
His Deceitful Queen

love at the first sight

Dominic had never wanted to fall in love with a woman or a man for that matter. He only ever wanted to have fun and work, that was until the she walked into his life and turned it upside down. He fell quick and hard for her and told her his deepest secrets and desires. Something that no one else knew.

Amaya fell just as hard for Dominic as he did. She knew everything about the man but she kept part of herself hidden from him. Something she doesn't talk about and never will. She has to much to protect and she will die protecting it.

What happens when her life is on the line after she turns on the one person who loved her?

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Chapter 1
Dominic's POV The lights were out, and we are supposed to be sleeping but that is when my mind plagues me the most. I've had nothing but time in here, which has led me to think of all the ways I would make her pay. She tricked me, used me, made me look like a fool and crashed down half my empire. For what I'm not sure yet. I will find out. I'm still not entirely sure if she had something to do with what happened to Ace and Berkley either. They both almost died because of Snow. Berkley was hurt in ways that can never been undone or forgotten and then had to grieve her husband's death but come to find out he wasn’t dead. Ace went to rehab, and he needed it. He just chose to tell no one about it because he was trying to protect everyone from Snow until they found him and killed him, which they did. If I find out that Amaya had something to do with that, I don’t know what I will do. She made me do the one thing that I didn't want in life. I didn't want to fall in love. I didn't want one person for the rest of my life. I wanted a new one each time I felt the need but that first time with her it was like some damn magical p***y or something. I think and then laugh out loud because I had that conversation with Ace. He told me it would happen. He probably saw it coming. One time with her and it was the experience of my life. I was addicted and I couldn't stop. She had put these blinders on me, and I never saw any of this coming. The first time that I saw her eating lunch with Berkley I was hooked. She sat there with this long blonde hair and emerald eyes and the most beautiful smile I had ever seen and that laugh made my insides warm. She was perfect or so I thought. Now I hated her, and she was going to pay for what she did to me and more so if she helped Snow get Berkley and Ace. ***1 year ago, *** I was at home lying in bed. Amaya was supposed to be here early in the morning. She worked nights and so we would spend a few hours together before I left for work. No one knew about us or at least I didn't think they did but I'm sure they suspected it. I just wasn't ready to let them into our relationship yet. It had been several months and things were going perfectly but I hadn't done the whole relationship thing before. I wanted us to be stable before the hounds came in and asked a lot of questions. I knew they would support us but still it was scary. I knew the girls were all friends, but I was being selfish and just wanted it to be us for now. Besides it was a fun game to sneak around like we were. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. She wasn't off for another hour and then another twenty minutes until she was in my bed, and I could peel those clothes off of her and have her naked screaming my name. I was getting hard just thinking about it. I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before she showed up, but I just tossed and turned for an hour and that's when I heard the banging on the front door. Something must be wrong I thought because she has her own key and uses the garage. I jumped out of bed and threw on a pair of basketball shorts and grabbed my gun, holding it at my side and ran to the front door, throwing it open. "Dominic Mullins." an officer at my door said and as I looked around there were so many cop cars, the area was flashing red and blue lights. My heart sank that something bad had happened but if that was the case they wouldn't have sent that many cops. No, they were here to arrest me. "Yes." I said as nicely as I could. "Please, hand over the gun," the other man said. "Why?" "You aren't in a position to ask questions. Now hand the gun over," he said. I sighed and held the gun out and the second that they had the gun in their hands the other jumped on me tackling me to the ground. He landed on top of me and flipped me over and jerked my arms behind my back. "What the f**k?" I yelled into the ground. "Dominic Mullins you are under arrest for money laundering." he said and then read me the rest of my rights. ****end of flash back. **** My lawyer had cut me some deal. I should have served up to ten years, but we paid a bunch of money and agreed that I could never start another business and they gave me a year. It took me a few months to figure out what happened. I knew my brothers would never rat me out and they only left one other person. She played me like a f*****g fiddle, and she did a damn good job. She cost me a year of my life and so she is going to repay that debt with a year of her life and after that I wasn't sure what I would do with her but by the time I am done with her she will be ruined for any other man out there. She was gone before they arrested me. I made friends here and those friends had friends on the outside that were watching her for me. I knew her every move. She hightailed it out of Cedar Hills and went straight to New York. She was there before I was even booked. She has a new name and a new job. She can run from me, but she will never be able to hide and tomorrow I will be out. My brothers and Mila had tried so many times to come and see me, but I wasn't ready to face any of them just yet. I had also gotten letters from all of them, but I never answered them back. I wasn't ready to talk to them. I didn't know how to tell them that part of our business is gone forever because of some stupid little girl. I had a restless night of sleep. I tossed and turned like I did most nights in this god forsaken place. That night haunted my dreams every night. If I had known, would I have done anything differently, no. We weren't invincible. Most of the time we thought we were, but we all knew that we could be taken down. Snow tried and almost succeeded, but we managed to find him and kill him. Things have been quiet ever since or at least that is what the letters I received said. When I woke up the next morning I showered and got ready to leave. I was a free man today. I knew exactly where I was going. I would be on the first flight out of here. I packed up all my stuff that I wanted to take with me, which wasn't much, a few books and the letters I had received but that was it. Everything else I gave away. I lay on my bed just waiting. I couldn't do anything until they came and got me. I was on their time, and they took their time. They were never in a big hurry when it came to us. "Mullins, let's go," a guard said standing in my doorway. I grabbed my pile of stuff and walked out of the room. Guys said their goodbyes as I walked by. This was a federal prison. I'm sure very different from a regular prison. Most of these guys were in here for the same type of s**t I did. There weren't gangs or rivals or a race divide. It was much worse. Corrupt business deals happened here. Things that if they knew were going on would keep them here for life. I went through processing and got my clothes and changed. It felt great to be able to wear a regular pair of jeans and boots. I slipped my watch on and fixed the time on it. I grabbed the chain that I always wore that had a cross on it. It was something that my mother gave me. I wasn't a religious person, but she was, and she tried to save us with God, but our father had his hooks so deep in us that it didn't matter. When you're young, money will buy you what you want and that is what our father did. Gave us everything we always wanted as long as we listened to him and not our mother. I regret doing that, but it is too late now. I know he is burning in hell while my mother is up in heaven living the life she always deserved and never got. I also know that one day I will burn right beside him. I may not be him but I'm not a good man either. I walked out the front door of the prison and the sun was shining bright and hot. I stopped and just took a few deep breaths. It was fresh and new, smelling like after a downpour of rain. Washing away all the old and the new. This was my new start. I could do whatever I wanted from here and I only wanted one thing. I stepped out of the gates and there sat all three of my brothers. While technically not my brothers we were raised together like brothers. We were taught to take over the business and to be as ruthless as our fathers. Tate wasn't like his father at all. He had a temper for sure, but he also had a family and loved them more than any of our fathers ever could have. Reign was like a machine. The man did nothing but work. I'm not sure he even sleeps. Then there is Ace. He was my best friend. I thought he died. Everyone did but Reign his twin brother. They faked his death, and he went to rehab. He needed to or he was going to destroy his life and take his wife down with him. I was livid when I found out what really happened but now, he has a beautiful daughter. I'm proud of him. They all sat on the back of someone's SUV waiting for me, but I was mad with them right now as well and I needed time. I needed to get away from them. The shitty part is they did nothing wrong. I was the one who took over for his father and I knew this was a risk and that it could happen. I guess I was madder at myself and not ready to face them. I couldn't tell them that everything happened because of Amaya. Not until I had her anyways. I saw my car pull up and I walked straight towards it. I got inside looking at the three of them very confused one last time before I slid all the way in and closed the door. The window that separated me from the driver slowly rolled down. "Where to sir?" he asked. "Airport." I relaxed in the back. I hadn't turned my phone on just yet. I knew that they would be calling it trying to get me to come back but it was no good. I was a man on a mission. The driver pulled up to the drop off section of the airport and I got out grabbing my little bag and went to the counter getting the next flight for New York. I had a two hour wait after I got through security. I went straight to the bar and ordered a beer. I sipped it slowly. I hadn't had one in so long and it tasted so damn good. When I was arrested, I was going to meetings with Ace to get sober, but I never had the addiction he did. I drank mostly to kill time. Now it was because it just tasted good. My brothers, well not my real brothers but the four of us, were raised together and we were all expected to take over the kingdom our fathers built. None of us wanted it but we really didn’t get much of a say in it. Tate fought it the most and it almost cost him everything. He and Ellie had been together most of high school and he was going to propose after graduation, but she just disappeared one night without a word to anyone. We all thought she had left him, but we could never find her. She showed back up here one day after we thought her father had died. Tate took her and demanded where she went but she wasn’t saying anything but when he found out about her daughter, he brought her here was well and things just got messy. She wouldn’t tell him what happened, and he tried everything he could think of to get the truth out of her. Once he finally did things got even more crazy and his dad and her mom and dad ended up being the ones behind everything with the help of Snow. Although Snow hid behind other people and we didn’t know it, not until we found him, and he sang like canary according to Reign’s letter. Ellie’s daughter ended up being Tate’s and now they have a son as well. Everyone's life has moved forward and mine has sat still for an entire year. I slowly made my way to my gate and sat down waiting for them to start boarding. My little mouse has no clue that I'm free and that I'm coming for her.

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