
Betrayed By My Two Mates

multiple personality

As I reached the hotel room, the moans were getting louder and uncontrollable, I could hear it clearly. There were familiar voices, my breath was held tight, for a brief moment.

I pushed the door, to my shock it opened to reveal Robert beside my bestie, he was pushing his c*ck deep into her p*ssy, I walked backwardly, let with only a small inch distance, I would fall down the stairs. My legs were weak.

"Is this the Robert I saw as the most loyal partner?" I asked, my lips wide after asking, I couldn't just close my lips.

"Then you, my best friend, I didn't expect you would do this!" My eyes, which were trying to hold back the tears I was about to shed right from the reception, came out freely. I was weak, my legs could no longer carry me, I had to support myself by holding the railings of the staircase.


It didn't end here, Ava gets a call from the Alpha to be his surrogate, he happens to be her fated mate but what will happen when his fiancee returns from overseas that same day? He had made an official promise to marry her. Now, who will he choose, his fiancee or his fated mate?

As for Ava, what will happen when her husband who cheated on her returns in the future, with a good heart and as a billionaire trying his best to atone for his sins?

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Chapter 1
Ava's POV With the emergence of my wedding to Robert tomorrow, I got into deep searches for well-paying jobs, I've been tired of going around from houses to houses searching for manual cleaning jobs which pays less. This landed me with a job in a local hospital, which was said to have been invested by some group of patients who escaped an helicopter clash. I'd started working here on contract three days ago as a caterer, though I never went to a standard catering school, this had become my talent and prior to developing this skill, I've been acclaimed as a very good cook. I was working in the kitchen one day, catering for these particular set of patients who were placed on a special diet for quick recovery when the manager of the catering department met with me in the kitchen. For a while, I didn't know that Mrs Louise was there by the door watching how enthusiastic I was preparing my meals. When I raised my eyes and caught sight of her, I shrieked. She then moved in. "Hello ma'am," I greeted. It was that part of the evening where I was almost retiring back home where I lived with my husband, we were done with our traditional marriage, left with the white wedding coming up later on in the week, so I could call him husband. "Good evening ma'am, what are you up to?" I asked politely. She gave out a heavy breath with a sigh. "Ava, I'm really sorry for this, I know you are in your second trimester as you told me and don't need to be stressed but then there's an emergency situation at the ward of the crash victim, their leader isn't responding to treatment, the medical doctors require someone sitting by his side, probably till tomorrow morning.......... " she paused, falling her face. Probably she was expecting a disappointment but I signaled her to continue. "What's going on?" This prompted her to continue speaking. "Honestly speaking, there isn't anyone that's available to watch after this young man but you, do I don't know if you will sacrifice your sleep tonight for him?" I furrowed my eyes, trying to understand what she meant even though I knew she wanted me to take care of this man."What about Robert, that means he would be staying home alone? I thought we should be together tonight discussing how our wedding would go tomorrow?" I asked myself. "What will the payment be like? And I hope I'll be discharged early tomorrow?" I wanted telling her that my wedding would be tomorrow, but at the same time I thought that if I told her, she might consider me unfit for the job, I would be pained should I lose the money when I was evening searching for more money. "Well, I'm sorry to say, there's no payment." My joy faded. "Why would I do something I don't gain from?" I asked myself, signing. "I might not be able to sacrifice my sleep for no money, I'm really sorry ma'am. Why can't someone else be suited for this job or is everyone rejecting because there's no pay?" I wanted to know more, I wasn't really understanding the scenario here. "Someone else would have been chosen for this but everyone is just occupied." "Ooh," I exclaimed, nodding my head. "I fully understand the situation here." My next point of action was to consult my wolf. "Should I go for this work?" Right now, it was my best and only companion. I observed as it leaped for joy. "Yes, let's do this. You might not know what good it will bring to you in the future." "Yes, this is a probability, it might bring no good and right now I need money." It continued to persuade me, I guess Mrs Louise was watching me battle with my wolf, I was so reluctant to do this, after scooping the adequate portion of food for the crash victims, I would be on my way, this was my plan. However along the line, I discovered that my wolf was dragging me, making me more enthusiastic to see this patient I was about to cater for. I immediately found myself giving in to the job as I was done with my cooking. It was the exact time I was expected to go. My phone rang, I picked it up, Robert's name popped on top. I raised my eyes towards the time on the screen, it was 5:50 PM. Even before picking the call, I knew what my husband was up to. I felt rather guilty, even though I wasn't lucky enough to meet with and marry my fated mate, I was so happy being with him. I tapped on the accept button. "Excuse me," I said to Louise. "It's my husband." "Okay," she replied. Her face fell, she knew already that he might be calling to ask if I was done. "Hello honey," I greeted him. "How's the home alone?" I slightly chuckled. "I feel lonely, I have a lot of plans for our wedding tomorrow, I wished I could see you here and talk with you." This is what I was expecting already. "Well, I'm done with my first job, I....... " I heard a ping sound. The call was cut. I hurriedly pulled my small button phone from my ear to check it out, the call ended option was displayed on the screen. I didn't know if this was purposely done by him or something happened, perhaps his phone was off or the airtime was finished. I decided to call him back incase it was the second option. "Sorry, the number you are trying to call is not reachable at the moment." "Oh God!" I grunted, I turned around with a twisted face, I was about to reject the work automatically when I felt my wolf saying, "You can't!" I began to feel all strange, then some scents like from faraway blew into my nose. It was like a mix of strawberry, almonds and olives. "Hmmm," I sniffed more of this scent into me, my wolf was excited inside of me. Louise was surprised as I started behaving sort of strangely but at the same time, she couldn't ask me what was going on. "I hope it's not what I'm thinking of?" I asked myself. "I'm gonna be married tomorrow to my love, Robert......." I rang a bell of this in my mind. Soon I discovered I was the one leading the way, Louise was walking behind me. "It seems you know the way?" She asked. All I could do was let out a grin. I was following the voice, it felt like another force was controlling me totally. I continued searching for where this alluring scent was coming from until I got to the special victim unit. "You have led yourself here!" Louise gave off a slight mockery tone. I can remember this is the work I clearly declined as there was no pay. "Hmm," I sighed, shaking my head. How I wish that she knew I'm not the one who's bringing mys of up here. Only if she knew, then she would know what's going on here. I pushed the door opened, as my wolf commanded without waiting for an instruction from Louise. She gasped when I turned back, she could see clearly it wasn't normal. The sweet scent hit me on the nose, my eyes caught up with a charming, blue-eyed young man lying alone in the room. As I got in, he raised his head, it seemed as though he wanted mumbling something in his lips. "Mates!" This word rang in my ear. I shifted back in shock. I wasn't expecting this today, besides I didn't know what to do. I rubbed my eyes at some point to verify this was actually happening and not some imagination. I turned to face Louise. "I thought I heard there were many crash victims, why is he the only one here?" I was sure this was the person she was referring to, my wolf told me and many more. "Like I told you, there was a patient not responding to treatment while others are. He is the one," she gestured with her lips. "So who's he?" By virtue of his appearance, he seemed like someone of high standing, from his face he was in his early twenties. His aura held me captive, especially those eyes of his. My heart was pounding heavily, while waiting for Louise to give me a response, I turned towards him. To my shock, when his eyes landed on my baby bump, his facial expression changed, no longer was he enthusiastic but a frown popped up on his face, there was disappointment on it. I felt sort of bad, confused, but still I managed to compose myself. My legs were shaking. "It's been instructed that none of their identity should he revealed to the local citizens here." I hummed, feeling bad upon the term local. The world was turning digitalized but we living in this part of the Cross River Pack knew not what was happening in the outside world. We were quite alienated from the other cities, if we couldn't know who our Alpha, Luna and other high officials of the pack were, then it should be known how worse our condition was. As she said it wasn't permitted to reveal his identity, it dawned on me that he would be someone of high standing in the society. At this point, I was totally drawn to him, this was my fated mate as my wolf repeatedly mentioned. The reluctance I had for this job was far gone, I even made the mistake of forgetting I was married and pregnant for my husband. An unseen force was pulling me towards him, when I turned to look behind me, I saw Louise closing the door, waving. "Thanks Ava for accepting the job, I wish you well. Tomorrow you will be discharged early in the morning, so you can go attend to other duties." I stretched my hands, it was though she was locking me with this stranger I didn't even know who he was, I wanted to protest but my wolf's bond with his couldn't let me. I just halted my steps, staring at him with my eyes blinking. "Oh my God! He's very cute!" At this point, I was drawn between Robert and him, at some point, I tried pushing my feelings for this stranger away but I couldn't for long. I couldn't cheat nature, this was my fated mate and Robert my second chance mate, but the problem was why didn't I meet him before coming together with Robert, why is he coming a day to the day Robert and I would be permanently joined together? There were a lot of thoughts flying across my mind. "Mate, are you pregnant...... like married?" I shrieked, my attention immediately returned to normal. I narrowed my eyes at him, I wasn't happy with the question. Why should this be his first question, I was thinking he would ask of my name. I was reluctant to respond this, I looked at him and then at my tummy. Even a blind person could see I was pregnant but in his case, I supposed this question was more of greater emotional pains than wishing to know the truth. "Okay, since you don't want to respond to that particular question, what's your name?" His voice was deep and rich, sexy in tone. This was f*****g charming. "I'm Ava," I wanted to ask his name immediately but I couldn't. I waited for a while still gazing at him, then his eyes were fixed on me. "Who are you?" I finally got to ask. There was no offence in getting to know your fated mate. "Where you asked to come know about me or to take care of me?" "But we are mates?" I said this out before I could even realized. His gaze widened, steadying the more on me. "Aren't you pregnant for your husband, I guess?" His eyes were on my left finger, I had a ring on it.

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