
The Unshift Wolf


"Now shift!" The Alpha ordered, his voice ringing through the pin-drop silence. It sounded deep and powerful and I knew at once that he was using his alpha command. I closed my eyes as I had seen others do and summoned my wolf forward, but I felt nothing, I waited for a few more minutes yet nothing happened, I could only hear the cracking of bones by my side.

"What the hell is happening?" I thought in my raging head. I concentrated again but nothing happened.

The goddess must be kidding me, I had always longed and looked forward to my first shift. I had hoped to make my dad proud as I shift into a strong wolf just like him and my mother. I couldn't believe that I couldn't shift.

"You can't shift Aspen," my father said with a disappointed look on his face, I had publicly disgraced him. That was probably the last saw and he would probably never look at my face again!"Aspen Creek, you are demoted to an omega," the alpha announced his face void of any emotions. He had always been nice to me, and he had always cared about me but it seems all of that affection and fatherly love had vanished at night.


When Aspen Creek, the Beta's daughter, the center of attraction failed to shift, her life became a total mess. Maltreated and despised by everyone, she escaped from her pack and ended up running into the Alpha King.

What would happen next?

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1. The Betas Daughter
Aspen's POV Stealthily making my way to the kitchen to avoid disturbing the others, I entered the bustling kitchen. The other omegas were scurrying around, preparing breakfast in a rush. And yes, a breakfast that I was supposed to be making with them. I greeted Samantha, but her expression tightened as soon as she laid eyes on me. I had never expected her to smile at me anyways. I mean I don't think anyone in this pack has ever seen her smile. "Why are you just getting here?" she demanded gruffly and without waiting for a response, she jumped into a conclusion. "Let me guess, you overslept again." Fun fact she was very right with her statement. Well not like it was entirely my fault tho. I mean their so called beta who's also my stepsister had called me in last night. She was having a mini party with her friends last night and kept calling me for the littlest things. For example, I clearly saw her purposefully dropped one of her earrings and yet she called me to find it. The moment I bent over, she was giggling and mocking me along with her friends. "Aspen!" She yelled my name so loud that the omegas jumped in freight and all eyes turned on me. I was so caught with my thoughts that I didn't realize that she was talking to me all this while. "I... I'm..." I stammered , suddenly feeling nervous. "You're what? Sorry? I don't need it. Just move your lazy ass and serve Beta Layla her breakfast," she ordered with contempt in her tone. Without wasting a moment, I took a tray from one of the omegas who was probably already on her way to fulfill that task. I hurried upstairs to meet Layla, my step-sister. Knocking on her door, I waited for a response, but all I heard were strange sounds, which I took as permission to enter. Slowly opening the door, my heart sank as I saw Blake, the future alpha of the pack, and Layla, my step-sister, engaged in a passionate embrace. Unable to bear the sight any longer, tears welling up in my eyes, I quickly turned to leave. But just then, I heard my sister's high-pitched voice demanding. "What the f**k are you doing here, you lowlife? Get the heck out!" I closed the door slowly and ran towards the garden, tears streaming down my face as I continued to flee. 'They ignored you on purpose.' A voice said in my head and ur was right. I was a hundred percent sure that Layla had purposefully called me in to meet them in this intimate position. She was trying to show me how she was slowly replacing me in every thing from my father, the alpha, the entire pack hating me and also Blake. They must have known someone came in! Maybe Layla wanted you to witness her with Blake, reveling in the fact that you're powerless to do anything. And Blake, he probably never cared much about you after all,' a voice I had learned to ignore whispered from the deepest, darkest corner of my mind. My life was a pathetic mess. My mother was dead, and my father, the pack's beta, was forced to take another mate, Stella, Layla's mother, who had also recently lost her husband in a pack war. Stella seemed nice at first, but she slowly turned my father against me. And my seventeenth birthday was the breaking point. Flashback I could vividly remember that day. I was dressed in a flowing, creamy gown, eagerly anticipating meeting my wolf. Excitement and nervousness filled me. Dad even threw a party for me and Layla. We were summoned to the podium, and as I walked with my head held high, taking slow, elegant steps, I couldn't help but notice Layla glaring at me from the corner of my eye. It was nothing new; I didn't let it bother me. This was my special day, and I hoped it would be an opportunity to mend my relationship with my father once I finally shifted. I mean we have been quite distant ever since he had married my step mother whom I didn't like one single bit. The Alpha stepped forward and began reciting some words, but I paid no attention. My eyes were fixed on Blake as he smiled at me. When midnight struck, the Alpha abruptly stopped and commanded, "Shift!" His voice resonated through the silence, deep and powerful. I knew immediately that he was using his alpha command. Closing my eyes like I had seen others do, I called forth my wolf, but I felt nothing. I waited for a few more minutes, but still, nothing happened. All I could hear were bones cracking beside me. "What on earth is happening?" I pondered within my raging mind. I struggled to concentrate, trying to recall the teachings from the Alpha just days before, but nothing seemed to work. Panic started to set in. I had always anticipated and eagerly awaited my first shift. I had hoped to make my father proud by transforming into a strong and powerful wolf, just like my mom. I couldn't believe I was unable to shift. What would people say? The daughter of the beta couldn't shift. Overwhelmed, I sank to my knees, allowing the tears to flow freely down my face. Glancing around, I noticed Layla had already transformed into a beautiful brown wolf with a stunning coat. I recognized her by her distinctive lavender scent, which now permeated the air even stronger. When she saw me, she let out a loud howl. Was it out of mockery? Most likely. Of course, she would be delighted that I couldn't shift; it was yet another thing she excelled at compared to me. Embarrassment and shame consumed me. I couldn't shift; I felt utterly useless. I turned to look at Blake, and a mix of shock and confusion appeared on his face. I wondered what he was thinking at that moment. "You can't shift, Aspen," my father uttered with a disappointed expression. I had publicly disgraced him. That was the final straw, and he would probably never look at me the same way again. "Aspen Creek, you are hereby demoted to an omega," the alpha declared, his face devoid of any emotion. He had always been kind to me, showing care and paternal love. However, all of that affection and fatherly concern seemed to have vanished that night. I couldn't believe everything that was unfolding. I turned my gaze back to Layla, who had shifted back into her human form, a blanket draped over her body. A smirk adorned her face while her mother threw me a disgusted look. I glanced at Blake, and he shook his head in disapproval. I understood what he meant— we could never be friends again, and our chances of becoming mates were nonexistent. Alphas and Omegas simply didn't mix. Leaving the party behind, I ran back to the pack house, heading straight to the western wing of the mansion where my room was located. I locked the door behind me and cried myself to sleep. The next day, Stella and Layla barged into my room, waking me up abruptly. As I struggled to remember what I had done, they began throwing my belongings out. I watched in shock as memories flooded back. "You are to stay in the Omegas' quarters where you belong. You are a slave now and can't stay in this room any longer. You are just as weak and pathetic as your mother," Stella sneered, her voice dripping with venom. She was wrong. My mother was one of the strongest wolves in the pack. It was I who felt pathetic, a disgrace to both my mother and father. "Didn't you hear her? Move your pathetic ass," Layla chimed in, pulling me from the bed where I still sat dumbfounded, and forcing me towards the door. I slowly gathered my scattered belongings, arranging them as best as I could, and made my way to the Omegas' quarters. All the while, pack members staying in the west wing observed me, but I refused to meet anyone's gaze, keeping my eyes fixed on the marble-tiled floor. End of Flashback

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