1363 Words

-CHRISTINE- "AS MUCH AS WE ENJOYED WATCHING THE TWO OF YOU GETTING IT ON, I think the doctor should check Ms. Matsuda's condition first, bro," an amused deep voice made Tyron frustratedly groan. "Damn it, I forgot about this i***t," he sighed and shook his head before kissing me briefly and sliding off the bed. I wanted to protest because I was cold from his absence of warmth, but knowing that we weren't alone in the room made me feel ashamed of myself. Two huge strangers stood in the doorway. They were both sinfully beautiful in their casual attire. Muscular and powerful. I could tell they weren't your average wolves just by looking at them. "It's good to know you're safe now, Ms. Christine. By the way, my name is Magnum Sasha, and this PokerFace bastard here is Smithly Reid. We're

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