Lady Spy

1100 Words
LUKE'S POV: It's Friday now. Yesterday was an absolute headache. That mental woman. She's a crazy old lady who got loose from the asylum. Not to mention I was forced to marry this girl! If it wasn't for my mom! I wouldn't budge to do this piece of s**t! But if only they told me the right description of this girl. I could have refused. They told me she was a sweet, pretty, innocent, smart lady who everybody wanted to be with. But they were wrong! Completely wrong! She's this harpy, crude woman who's so good at pissing me off. "Earth to Mister!!!" A very loud yet baby voice interrupted my thoughts. I'm in a park surrounded by fences trying to get some peace but a little girl interrupted me. I saw a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. "What do you want?" She blinked at me with those doll eyes, "Would you play with me and Flora playhouse? Please!!" "Sorry kid. I'm too old for it." I stood up to leave. "But Flora wants to play with you." She pouted. "But I don't want to." This is why I hate kids, they're annoying. "You have to. See, Flora likes you." She wiggled her doll at my face. Flora's a doll? "Please!!" She pleaded. "Where's your babysitter? Go play with her." I shood her. "But I came here alone. My sister will pick me up soon. When she comes here, she will be furious because I didn't ask for permission." See, how dumb could she possibly get? "Then you wait for her." Because kid, it's not my fault that you're here alone in the very first place. "But I'm bored. Please." She grabbed the hem of my shirt. Fuck, she reminded me of that Sophie from yesterday. Sophie Duval. "I said, I don't want to!" I grabbed her doll. ~~ SOPHIE'S POV: Where is that kid? Mom and dad were out and so they called me in the office to tell me to babysit Brianna -my sister- for a bit. But when I arrived home, she was not there. So here I am now, walking on the sidewalk with my cousin trying to figure out the entrance to the park. I know she went to the park because she wanted to go there and it's a few blocks from our house. "Yanna?" I called her name through the fence. Yanna, short for Brianna. Instead of my little sister's voice, a lower and angrier voice sounded. "Is anyone out there? Get this f*****g brat out of my way!" I heard my little sister's light cries and sobs. I gasped, "She's six! Don't swear in front of her!" "I wouldn't have if you had put her on a leash!" I glared through the hole, the fence was only a bit taller than me. This should be easy, "Josh!" I called my cousin. "Give me a boost." He rose a brow, "Should I know why?" I threw my blonde hair in a messy bun and tightened the strings of my sweatpants. "I plan to turn into James Bond and I'm going to retrieve a very important package." "James Bond wouldn't ask his cousin." I blinked at him, "Down peasant, so I may become a super spy." Shaking his head, he crouched down with hands clasped. "Mission is a go lady spy." I giggled, "You are so weird." He winked before giving me a boost. I landed in the shrubbery on the other side of the fence, pulling out the leaves from my hair. I stomped straight to my sister. "Brianna, are you okay?" "He threw Flora!" My jaw dropped and I spun on him. "You threw a little girl's doll?" I recognized his face, "YOU?!" It's Jey! This jerk! A low chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I thought she wanted to play fetch." I just gasped at him, "She's not a dog! She's a little girl." He shrugged, "Could have fooled me." I shook my head at him, hands on my hips, "Do you kiss your mom with that mouth of yours?" "I wouldn't dare. But I would be happy to kiss yours." His eyes scanned over me. My make-up-free face, tank top, and sweat pants. He shook his head, "..well, if she didn't look like you, I would. Any girl but a harpy like you." I took a deep breath, opting to pick up my sister instead of answering him. "Where did the mean.." I looked him over. A blush crawled down my face as I noticed he was a very good-looking man. "...person throw your doll?" She pointed at the other side of the fence. Surprisingly, Josh already had the doll. "Flora! Thank you!" I put her down as she ran to hug Flora at Josh's feet. He rose a brow at me, "You battled a bush?" I snorted, "That guy is a jerk." "Doesn't explain a world war shrubbery in your hair." "Oh, but it does." "Whatever Sophie." I rolled my eyes and kneeled in front of my sister, "Is Flora okay?" She nodded and forced a smile. "How about Brianna?" She nodded again. I wiped the small tear on her face because of crying a while ago. "Brianna, that is not very smart. Why did you go out when I left for just a few minutes?" She pouted, "Yanna and Flora got bored." "You should have waited a few more minutes." She looked down, a tear rolled down, "I'm sorry Sophie. Please don't tell mommy and daddy." I took hold of her shoulder, "I won't. Just don't do it again, okay?" She nodded, "Will you still cook me pancakes and apple sauce?" "Of course. Do you want it when we arrive home?" Her eyes shined while nodding. "Okay, then stop crying already." She wiped her tears as I picked her up. "You know what, Sophie. I made a friend yesterday." "You have?" "Yes, her name is Aira. And we will be best friends forever." "How did you know that?" Josh asked her. "We shared our snacks. She gave me her apple pie and I gave her my strawberry tart." She grinned at him. "Well, that's nice, Yanna. Tell mom when they get back," I said. She nodded. We went home and, as said, I will cook her her favorite pancakes and apple sauce. Too bad Josh can't join us. He has some business to do at his house. As he said. Now back to that jerk, he can hurt me mentally, but not my sister. If not, Secret Agent Lady Spy will be activated once more.
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