
Mob Princess

kickass heroine

When Alice embarks on a whirl wind romance whilst in Las Vegas she has no idea it will change her life forever.

Even fleeing back to the UK can’t keep her safe for long, and she finds herself flung head long into the seedy under belly of NEW YORK CITY. She has two choices either be the pawn to the men who wish to use her or to put on her crown and become the MOB PRINCESS she was born to be.

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Chapter One
Luca   “Incoming” I raised my eyes from my phone wearily.  This was meant to be a vacation, a well-deserved one yet do you think I could go five minutes without some crisis or another. Nope. Family business had followed me across the country, if I had been anyone else, I would have turned my phone off and dealt with it another time. But this was business, it wasn’t just something you could take a break from. Even if I needed one. Badly. Hell would freeze over first, but I let eyes linger on the group of giggling girls who were edging their way around the pool. Looking for free loungers. Their wide deer like eyes comical as they took in the beautiful bodies around the pool.  They had just arrived, that much was obvious. The way they clutched their oversized bags to their chests, the way they stuck close to each other. They may as well of been holding hands. Not that it mattered, at least one of them would fall prey to at least one of us. It was just the way of the world. We were the predators. And they were the prey. “Luca, you want to call it?” I pushed my shades up into my hair, leaning forward a little as I studied them. “Blonde, turquoise bikini” I said it without feeling and settled back on the lounger. I had staked my claim. The blonde in question, tall and lithe was just my usual type. Busy, blonde and with an air about her which meant she wouldn’t cling to me whining after I kicked her out of bed tomorrow morning. Laughter erupted around me. “Knew it, you have a type you know” The grin froze on my lips and I all but tore the glasses from my face, they clattered onto the tile and the lenses cracked. Not that I was paying any attention at all. It couldn’t f*****g be. “Uh oh, Luca changed his mind” My number two Stefano was laughing like an oversized schoolgirl. I ignored him totally, my gaze fixed on the girl on the other side of the pool like a lion eyeing up its next meal. What were the odds? After all this time but there could be no mistake. The resemblance was uncanny. “No way” Stefano had followed my gaze and was now throwing me disbelieving looks. “You can’t be serious” Five pairs of eyes followed his gaze, settling on the girl who had caught my attention totally.  “Luca, you would destroy that girl, look at her” It was the unspoken rule. We might be assholes, but we don’t go after women who can’t handle it. No innocents. That was the one rule. No matter how much we might want to.  It was a rule that worked perfectly, none of us were interested in the quiet virginal types. That s**t could wait until marriage. Right now, we were just enjoying the benefits that power, money and our Italian good looks offered us. “Don’t” I was speaking between clenched teeth now. I had to make sure it was her before I phoned it in. “I never pegged you for the girl next door type, does that mean Turquoise is back on the table” His greedy eyes were back to devouring the platinum blonde as she spread herself out on the lounger, legs already shimmering with oil. “Yeah, yeah” I waved a hand at him, my eyes never leaving the smaller woman, the only one of her friends to be wearing a one piece and I frowned. Why was she trying so hard to fade into the background. She was just as beautiful as her friends. More so maybe, if you went for the wholesome good girl type. Which I didn’t. Usually. “You sure?” My god, Stefano was really starting to piss me off. He didn’t need my permission to go after a woman. “Have at it” Now I just needed to be sure. I couldn’t make the call without being one hundred percent but if it was her, and I was pretty sure it was then the timing couldn’t be any more perfect.  As if she felt my eyes on her, she looked up, scanning around the mass of bodies to find the source of her discomfort as she sat on the edge of her lounger. The corners of my lips quirked as her eyes met mine, and I gave her a small nod. The blush that heated her cheeks was totally adorable and she lowered her eyes again instantly, busying herself with something in her bag. “Alice if you are texting that asshole, I am going to throw your phone in the pool” Turquoise bikinis voice was shrill and I felt myself wince, even as I watched the girl in question drop her bag guiltily. “I am just checking my emails” Her voice was soft, a slight lilt to it and I pursed my lips. British then. That made sense. And she had a man back home as well by the sounds of it. The thought made me angrier than it should have. I didn’t like the idea of her having a man warming her bed even if he was stronzo, but it didn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. “I’ve got to make a call” I knew her eyes followed me as I walked away, I could feel the weight of them. Which was good. It would make what I had to do next so much easier.  I spoke in rapid Italian, not bothering with the pleasantries of hello as the phone was picked up thousands of miles away.  I turned at the door, my eyes finding her. She had settled herself back against her towel, one pale arm thrown over her eyes, so she couldn’t see me as I gave her the once over.  “Yeah I’m sure” I slipped back into English easily, as I lent there staring at her. “I’ve found her”

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