Chapter 30: Sam*

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“Of course!” Alannah said with a smile. She knew the Twins would not break Bee’s heart on purpose. They had treated Bee like no other woman and Alannah knew something else had to have happened. “Are you sure? Are you sure the Twins were drugged?” Kurt asked frankly. It was a serious accusation to make, drugging someone's of the Twins' rank would carry serious consequences. “I am fairly certain, their vodka and orange tasted off!” Theo said folding his arms. “Well, we need to get them tested for everything. We need proof!” Kurt said. “Bee might take us back…” Ethan said. “If she knew we were drugged!!” Aiden said hopefully. “I would not hold your breath! You still had s*x with two other women!” Frank snapped. “Frank has a point, the Sea Gangs might not allow your courtship now,” James said seriously. “We will cross that bridge when we get there! At least there is hope now!” Alannah said hopefully. “Bee has to come back alive first!” Frank murmured. ======================================== 1 week later Bee pulled the collar of her coat up as she looked over the black water. It had been a week since the cargo ship had left port and Bee had been a hermit. Bee had signed herself up to nighttime duties to avoid people. She had taken all her meal in her rooms and hardly talked to anyone. Bee had made the mistake of checking her emails. There were numerous messages from everybody who had seen the video. Bee was embarrassed at first, but as she read the emails they were all supportive. But then she saw one from the Twins. Bee knew she could not handle it and deleted the emails quickly. “It is cold tonight!” A male voice said, breaking Bee from her thoughts. Bee turned and saw a man who was a similar age to her. He had blonde spiked hair and chocolate brown eyes. Bee could see toned muscles underneath his clothes and his face looked like it was quick to smile. “Yes, yes it is!” Bee said politely.  “There was no point in being rude to the man, he was only being friendly. It was not his fault that I am down!” Bee thought. “It is a clear night, the stars are so amazing without the light pollution of the land. What do you think?” The man said. Bee looked up and saw the numerous stars in the sky and smiled before saying “Yes, they are beautiful!” “I always feel my problem are so small underneath them. My name is Sam, by the way, Sam Merryweather!” said Sam with a smile. “I am Bee Clearwater!” Bee said. “Oh, every sailor knows who you are Siren!” Sam said. “I bet! I suppose everyone knows what has happened as well?” said with a sigh. Even in the middle of the ocean, they could still get some sort of signal. “Aye! But know that no dishonour has fallen on you!” Sam said frankly. “Well, I sure that is some comfort to my broken heart!” Bee said sarcastically. Bee did not know why she was opening up to this guy.  “Maybe it is because I am lonely!” Bee thought.  Bee was used to being around people and shutting herself away was unnatural. However, Bee did not think that was just it though. Sam was the sort of friendly person who radiates warmth, like the sun. Sam chuckled and said, “I am afraid there are only two cures for a broken heart, Siren!” “Oh?” Bee said raising an eyebrow. “Yes, one of them all Sailors know!” Sam said It was Bee’s turn to laugh and said “Rum!” “Yes! Rum and plenty of it!” Sam said happily. “And the other?” Bee asked. “What?” Sam said confused. “You said there were two ways to get over a broken heart,” Bee pointed out. “Oh, well there is rum and getting back on the horse so to speak!” Sam said. “Back on the horse? Oh, you mean sleep with someone else!” Bee said suddenly understanding. “Yeap!” Sam said looking out over the endless ocean. “And it helps, does it? Sleeping with someone else?” Bee asked. “Depends!” Sam said in a flirty tone. “On what?” Bee asked. “How good the person you are sleeping with is!” Sam said with a smile. Bee laughed out loud, a sound sounded strange in her ears. “You are very brazen, even for a sailor!” Bee retorted. Sam placed a hand over his heart and said dramatically “Me? I am just fulfilling my duty and giving my Siren some advice! I have no self-interest in this matter whatsoever!” “Well, your Siren thanks you for your selfless services!” Bee said, playing along. “Well, in another act of selflessness, I am prepared to accompany the Siren on her rounds, if she so wishes!” Sam said with a bow. “Who am I to deny a sailor in his mission to be virtuous?” Bee said as she started to walk along the deck with Sam. Bee suddenly heard the sound of water being spurted into the air and some splashing sounds. She rushed to the railings and saw a pod of Humpback whales. Bee could just about make out their bodies as they surfaced before diving again. Ocassionly, Bee and Sam heard the slapping of the Humpback’s tails on the Ocean surface. “Humpbacks!” Bee said joyfully. “It is a good omen!” Sam said as they watched the pod disappeared. “Maybe, you are right!” Bee said, feeling a small slither of hope in her heart. “Of course, Siren! You will see that I am right!” Sam said confidently as they both carried on doing their rounds.
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