Chapter 5: Must Not Surrender

1810 Words
As Raven awaited the prince's departure, a newfound sense of urgency gripped her. Without delay, she hastily gathered a few belongings before embarking on an exploratory journey through the labyrinthine tunnels of the chamber. As she traversed the winding passageways, her senses were suddenly heightened as she stumbled upon a peculiar sight - a portal with swirling hues of blue and purple reminiscent of those seen in science fiction movies. Intrigued by this bizarre phenomenon, Raven approached it cautiously but was startled by a vibrating sound emanating from within. Before she could react, she was sucked into the portal and unceremoniously deposited onto a pile of freshly slain corpses. Gasping for air amidst the gruesome scene, Raven quickly sought refuge behind a nearby tree as heavy footsteps and clanging armor drew near. A man bearing an ominous backward cross carved into his forehead appeared at the site with his undead soldiers to collect and dispose of the bodies. Raven watched in horror as he inspected the area with sunken sockets and stitched lips twitching slightly under his rotted green skin. After loading up his cart with macabre cargo, he disappeared more profoundly into the woods, leaving Raven alone once more. As she made her way through the forest, Raven became acutely aware that something was watching her every move. She soon stood before a clearing where a blood-red lake pulsated ominously beneath her feet while eyes peered out at her from within the trees. The eerie silence was shattered by growling, followed by screams of terror in the distance prompting Raven to flee in fear for her life. However, no sooner had she begun to run than she came face-to-face with the exact sinister figure from earlier whose hands dripped fresh blood as he unsheathed his sword threateningly. Towering over her with an intimidating physical presence and aura that seemed to suffocate all around him, Raven realized that she was in grave danger. "It is not proper for a lady to be out in a gown," he sneered, his raspy voice sending shivers down her spine. Trembling with fear, Raven tried to explain herself but found it difficult to form coherent sentences in the face of such terror. She could only watch helplessly as the man's muscles rippled and crawled under his skin while he held her at swordpoint with deadly intent. "You shall consider yourself quite fortunate if you even manage to survive this encounter with me," the ominous warning resounds in Raven's ears, almost causing her to shudder. "In fact, I do not doubt that you will not make it out of here alive," the voice continues, sending chills down her spine. Raven pleads desperately, feeling entirely out of place and vulnerable in this unknown territory. She fears for her life, worried that this stranger might harm or even devour her. However, she is given no mercy as a low, raspy chuckle reverberates within her mind, indicating that he finds her behavior amusing. The mysterious man then replaces his sword into its sheath before advancing towards Raven menacingly. Intuitively sensing danger, Raven quickly grips the weapon she had stolen from the king's desk and conceals it behind her back. As he approaches closer, she stands her ground and sternly warns him to stay away. Nonetheless, he taunts and belittles her efforts by reminding her of her human status. Undeterred by his words, Raven reaffirms that she will defend herself at any cost. With adrenaline pumping through her veins and fear fueling her movements, she lunges forth and stabs him in the neck with a knife. Despite being wounded, the enigmatic figure remains unfazed and maintains a cold stare while holding onto Raven with one hand against a tree trunk. Retrieving the blade from his flesh without flinching causes a soft chuckle as he examines it closely. "I see why he chose you now," he comments cryptically while admiring the fiery spirit within Raven. Her heart races faster upon hearing those words as they leave an eerie impression on her mind. With a sudden jolt of strength, he drops Raven onto the ground below him before looming over her with an imposing presence. As Raven gasps for air while holding her throat, he lifts her by bending her arm. Her violet eyes betray a fear as she dreads what might happen next. His words echo in her head, warning her about what the king would do to her and how her skin could serve as a seat cover. Overwhelmed with a growing sense of terror, Raven struggles against him while kicking frantically. However, it seems futile as his hold on her remains unrelenting. She is left at his mercy, unsure whether she will survive this encounter. The complexity and intricacies of human behavior have always been a source of fascination and intrigue to many. The sheer variety of emotions, thoughts, and actions that humans exhibit is nothing short of captivating. As such, it is not uncommon for individuals to be captivated by the peculiarities and idiosyncrasies that make up humanity. In this particular instance, however, the fascinating nature of humans takes on a far more sinister tone. The grip on her arm is excruciatingly tight, causing her to flinch in pain as his nails dig into her flesh with a ferocity that borders on sadism. Despite the agony coursing through her veins, she could not help but notice the scent of her blood wafting toward him - sweet like honey with a hint of lavender. It is a taste he has not savored since he was alive centuries ago, and it seems to ignite something primal within him. His mouth twitches slightly as he tilts his head to one side, his sockets glowing with an otherworldly lilac hue that radiates heat. His voice carries an icy edge as he warns her never to venture out again or risk being devoured whole. Raven winces at what awaits her should she cross paths with this creature again. As they trudge through the woods in silence, Raven cannot help but wonder what fate awaits her at the hands of this merciless being. She shivers despite herself as goosebumps rise along her skin; even though she can feel his body pressed against hers, he feels unnaturally cold. When Raven voices her thoughts aloud, she realizes too late that he can hear them all too clearly. He chuckles low in her mind before explaining that they must take a longer route back to avoid detection from those who seek to harm them both. Raven nods wordlessly in agreement; too many questions are swirling around in her head to ask them all. Only when he makes a darkly suggestive comment about the fate that awaits her at the hands of an army of men does Raven find the courage to speak up. "Why me?" she asks, her voice trembling with fear and curiosity. The creature pauses for a moment before responding cryptically. "We all have different abilities," he says carefully. "And in your case, my dear, it seems yours is to be punished for your transgressions." "I had initially held the same belief until you plunged your sharp weapon into my throat, causing me to reconsider. Furthermore, I must admit that your blood's scent is alluring and tempting." Crucifix's words were laced with bitterness as she addressed her assailant. "He possesses motives that we are not meant to question," chuckled Raven as she attempted to lighten the somber mood. "I suppose I should take that as a compliment." Crucifix proposed a proposition to her at this point, which she met with skepticism. "Oh no," she retorted, anticipating some treachery from Crucifix. To ease her doubts, Crucifix assured her that there was no ill intent behind his proposal. He offered not to reveal her escape to their mutual adversary but warned her against attempting it again. "If you do try it again," he cautioned, "I will be unable to provide any assistance." Raven sighed heavily and clutched at her chest while feeling her heart pounding in sync with Crucifix's thoughts. They trudged through the dense forest for several more moments before arriving at the entrance of the Palace, where they passed by portraits of the Prince's family and maids dutifully cleaning. The maids' eyes glimmered as they watched Raven pass by, quickly bowing down deferentially towards Crucifix while whispering, 'Crucifix.' "Your name is hardly original," commented Raven drily. Crucifix grunted in response and stopped at the entrance, where two thrones sat adorned with glowing symbols on each step. He knelt and hoisted Raven over his shoulder before flipping her onto her feet again. Wobbling unsteadily on bare feet that made contact with the frozen ground with a slight thud, Raven followed Crucifix's lead as he motioned for her to enter the dark abyss beyond the golden thrones. She nodded quickly and went down the dimly lit tunnel, hearing maids moving around nearby. Crucifix's Point Of View With my arms folded behind my back, I peered intently into the abyss of darkness as Raven scampered away, her dainty gown bouncing with every step. A hearty chuckle escaped my lips as I contemplated the prince's choice in a life partner - an audacious and daring human woman who had once wielded a blade against me with impressive skill and lived to tell the tale. Just then, the prince strolled into the room with his staff twirling effortlessly under his arm. Without skipping a beat, he greeted me warmly, and I stood at attention, ready to execute any command that came my way. "Ah, just the man I hoped to see," he remarked smoothly. "Yes, sir," I replied dutifully. The prince requested that I keep watch over Raven for him, but alas, this was not something I could do without breaking protocol. His favorites were not meant to be seen by anyone else, and besides, my self-control paled compared to that of my master. The prince grinned at me with unwavering confidence before firmly clamping down on my shoulder and acknowledging my correct response to his challenge. He went on to inform me that he would have the maids escort Raven to my chambers later that evening - a prospect that caused me excitement and anxiety all at once. As if reading my thoughts, the prince permitted me to indulge in Raven's company however I saw fit, though he made it clear that she ultimately belonged to him. I bowed humbly before him out of respect for his wishes and tried not to let any hint of trouble show on my face. He bid me farewell as he strode towards the exit with purposeful strides - his imposing figure casting an intimidating shadow across the room. In his wake, I turned back towards the dark tunnel from whence Raven had emerged, pondering what secrets lay hidden within its depths.
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