she suddenly felt someone knocking at the door then she suddenly woke up,sweating all over her.Her father shook her to be fully awake when she gained consciousness she almost screamed .She told her father she had a dream and that she just saw her mother and that she was present at her wedding as she narrated he just listened he then told her is just a dream not much and then was out of her site .So as she woke up she was in the shower then dressed to go downstairs,then she saw a call her fiance called telling her he missed her and wanted her around they discussed for long she then told him of her dream of her mother being at the wedding he was somehow scared .Then after their discussion he said bye hung up the phone.After some time as she was in the kitchen trying to bake something for the morning her brother called and she narrated the same story her dream, her mother, to her brother he laughing said she shouldn't take it seriously it was a dream but she knew it was a dream both of them began to smile her father passed by asking who was on the phone she told him it was her brother, and he was heading straight to the kitchen then back to the sitting room. He was watching the television when he thought he heard a knock at the door as he headed to the door he didn't see any body,so he went back to the sitting room watching the television he then called for the help to get the phone for it rang and cut as she went to get the phone there was no body on the phone. 24)As Julius sat in the sitting room,his cellphone began to ring then he picked it up to answer,Jade was on the phone they both discussed he was surprised that Jade had called him like twice that day because he did not really always show concern. But now he was concerned may be he was grieving again of his mother. He told his father that he will not be coming to assist in the farm that day and some other days that he had somany serious obligation to fullfil and he told him that he was still grieving on the loss of his son and his wife, not being there so he was burdened and was finding it hard to recover, was still on the recovery side.Julius had forgotten that his son was still recovering of the loss of his family the loss of his son, his wife not being there so in a way, he was sympathetic his son was sober on the phone he told him later to have a discussion with him that he would call him later since he was not in a good mood. 25)So Julius sat down watching the tv ,the help did the tiding,Lara was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.Lara pouring the flour into the basin starring it to be steady adding basic ingredients sugar, butter, eggs,ready to bake, then heat in the oven her father screaming what that smell was.So some hours later the cake was ready,as her father took some slices. Lisa didn't wait long she told him she would be going to work and also getting preparations for her wedding,she will be sending out invitations and getting her wedding gown,cakes everything for the wedding.Lisa headed to work from work she went to check out her wedding dress to be sure it was a fit for her.She called the wedding planner meeting also with her fiance both of them would be meeting the wedding planner so they sat to discuss on the wedding.She accepted her wedding dress and was happy with the cake everything to her was going well. 26)After Lara had confirmed her wedding dress it was a gorgeous white gown, hugging her body so tightly it had fitted her and she was satisfied with it so she purchased it kept it until her wedding day.Then she confirmed her wedding cake a huge white coated blue black pink colored cake it was lovely to her she sent the details to her father and brother to confirm it and some of her close friends who acknowledged it's beauty and being satisfied with all.She got back to work slightly late stayed a little while and headed back home.As she drove into the compound meeting her father outside relaxing with some visitors she then headed back indoors .She was so exhausted of the days work had too much to do and accomplishing most of it was what made her happy. 27)She sat on her bed happy with herself, switched on the tv because sometimes she didn't want to be disturbed she just sometimes stayed in her room so she did watching the tv.She got tired pulled off her dress shoes headed to the bathroom showering herself scrubbing all through,then her phone began to ring,but she was still in the shower,she decided she will finish bathing before answering and so after showering she put on her dress combed her hair bonding it together,then took her phone it was her darling fiance who was calling,so she called him back as he answered he told her how he missed Lara and how her day was even though they had met earlier that day but he left earlier for work.He had a serious business appointment in the afternoon so he hurried back and concluded it . 28)So as Lara and her fiance Bobby discussed on the phone he told her he had distributed the some of the invitation her also telling him she had done the same that also she had seen her wedding dress and it was lovely the wedding cake the same , telling him they still have to distribute more invitation they discussed for long Bobby saying to her he missed her and wanted her home so on.After some time she hung up the phone .She went downstairs meeting the help who was already doing the cooking briefed her on what to do and what they would be having that day then went outside to meet her dad so as she sat with Julius he asked her how the preparations of the wedding was and her answer was fine he also supported her financial just as he did during Jade's wedding making sure it is concluded well.She told him briefing him on all the outcomes of the wedding that all was alright and almost concluded.The next morning Lara woke up dressed for work on her way to work her father was already awake as usual,she told him of her how her day would be that day that she would be going to Jake's house and not because of him but for the family her father asking her why she would do that and she told him to give out the invitations that she had being calling him and no body was picking up the call, so she decided to pay him a visit .That they should forgot the past and move ahead her father reminding her of what Jake had done and said discouraging her and asking her to be careful. 29)So Lara was off to work on her way.she decided to first stop at Jake's place so on getting there she called but still no one was picking,she sent emails too still no reply.So as she got to Jake's house the gate man approached as she told him she was related to the family he then went inside wasted some minutes and was out on coming out he told Lara she should wait some time she waited for some time and later left she hurried back to work continued in her everyday business and after she was done for the day,she decided to pay her brother a visit.So she got to his house meeting with Jade she gave him the invite again ,she also noticed he was unhappy he now told her that he had being ill for some days and that he was just recovering she told him to remarry and move on that maybe it is the loss of his family wife, his dead son and also the loss of their mother that her to she has being trying hard to recover from the loss of their mother. 30)Lara a day went out for shopping ,on entering the shop she began to pick out things she would buy she shopped and after shopping she was off to pay for what she bought as she was paying the shop also one of the customers at the shop mistakenly fell her bag letting all the goods fall to the ground without no remorse she began to go when Lara called her back to pick up her things that she had fell the lady insulted her saying it was not her fault that Lara's bags fell .The quarell lasted long then Lara cursed her wishing her death the lady also insulted back and went her way after they had being separated.Lara then gently picked up her goods paid for them and was on her way.Lara angry left and was on her way back to Jake's house dropped the invitation with the gateman since no body still answered and headed back home.When she got home she found out that her father had gone out so she headed upstairs and fell asleep cause she was very tired she woke up and headed to the bathroom showered when she was out of the shower she went downstairs sat at the table ate some food.As she was watching the tv her father came back home he discussed with her and went to his room he sat in his room exhausted took his bath he loved to shower and refresh after his outing and he did so he then joined Lara in the sitting room Lara told him how terrible her day was that also Jake and family were not around and never answered so she dropped the invitation with the gateman. 31)The next morning Lara woke up late she showered went downstairs telling the help what to do her father unusual was still asleep she went to knock on his door and he had already showered was reading the news papers.Then he went to the sitting room, on the tv on the news was a very terrible accident on the news a woman was involved in a very ghastly accident that had lost her life as Lara sat with her father watching the news she was shocked,it was the lady she had met at the shop yesterday she was involved in an accident and was dead she screamed out of shock her father then asked her what was the matter and she told him.it was the lady she had a quarell with at the shop and that she was the one that was dead her father too was in shock as they watched the news the details was that it has being confirmed that the woman was dead any body related should come around. 32)That whole day Lara was in doors she couldn't go out unhappy that day she watched the tv,slept and ate little she thought to herself it was her fault,she accused herself her Julius told her not to think too much about it that it was not her fault that it was just her time.The next day she went to work recovered from yesterday's bad news,days passed by and she continued in her daily activities.As she sat at work Lara, remembered a day in school she was brutally attacked by some groups she was badly injured and was rushed to the hospital.She was in the hospital for days until she had recovered after her recovery she resumed schooling.As she got to school people were shocked her friends came to welcome her back to school.So they told her that the group that attacked her were all dead that they died after they had gone for an excursion they fell sick so they were gradually being rushed to the hospital were they finally died their parents were sober Lara cried for them but they was nothing that could be done. 33)Lara stayed with her father for days as she normally did when visiting, most that was on her mind was her fiance and her wedding day her fiance called with them discussing on how the wedding plans were going she giving him feed back on how all the plans were so after their discussion she joined her dad downstairs in the sitting room they discussed as they usually did he told her he was sad that her brother seldom come by like she did to visit and she telling him that he had somany problems facing him loss of his son, almost concluded divorce of his wife so she told him that the last time they had discussed he told her he wasn't thinking of remarrying soon not with the mess that he was facing because she had told him maybe after the divorce he should remarry and get on with his life even her father was in agreement to that so after their discussion they watched some movies and were gone to bed leaving the help do the cleaning. 34)Lara had stayed with her father for days before returning back home to her fiance.Bobby was so glad to welcome her home arriving through the door he embraced her hugging her kissing her.She told him she was so tired and needed to eat something going to the fridge she saw some food ate some and they two discussing,she telling him her dad sends his wishes.Jake came back from the trip with his family and was welcomed by the messages,that Lara came visiting him,so annoyed asking why. His wife cooling him down the gate man had said that they were invited to her wedding which is almost at hand him laughing telling his wife that that family had the nerves coming up here inviting them for a stupid wedding which he knows he will never go for.Jake's wife Fate still calming him down . 34)Jake had told his family that they won't be going for the wedding, his wife daughter trying to convince him but him not still falling to it he told his family that he had not forgotten the past Lisa, her family the deaths. That if Lisa's family had listened to him maybe she would have still being alive but now that she's gone and him not being at the funeral pained him.After some days he decided to call Julius telling him that he was not happy with the fact that he was not at Lisa's burial and was sending his condolences that he to is grieving with the family that Lisa is still his blood and that the his grievance should not affect his dead Lisa .He reminded Julius that if Lisa had still being in the psychiatric hospital she would have still been alive and he also telling Julius he won't be coming for his daughters wedding that he had received the invitation that he had travelled with his family.He said he was still hurting at the death of Lisa and was still angry with the family. 35)Lara woke up the next morning kissing her bobby on his face then was off to the kitchen preparing break fast as she was preparing break fast bobby came to join her at the kitchen she trying to confirm that he had sent all his invitation because her she was done with hers, after she had made breakfast she ate he was off going out . Her she the same so as bobby was on his way,she left alone in the house.She decided to get prepared wear her dress and was out.On her way she decided to visit her mother in the graveyard as she approached she got some flowers to put at her mother's grave as she drew close to the grave she stood close to her mother's grave dropped the flowers whispering some words to her mother at the grave as she cried she felt some fresh breeze flowing through she stayed with her mum for some minutes and was on her way to work she then got into her car drove off. 36)Lara reached her office she was briefed on her dealings that she had missed.she went to see and view her event center for the wedding. So she did like it but called her dad seeking his advice on the right one to chose as she called him she told him the content of the event center if he liked the one she had chosen as she discussed with him he told her that he liked it but if she didn't like it she can look for another one .The present center for the wedding was big decorated in blues and some pink linen with lots of lights having lots of sparkles.The uniform for the chefs is also blue and other features.So she thought if her father liked it she might stick to it but still wanted to look for another center that might be better than the one she had chosen. 37)So she called some of the coordinators of the event centres telling her that she would be getting married and needed the best center for her wedding big containing lots of guests,chefs, exotic drinks,foods,snacks a large.place for the gifts, beautiful music, nothing should lack in this wedding everybody treated to their best satisfaction still sticking to the old one she waited for a change.So the coordinator told her she would get back to her when she had the best and hoped she would be willing to pay at any price Lara saying that money is not an issue and the deal was done. 38)Lara the next day was called by the coordinator of the event centers telling her she had gotten her exact,that she should come by and check it out if she liked it.The event coordinator telling her on the details of the event but advicing her it best that she come and check it out to see if it was to her satisfaction and she later did.So after breakfast the next day she was off to work,before leaving for work she had told her fiance that she had gotten some centers for the wedding but had not chosen one so when she is done chosing she would call him for him to come by and the two going to check it out so he agreed and she was on her way to work.She was at work when she was called again.by the wedding event center coordinator to come and check out the center for it was hot on demand she then drove out to were she met the coordinator.After chosing her fiance came by to to join her check it out and they both liking it agreed to this current center they had chosen was bigger better fanciful than her first choice and she was happy with it. 39)After work she was so exhausted she got back home watched the tv,then some movies, went to the kitchen made dinner calling her dad and brother telling them she had finalized the center and everything about the wedding they discussing on how things will happen at the wedding the programs of the wedding details, everything about it after that they were off the phone she eating and watching the tv.Her fiance came back home he was so exhausted he ate they discussing little and they were both off to bed.The next morning she did some breakfast, ate and was off to the salon as she normally did some times. As she entered the salon it was slightly crowdy,she telling the stylist what she wanted for her hair.After that her pedicure and manicure.Some of the ladies in the salon gossiped,Lara Just watched and listened one of the lady customer said she wanted lots of colors on her hair that she would be going for a party, extensions on her eye and nails, another one said almost the same she was fixing and wanted colors,they gossiped on, one said she wanted to look hot for a party and arouse attention,the other one said she was a dancer had to look hot all the time.They wanted to look great for their occasion Lara was almost done as she watched the movies and was still on her hair and pedicure manicure almost done.After being done from the salon she drove back home . 40)Lara was so happy after being married to Bobby, off to the reception plenty gifts waited her at first her family wanted a small wedding.So at the reception cutting her wedding cake and kissing bobby, but now her husband was to her,her dream come through she danced all the way at the wedding and was entertained to great music there was lots of gifts for her, people came but not much that she expected.After the wedding they were up for their honeymoon which was a joyous one.Lara on the other hand was a sales girl in the supermarket,and also into estate business, before going private she sometimes assisted her father Julius on his farm settled with her husband Bobby as he is called got married did little celebration.She had few friends was known to be hardworking being on the quiet side her husband allowed her in her business known and popular in her school days people did not take it seriously but she had a trait worse than her mother she could imagine things and sometimes get angry and it would turn negatively and sometimes come to past, leading most times to the death of the individual,so she knew she was like her mother or even worse and she decided she kept it to herself.Her husband lost his job and was in search of another one but was still satisfied in his present state.He made love to his wife Lara in bed that night they talked about how they wanted and wished to have a son.So that night they made love that night passionately with their dresses on the ground they were so exhausted they slept off. 41)The next day they both went on with their life's.So that day Lara decided not to go to work and also her car had some issues so she called the mechanic to take a look at it for her car had some issues.Afternher husband Bobby had gone out to see a friend,she decided to stay at home and watch the television,and bake some cake and bread.She sometimes liked baking that day was special it was her husband's birthday,so she decided to surprise him before he got back home,she ordered some flowers,pizza, ice creams.After visiting his friends place Bobby decided to order for some gifts for his wife Lara .He ordered for some pizza and then booked a stay in the hotel that day he remembered lately that that day was his birthday and that he would love to spend it outside home in the hotel.So getting home unknown to him Lara had prepared everything for his birthday. 42)So on opening the door dropping the car keys on the table.He called out to Lara and in some moments she was downstairs with him he then gave her the gifts he had for her pizza,and receipt for a room at the hotel were they would be spending the night she didn't know he remembered his birthday too so he now knew that all the preparations he met at the house was for his birthday.At the hotel as Bob and Lara arrived the hotel that evening they were treated with great gesture the hotel was superb all their needs was attended to great hospitality.After some days Lara was pregnant and some months later she gave birth.They were so happy when the

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