Chapter 4: Soul Marks

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Dead Prince POV With a sense of authority that flowed through my veins, I guided Raven back to her chamber, ensuring she did not slip away from my grasp. The portal was shut tight with the swiftness of a predator pouncing on its prey, leaving no room for a glimmer of hope for escape. As the king of the dead world, I was impervious to any human influence or effect; it simply had no place in my realm. Having endured centuries of marriage with countless wives under my belt, this was the first time I had ever found myself entangled with a mere mortal. My shirt, now stained and bloodied from our previous endeavor, was discarded onto my office chair as I poured myself a glass of scotch to take the edge off. Standing out on my balcony surveying my kingdom below me, I was abruptly interrupted by a knock at my door. Irritation coursed through me as I bellowed for whoever it may be to leave if they were not my second in command. Yet despite my demands, the door creaked open slowly only moments later, and Crucifix emerged from behind it, arms folded neatly behind his back. His presence alone irked me further until I noticed his attention fixated upon the fresh mark adorning my right shoulder. Aggressively patting me on the back in an attempt at comfort, he spoke telepathically about ways to eliminate Raven's involvement altogether. But thoughts of her lingered within me - memories of her bent over my desk hours prior while her violet eyes begged for more filled every corner of my mind. A deep furrow formed between my eyebrows as I chewed contemplatively on my lip. "I brought her here from the human world; I can't let anything bad happen yet..." My sigh echoed throughout the room as I weighed up our options carefully before coming to a decision. "Maybe I'll just stick with our current deal." Crucifix's thoughts mirrored my own as he spoke up. "You mean for her to give birth to a worthy heir? So far, I see none of these high-class women." In response to the previous statement, I replied with "something like that," indicating my agreement with the sentiment expressed. Turning towards Crucifix, he boldly voiced his opinion and questioned why I didn't keep her locked up if he had no intention of killing her or allowing any other man to lay claim to her. My admiration for Crucifix was heightened by his candidness, which is precisely why I brought him on board in the first place. With a nod of farewell, I dismissed him from my presence and found myself alone once more, with only my thoughts as company. A deep sigh escaped me before I drained the last drop of liquid from my glass and went through the palace corridors. Eventually, I came upon the chamber where she lay sleeping soundly. The gentle snores emanating from within were matched only by the steady rhythm of her beating heart. Upon entering, I noted her form draped in one of my shirts that barely concealed her body. She slept peacefully in MY bed, which filled me with both possessiveness and desire. After ensuring that all doors were secure and locking away my staff, I shed all articles of clothing until nothing remained but skin against silk sheets. As an incubus who never slept, it was unusual for me to spend time lying next to someone else, but something about her proximity drew me in like a moth to a flame. Her small hands reached out instinctively towards me as though seeking warmth that only my body could provide, a gesture not lost on me, given that demons such as myself have no natural heat source. Despite being aware of our inherent differences, I couldn't resist the urge to touch this woman beside me, so temptingly vulnerable. Sliding my hand between her supple thighs elicited an immediate response from her as she opened them wider while grabbing at my face and kissing me passionately. Her violet eyes shone with lust as she climbed atop me, using both hands to play with her breasts while I teased her relentlessly. Her moans filled the air and only excited me further until I was practically quivering with desire. With a smirk playing on my lips, I taunted her mockingly by asking what she wanted, like a kitten yearning for attention. As I push Raven back down onto the mattress, my fingers teasing her entrance while I choke her with the other hand, a frustrated, exasperated sigh escapes her lips. Her eyes roll back as she clenches my fingers, begging me to let her suck me. Chuckling darkly at her eagerness, I tease her until she's wetter than before and force her to take me into her mouth. Groaning loudly and holding onto her long red hair tightly, I urge her to keep going until she needs fresh air. "Let's stop playing now," I say to Raven as she scratches at my back, gently stroking my spider legs and gripping their base in my spine. As we both moan with pleasure from our entwined bodies, I tease her by making her beg for more once she's satisfied enough. From Raven's perspective, she groans inwardly, knowing that she shouldn't be enjoying what he's doing to her so much. She can't give in entirely to his desires like others have done before. Despite trying to remain rational, the sensations coursing through her body are overwhelming: his entire length massaging every inch of her as he presses against her muscular chest and massages her breasts with skilled hands. Gripping onto his spider legs desperately after multiple orgasms, she feels him start to twitch inside of her after hours of intense passion and many different positions. Finally screaming out loud as he firmly plants his hips into hers and releases himself inside her, Raven shivers uncontrollably and shakes head to toe. Unable to control any movements due to the sheer intensity of it all, she grinds against him while he grips his nails deep into the flesh on either side of her hips- drawing blood as waves of pure pleasure wash over them both. Feeling breathless and utterly spent from the experience, they collapse together on top of each other- his eye sockets glowing a soft, pinkish hue. Raven can't help but feel a burning sensation in her shoulder and realizes that the shape of a snake has been etched into her flesh in a circular pattern. She hopes that once she can escape from this place, all physical remnants of this world will leave her behind. Looking over at the prince who had abducted her from her home and made crude jokes about eating her alive, Raven knows that playing along with him is necessary if she ever wants to make it out alive. As she slowly closes her eyes and tries to catch her breath, she feels the weight of a blanket being pulled over them while he hums softly to himself and shuffles through documents nearby. Finally managing to slip off the bed without waking him up, Raven searches for some clothes to put on before trying to sneak away unnoticed. As luck would have it, she finds a lightweight gown just as he walks back into the room with a martini glass in one hand and a human eyeball in the other. Her face falls slightly upon realizing he doesn't even bother chewing his food properly. Trying not to let him see how disturbed she is by his behavior, Raven attempts to quietly make her way towards the door only for him to speak up suddenly: "I don't recall saying you could leave," he says darkly- causing her heart rate to spike and filling her with dread at what might happen next. "I must say, you appear to be quite preoccupied with some task," I muttered in a subdued tone. He responded with unwavering certainty and conviction, "I am compelled to reiterate my position on this matter. Let me make it unequivocally clear that I shall not experience love for you. Any interaction between us is solely intended to benefit me." With a heavy heart, I replied, "Yes, I understand your intentions." Dejectedly, he continued, "In any case, I shall be absent for an extended period due to certain circumstances beyond our control. It would behoove you to become comfortable in solitude during my absence." Upon hearing his frank admission of disinterest in our relationship, despite being aware of my current predicament and the numerous instances of infidelity ascribed to him against me as his 'spouse,' a solitary tear trickled down my cheek. The pain and hurt resulting from his words were palpable, prompting me to yearn for the familiarity of my everyday life and escape from this place forevermore.
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