Platefuls and Mouthfuls

1509 Words
❌ Do not copy or share on any platform ❌ Aubrey waited for the water on the fire to get hot. After a few minutes, the water got hot, Aubrey put ground wheat into the hot water and prepared wheat paste. She carried the potful of wheat paste away from the fire. “Sadie, go and set the table,” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum,” Sadie said. Sadie carried a tray containing plates and cups, she walked to the dining room and placed the contents of the tray on the table. She walked back to the sitting room holding the tray. “Mum, the table is set,” Sadie said. “Alright,” Aubrey said. Aubrey rolled the wheat paste into smaller sizes and she put it inside a big plate. She also put soup and mutton inside another plate. “Carry the plateful of wheat paste to the dining room while I carry the plateful of the soup,” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum,” Sadie said. Sadie and Aubrey walked out of the kitchen carrying platefuls of wheat paste and soup. They placed the plates and their contents on the table. “Go and call the kids,” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum,” Sadie said and walked away. Soon, Sadie walked to the dining room in the company of Ethan, Davies and Liam. They sat round the table and Aubrey dished out wheat paste, soup and mutton for everyone. “Sadie, pray for us,” Aubrey said as she dished out the last plateful of soup. Sadie prayed and everyone dipped mouthfuls of wheat paste into the soup. They carried several mouthfuls of wheat paste until their plates were empty. “Thank you for the food, mum,” Liam said. “You are welcome, Liam. Ethan, make sure you carry all the plates to the kitchen and wash them all,” Aubrey said. “Why should it be only me? Liam and Davies can join in the washing," Ethan said. “Don’t question my authority. Now, do what I asked you to do?” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum,” Ethan said grumblingly. Ethan gathered all the plates and cups together. He couldn’t carry all the plates at once, so Liam assisted him. They carried the plates and cups to the kitchen and Liam walked out of the kitchen. Ethan emptied the detergent into a bowlful of water. He used the soapy water to wash the dirty plates and cups and later rinsed them with clean water. “Now that my food is digesting, I want to go and have some nap,” Aubrey said and stood up. “Mum, it’s too soon. Besides, I told you that I wanted to have some discussions with you after we have eaten,” Sadie said. “I haven’t forgotten. We can suspend the discussions till evening because I am feeling drowsy,” Aubrey said. “It’s okay, mum,” Sadie said. “Won’t you take a nap too?” Aubrey said. “No, mum; I want to rehearse songs,” Sadie said. “That’s good. Please, make sure you put your father’s food and the leftovers inside the oven,” Aubrey said as she was leaving the sitting room for her bedroom. “Alright, mum,” Aubrey said and glimpsed at the wall clock. “Sister Sadie, when is the music contest?” Liam said. “The music contest is happening in three days' time,” Sadie said. “Wow! I wish you the very best,” Liam said. “I wish you the best too,” Davies said. “Thank you, youngsters. I am going over to my room now,” Sadie said and stood up. “Alright, big sis,” Davies and Liam said. Sadie walked to her room. She emptied her bag and removed the libretto. She walked to a couch and sat down close to her piano on the table. She began to play the piano and sang songs from the libretto. Davies and Liam walked to their room and lay on the bed. Soon, they slept off. It was noon already. Aubrey walked to the sitting room sleepily and sat down on a couch. The house was so silent that even when a pin fell down, its sound would be heard. Aubrey stood up from the couch and walked to Liam and Davies' room. He entered their room and saw the duo having a nap. She walked towards the door and exited the room. She walked to Ethan’s room and saw him taking a nap too. She walked to the direction of the door and exited the room. Aubrey walked to Sadie’s room. Sadie was sleeping on the couch with her legs placed on the table where her piano was placed. Aubrey walked closer to where Sadie was, she removed the libretto lying on Sadie's chest and carried the piano away from the table. She walked towards Sadie's bed and placed the piano and the libretto on the bed. She walked back to where Sadie was sleeping, she removed Sadie’s legs from the table and walked out of the room. She walked to the sitting room and turned on the television and other electronics. She took the remote and sat on the couch. She used the remote to increase the television volume and dropped it on the table. She was so engrossed in what she was doing that she didn’t know when Sadie walked to the sitting room. Sadie sat on a different couch and gazed at Aubrey. “Mum, I have been sitting for about 10 seconds and you didn’t notice my presence. You have finally fallen in love with horror films I guess,” Sadie said. “You can say that again. I am curious to know what later happened to the main characters. I was in your room for a long time and you were sleeping,” Aubrey said. “Yes, mum; I was very tired. Now, I am strong again,” Sadie said. “It’s okay. Let’s watch the film together!” Aubrey said. “Mum, I told you I wanted to tell you something after we had eaten in the morning. Now, it’s midday already,” Sadie said grimly. “I am sorry, Sadie. What do you want to say?” Aubrey said. “Mum, it’s something serious, so you have to switch off the television,” Sadie said. “Something serious? But I don’t need to switch off the television. Let me lower its volume instead,” Aubrey said, and glimpsed at the television screen. “No, mum; you are glimpsing on the television screen already. I think you have to pause the film,” Sadie said. “It’s okay, but please; you need to make the discussions concise,” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum; I will,” Sadie said. She took the remote from the table, she paused the film and placed the remote back on the table. “What do you want to say, Sadie? I am listening,” Aubrey said. Sadie stood up from the couch she was sitting on, she walked towards where Aubrey was sitting and sat beside her. “Mum, it’s Liam, Davies and Ethan,” Sadie said and glimpsed at Aubrey’s face. “And what happened to the trio?” Aubrey said anxiously. “They are no more the compatible fellows you used to know. There is no rapport between them anymore. Ethan is against Liam and Davies. “You sound funny; what could cause a dispute between those three youngsters?” Aubrey said. “Mum, I am telling you something that is pragmatic and you are making the gest of it,” Sadie said as she gazed at Aubrey in bewilderment. “I am not making gest, your words are just shocking,” Aubrey said and held Sadie’s left palm. “Please, Mum, take my words seriously. When last did you see Ethan in the company of Liam and Davies?” Sadie said and glimpsed at Aubrey’s face. “If I am quite observant, it’s been a long time since I saw Ethan sitting close to Liam and Davies,” Aubrey said. “You now see that I am not drunk, mum. Ethan is very jealous. He once told me that Davies is always in the company of Liam and he doesn’t like it. He also said Davies is too busy writing scripts to the extent that he doesn’t have time for him,” Sadie said. “Your words are amazing; and what were your responses to Ethan?” Aubrey said. “I told him that Ethan is a scriptwriter and should be given time to concentrate on his career. I also told him that Davies is older than him, so he doesn’t expect Davies to be flopping around with him,” Sadie said. “Your responses are good and convincing enough. Go and call the trio for me,” Aubrey said. “Alright, mum; I will be back with the trio in a jiffy,” Sadie said.
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