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"Quit following me." She said scowling after she twirled to look at me. A smile crept on my lips at the moment her hair flowed as she twirled. I know I said there's nothing special about her but only the blind won't be able to say that this girl has a charm. She’s a beauty. "I don't have anywhere else to go," I replied, looking forward ahead as I walk behind her. "What do you mean you have nowhere else to go?" She asked, stopping in her tracks with brows all furrowed tightly while looking at me in disbelief. "You don't strike me as a bum...." She added while looking at me from head to toe with her scrutinizing eyes. "Isn't it that God is the only one allowed to judge?... Or so humans would believe." I scoffed, raising my brow. Suddenly, her expression changed as she looked at me in a stern manner, but softly. "Don't judge me because you don't know me. And yeah, of course, I'm not a bum."  I added, smirking as I stopped in front of her. "Enlighten me then... who are you and why are you following me?" She asked as she crosses her arms over her chest, waiting for my reply. I can't deny how pretty she is and the longer I study her face and the longer I stay with her, the more I could feel my thirst. I would've sucked her dry by now but that divine aura had never left her. The question is, why? The angel that was with her was no ordinary angel... I could tell by the aura I felt earlier that it was an archangel. She's indeed been blessed. "Haven't I answered your last question?" I answered, smirking. "It wasn't an answer." She retorted. "I'll let your imagination work," I replied and looked away. ----- *Rosé’s POV I sense something in him but I can't tell what. I can't even tell if he's dangerous at all. However, his timing was perfect when Gabriel left before he came and told me he sensed an angel. I don't know if he's telling the truth but if he is then he has the gift to feel the presence of the divinities. If that's the case, then maybe, that's why he's following me. But nevertheless, I'm not afraid of him and I can properly defend myself if he has ill intentions. "Okay, you can stay with me until you find your own place." I sighed before nodded then turning back to the path home. He has this charm in him but there's something else. He has this aura I can't explain. I know this is crazy but, the longer he stays with me, the better I'll understand that feeling my gut is sensing. He's no ordinary human obviously... As soon as I turn my back on him, he spoke, "You're not difficult, huh?" He then scoffs that’s followed by a chuckle. Did he just insult me? "What? Is that how you say thank you to someone who's willing to give you shelter?" I raised my brow and my tone. "So where's your house?" He asked nonchalantly, abruptly avoiding the confrontation which made me roll my eyes and just lead him. "Follow me," I replied, now frowning as I started to walk. I’ve always been considerate of humans. No matter how evil they can be, they would always have a side that leads to good. However, I could not decipher whether there's good in him. Living in the earth for millennia as a human gave me human emotions I have never understood before but I learned to read these auras coming from human emotions. So whether he's good or bad, I should give him a chance. After all, I'm also given a chance "Where are you from?" I asked, walking ahead of him. "Down under." He answered on the same nonchalance again. This is excruciatingly difficult to handle. Arrogance has been the most detestable character of humans. "You mean you're from Australia?" I asked. "If that's what you call it..." he answered. I rolled my eyes upon hearing his answer. A simple yes or a no would be sufficient but he had given me a vague answer. I knew I’m beginning to be irritated but just sighed it out and not let his attitude affect me. We arrived at the mansion after turning another corner. It's a secluded property hidden behind high walls. As I was entering the passcode, he breaks the silence but I shivered when a warm breath tickled my ear and I immediately jump back out of surprise to find him too close to me, "You live here? You didn't strike me as a rich kid?" "Keep your distance please..." I said, pushing him by the chest and he backed away snickering. "So, this’ yours?" He then asked, looking up the high, concrete walls and steel gates. "No. It's not mine. It's just an inheritance." I answered. "Just admit you're rich. Everyone else wants to be." He replied. "Pride is not in my vocabulary, and it isn't from my parents." "A gift?” He asked as he raised a brow with a grin upon his lips before continuing, “No one gives anything without expecting something in return...So did you exchange it with?-- you know…" He raised a brow as he looks at me from the toe up to my face. I instantly knew what he was thinking. "Not all people are like that..." I retorted sternly. "Psshh.. " he scoffs with a mocking chuckle before continuing. "All humans are just all that, just to gain something... so, if not your body, what did you do for someone to give you a mansion like this?" "You judge humans like you're not one." I scoffed in return, giving him a grimacing look.  But then, he suddenly glared at me in a kind of glare that instantly made my spine shiver. "What's your name?" He asked. The aura around him suddenly changed. If I could not decipher it at first, now I totally know it. Evil. "Roseanne Richards but everyone calls me Rosé... a-and you?" I asked. He did not respond immediately, but he took his gaze off my face which had me breathing in relief. That aura vanished as instantly as it emerged. What is he? "Jacob Wright," he mutters his answer before looking at me once again then smiled. We entered the mansion and was greeted by Thomas, my butler. He's an elderly man who’s already in his 70's and he's been with me since he was a teen. But despite my years way ahead of him, I see Thomas as a father figure even if I never had a biological father. I know the concept of mundane fathers despite having a Father of my own. There's just wisdom he gained as he gets older and it seems that this wisdom couldn’t have. "Welcome home young lady," he said politely and bowed. "I'm home, Thomas." I smiled politely. "Can you please prepare a room for our guest here. His name is Jacob Wright." "Of course, follow me, sir, you must be tired." He then steps aside, allowing the man to enter while I followed behind him before tapping the old man by the shoulder. Thomas then ushered him upstairs and he climbed ahead of the guy. However, this guy suddenly turned his head over his shoulders, looking down at me. At that quick moment, I shivered at his gaze again. I then realized that this guy's definitely not a human. But I can't sense if he's a demon. He had an evil aura but it was just for a brief second and then, it vanishes and it’s making everything vague, he’s making it hard for me to read him. But, I have to keep an eye on him. If he's a demon then I should not let him roam around, free. My people can fight demons and it’s not always easy to disperse one. Though he's not the strongest amongst the demon I've encountered in my human life. Later that night, I was resting in my room, lying in my bed and was starting to doze off. I didn't know if I had really dozed off but I was awakened I felt someone watching me. I quickly sat up but my breath hitched to my horror when I found him standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me in the dark. "What are you doing here, Jacob?" I asked. All of a sudden, an unseen force pinned me to bed which made it difficult to move my whole body. There's nothing above me but he hadn't moved an inch from where he stood. "I know you know I'm not human... You felt me, didn't you?" He muttered his question, low voice echoing despite the softness of his tone in the silence of the night. His eyes suddenly glow red beyond the darkness of his silhouette.  My heart races so fast as if it's bursting out my chest. I was beginning to be afraid and it chills me to bones. I could not do anything even if I struggled with all my strength. Then, he climbs the bed, crawling on top of me before removing the sheets slowly. "You're no ordinary human..." he muttered looking in my eyes. I tried everything I could but I couldn't move. His gaze then traveled to me and slowly, he leaned lower. His hot breath grazes upon my skin as he breathes but despite how slow he moves, I soon found his face buried in my neck, laying soft kisses but my fear of him had just worsened. My hands started trembling for I can't do much while I'm pinned. I tried moving my whole body but it's as if I'm tied. Without warning, I felt a sharp pain upon my neck as his fangs pierced my skin, making me whimper in pain. A few seconds later, he lifted himself, "Your blood is sweet, but do you know how to make it sweeter?" He whispered with an evil grin. I now know what he is... but this is going to be bad if he continues. "Please, don't..." I pleaded in the softest tone. "You have to get excited..." He smirks. All of a sudden, I felt the force lifted from my body and my arms could move. His glowing red eyes then vanished in the dark and is now replaced by dark orbs. I immediately reached for my dagger under my pillow before pushing him over the bed and climbed on top of him. I hold on to his neck tight while pressing the blade on him. "Impressive... but do you think that would kill me?" He kept that smirk on his lips while hands laid wide across the bed, not even trying to defend himself. "Let's see, shall we?" I squinted my eyes, pressing the dagger a bit deep that pierce his skin. His skin instantly sizzles like meat burnt with fire as soon as his skin touches the cold silver dagger. This now proves that he’s a demon. The dagger is a hollowed weapon all archangels have. I got to keep mine when I was cast down to earth. "What are you waiting for?" He asked keeping his gaze at my eyes. Despite my trembling hands, my hold on the dagger was firm and strong. However, his hands start slowly sliding softly on my legs, caressing my skin as it then slips inside the nightgown I was wearing. Curiously, his touch makes me shiver, but not of fear. It’s of something completely different. "You're getting excited, aren't you, Rosé?" he whispered in low voice. "You're using enchantment on me..." I stated. My grip on the dagger loosened and my trembling hands calm with his touch. I knew what he was doing yet I couldn’t control my body. "Am I?" He teases. A vampire is an earthly demon who enchants their victims and lures them. But, if he’s just a vampire, why did he ooze such spiritual energy that had me frightened? He’s not just a vampire. He's warm... and alive. Vampires needed to die first before they can take immortality that's why they're stone cold. But this, this being is not a vampire. His hands slithered upon the hip, making me feel really different from his touch. Then, my breathing gets heavy. "What are you?" I asked. My hand's grip on his neck loosened at the same time I lost my grip on my dagger which then fell to the bed. He then quickly sat up, wrapping an arm around my waist and keeping his gaze straight in my eyes. His other hand traces soft touches from my hip to my waist, making its way to my back. I felt a sudden surge in my body that I haven't felt in my lifetime. It's become hot the longer he touches me and the longer he stares in my eyes. My hands then slowly touch his cheek as he leaned closer to me. Then, he breathed out in which the warmth of his breath teases my lips. And thereon, I instant... I lost my head. I couldn't help it anymore... I immediately caught his lips with mine, kissing him eagerly. I've never kissed anyone before but I felt the hunger and need with the heat inside my body. He slips his tongue in and kisses me back, making me feel a tingly sensation as I responded hungrily at his kiss. I was lost with the kiss and all I could think of was his lips and the heat that needs to be quenched. However, he pulled away from our heated kiss and buried his face on my neck once again, kissing it as if it was my lips but then, the sharp pain stings my skin as fangs pierced my skin once more. But instead of whimpering in pain, I moaned in pleasure... It didn't hurt. But as he kept his lips latched onto my neck, I felt the energy from my body drained like water pouring from a bottle until I could no longer hold myself up. ----- *Jacob’s POV She lost consciousness in my arms. I stopped drinking her blood right before life from her body fleets away. I needed to let her live for another day. But stopping was so hard. Her blood is special; it isn't like any blood I've tasted before. She's indeed no ordinary human. I dropped her on the bed and searched for the dagger she threatened me with. I immediately grabbed it but my hand recoiled back to my body when it burned me instantly. "This is not going to hurt me," I muttered and grab it regardless of the pain it brought me. But not a while longer, I retreated to the pain and let it go once more. I scowled at the shining blade that fell upon the bed beside the almost lifeless woman. "How can you possess such a weapon?" My curiosity with this girl just grew. "I'm never gonna leave you alone.”
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