
Among Demons : Succubus Divine

kickass heroine
another world

Devin Venenum, a Succubus trapped in a world that hates her for what she is. She fights to do the best that she can for her people and does her best to live day by day surrounded by Humans that despise her. Her only solace is her brother Nick who stands by her in everything she does, no matter what. But as she starts her new job in a building filled with people that want her gone, she runs into a Human that makes her feel things that confuse her and wants nothing more than to keep her distance.

Marcus Ciaran, a seasoned Homicide Detective that works closely with his two friends. He's never had a problem with Demons in general but finds himself fixated on the woman that joins his team. He wants to know why she looks so familiar to him, and why she won't get out of his head. But while he notes the distance that she puts between them and struggles to push away his Ex, all hell breaks loose.

Who can you really trust in a world filled with lies and ignorance? And can two people find something real amidst the mass of betrayal that surrounds them... only time will tell.

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Ch. 1 : First Day
I stayed in my car for a few extra minutes after parking, staring at the imposing building in front of me. My mind raced with all the possible things that could go wrong on my first day and I tried to take deep calming breaths to prepare myself. I knew that I would at least get people staring at me, and that there would also be a few barely contained whispers directed at me. The eyes filled with hatred, disgust and annoyance at my very presence were common whenever my own eyes were spotted, so I needed to prepare myself for all of that. Sadly, I had long ago gotten used to most of the stares, but accepting them as an expected part of my life was a whole other problem. When I finally felt ready, I scooted out and walked around to the backseat of my car, pulling out a large box filled with my personal items. I quickly set the box by my feet and reached in once more, slamming the door after slinging my satchel across my body. After locking my car and gathering my box again, I made my way to the door, already catching the stunned and malicious stares of others when they saw me. I struggled through the door but finally made it in, seeing the long reception desk across the way and the three women that stood behind it. One was busy on the phone so there was no one in front of her. Another was sitting and typing away at her computer while the last was talking to people and directing them to the correct places. So I made my way to the one helping others, sucking in a breath before I moved towards her and forcing a smile. “Morning.” I huffed, placing the heavy box on the desk while I felt her eyes scan over my face. “I’m Devin Venenum, the new transfer that’s starting today.” I searched her eyes and realized that she was lost in thought, too preoccupied with her own inner monolog to even listen to me or look away from my unique eyes. “Can you point me to the Chief's office?” I tried again, adding a bit more weight to my words and clearing my throat. “Or maybe show me where my new office is located, or what floor?” Still nothing, and my annoyance was climbing. “Miss?” That got her attention and her gaze filled with anger as she blinked, stepping back and straightening her spine. “Ma’am.” She sharply corrected, looking me over while her coworkers stared in silence. “And I do apologize but the Chief is currently busy with some important matters, so you’ll have to return some other time.” “Really?” I asked, leaning closer and smiling when she stumbled a bit to get away from me. “Well why don’t you get the man on the phone so he can tell me himself, hm?” “I just told you he’s busy.” She hissed, no longer trying to hide her glare. “And I truly doubt that anyone in this building would hire some… thing like you.” Her little friends giggled and I just rolled my eyes, sighing a bit while my anger started to rear up. “Aren’t you sweet?” I chuckled, seeing them quickly stop smiling and realizing that I wasn’t reacting like they wanted. “But you should probably get used to the idea of working with me, hun, or maybe get another job. Because I’m not going anywhere, and neither are the hundreds of Demons that live in this city.” That made them all frown and the heavy silence that followed was nothing but pure gold. The phone by her computer rang another second later and she ground her teeth while she picked up, keeping her glare locked on me while she spoke to the person on the other end. I started smiling again when her face fell even more and she started to argue softly with the caller, her eyes now looking around at everything else in the lobby as if it would save or help her. The voice on the other end started shouting and I chuckled when she flinched away from it, huffing a response before slamming the phone back down. She closed her eyes and started breathing deeply a few minutes later, when I leaned a bit closer, waving my hand at her so she would finally speak. But it looked more like she was fighting herself and refusing to say anything to me, which was clearly not what she was told to do. “Go on now, Miss.” I mocked sweetly, giggling when her dagger-like gaze landed on me again. “Point me in the right direction… unless you really are looking for another job, in which case, continue standing there like a statue that’s just been pissed on.” An involuntary giggle slipped out from one of the other women and she snapped her head towards her, glaring to shut her up before looking back at me. I raised a brow and glanced to the left and right, making it obvious that I was still waiting. So, after staring at me with so much hatred that it made me laugh a bit more, she lifted her hand and pointed towards the left hallway. I didn't bother thanking her and just gathered my box again, passing more people while I slowly looked over the doors I passed, looking for the name of the man I was looking for. Nearing the end of the hallway, I paused by a large door and the thick bold letters that were etched onto a plaque next to it, naming the Chief’s office. So I knocked softly with my foot since my hands were occupied and waited a moment, hearing a gruff voice telling me to enter. I sighed again and tried to balance my box onto one arm just long enough to turn the doorknob, nearly dropping things as I pulled the heavy door open. “Ah, Miss Venenum.” The older man greeted me, standing from behind his desk and waiting for me to step in. “I do apologize for the mix-up, I had been notified at the last minute of your arrival.” Liar. I thought, panting as I placed my box on the chair by the door and let the heavy thing close shut on its own. “It’s not a problem.” I said, reaching out my hand and fighting the urge to say something when he quickly shoved my hand away after a mere 2 second handshake, almost as if I had burned him. “Though, I didn’t realize that things were so behind on this end. I was told that my transfer was approved and reported to you a few weeks ago.” I stared into his dull brown eyes and saw a glint of anger flash in them, hiding behind that customer-service smile. “Well, things get lost in the shuffle.” He forced out, no doubt unhappy that I had subtly called out his blatant lie. “I’m sure working in City Hall has proven how things can get lost in the madness, right?” “No.” I continued to smile at him, feeling satisfaction at the barely contained hatred that was building up within him. “Not while I was there. Things work rather smoothly when you have honest and competent people around to help run things efficiently.” A stare down started as the silence stretched on in the room, the heavy ticking of the clock on his wall making everything even more stressful. Thankfully, a ping from my phone in my pocket broke our little staring match and he finally started moving. “Your office is on the third floor.” He started, offering me a few small files with maps, schedules and papers that I needed to fill out. “That is where our Homicide Division is settled and it spills over to the second floor.” He then reached out and offered me a key, carefully dangling it over my palm so he wouldn’t need to touch me. “As I’m sure you know, your first six months here will be a probationary period where those very Detectives will observe how well you work alongside them and make reports that will grade your value to this precinct.” I nodded along as he continued, looking up when he paused for a bit too long. “After said probation, I will then make a decision based on those reports on whether or not you are fit to become a permanent fixture here, or if you should be moved some place else.” His eyes clearly conveyed his threat to me while those last words hung in the air. It was obvious that he was looking forward to the last day of my probation and was eager to boot me out of his building, no doubt hating the fact that I was transferred here by the Mayor himself. This was nothing new, though my rebellious side was rising again and I smiled back, accepting his challenge and silently letting him know that I wasn’t one to give up easily. He seemed stunned that I was reacting this way and calmly excused himself while picking up the phone, letting me know that my office already had a plaque with my name on it. I nodded again and made my way out of his office, returning to the lobby where the snobby little blonde from before was now sneering at me happily. It almost seemed like she had hoped that I would get tossed out of the building after meeting with the Chief, so I simply smiled back and made my way to the elevator. I then waved the key to my office at her and watched as her smile dropped and her eyes grew wide with shock before the doors closed. Once I was on the third floor, I looked around slowly and found three hallways that held many different doors. One to my left, one to my right and another right across from the elevator. I slowly stepped out and looked around, seeing the large open space that housed the elevator and realizing it was a common area for those on this floor. Immediately to the left of the elevator was the door to the stairs, and next to that was a pillar that helped divide the stairs to the kitchenette beside it. Four wide circle tables with black chairs scattered around here and there narrowed the walkway towards the left hallway. And a few counters, cabinets, a pair of fridges and a wide sink took up the walls. Looking closely at the ends of all three hallways, I could see a smaller seating area with a couple of couches too. And right beside the elevator on the right was what looked like a wide storage room with a wall made out of glass that looked out into the open space. “You’re shitting me.” I muttered, realizing that the ‘storage room’ was actually my office. I groaned a bit and walked up to the plaque with my name on it right by the door, glancing over to see that anyone on their lunch break could look into my space thanks to the large window-wall. Begrudgingly, I unlocked the room and walked in, groaning even louder at the mass of papers that were stacked on my desk, on the floor next to my desk and overflowing from the two filing cabinets across from the door. I slammed the door closed and dropped my box by the door, trying to collect myself while I removed my bag too. I knew better than to be surprised by this mess or by the treatment I was receiving the second I set foot into this building. I knew better than to hope for some level of understanding or recognition for my work and expertise. Yes, I knew better than to let any of this crap get to me like it did when I was younger. But I couldn’t help feeling so much resentment, anger and bitterness towards my pitiful situation. And I was more than happy to swallow all of the attacks directed towards me if I could just make it past the next six months. If I could prove useful and actually make my mark here, then I would get to stay as a permanent member of this Police Station. I would get to work in a position that pays me well because of my knowledge and I would also get to do something that helps my people. I can now become a voice to the Demons that suffer in this City and for the victims that get ignored and looked over. So, with newfound determination, I rolled up my sleeves and started sorting through the mess that had been left for me. I filed and tossed and digitized so many documents that strained my vision and gave me endless papercuts. I walked up and down the many stairs instead of waiting for the elevator to clean out my space and toss out things I didn’t need into the large dumpster out back. I then made lists of items I needed to buy to bring a little color into my new space and started placing the pictures and knick-knacks I had brought with me. And before I realized how late it had truly gotten, I managed to even hang up a few awards and posters as well, smiling as I took in my nearly complete office. I hissed and moaned at the ache in my back and head while stuffing the many files I wanted to take home into my satchel, slipping on my coat and locking up my room tight before leaving. The haughty little blonde was replaced by another blonde. Only this one looked to have been warned about me, since she instantly glared when I stepped out of the elevator. I just smiled and waved, seeing murder in her eyes before I walked out the door giggling to myself. My drive to my apartment was calming and I instantly flopped onto my couch when I crashed through the doors, welcoming the scent of lilies that spilled throughout the room, thanks to my diffuser. And after gathering myself again, I pulled my bag close to me and started pulling out the files I had brought home. A frown quickly found its place on my face as I looked them over more carefully and the ache in my head grew as I continued reading. Each and every one of the files I had brought held incorrect information about all manner of Demons and showed me just how little these Humans knew about us. Myths and tales that had long ago been twisted to benefit Humans and justify their brutal treatment of us were glaring back at me through the pages. And when I finally reached the last one, my chest ached painfully while my mind raced with the many terrible things that had happened to my people because of such ignorance. The crimes that were placed on them and the years they had suffered behind bars for things they never did. I am a Succubus Demon, which is the female opposite of an Incubus, and like many other Demon Races, I hold a unique amount of power that fuels special abilities. But because of the incorrect knowledge that gets passed around between Humans, many people hold prejudices about me and my so-called ‘hidden intentions’. And many other Demons suffer through the same things, making them prey to hatred and judgment for things that had been misunderstood hundreds of years ago. So, Demons like the Banshee, the Nymphs, Vampires, Shape-Shifters, Sorcerers and many others are used as scapegoats for crimes and misdeeds that they couldn’t have possibly done at all. At least, that's what I was reading in the documents I held. I sighed after staring at these papers for so long, getting up from my seat and slowly making my way towards my bathroom. I showered and changed quietly, my head filled with the many different things I would need to do and teach the Humans of that precinct so that no other innocent Demons get blamed for things others did. And as I lay in bed with my eyes slowly fluttering closed, my determination faltered a bit, wondering if I would be able to truly make even a spec of a difference to help my people, and my hometown.

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